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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. When writing on this always feels like i am talking to my self.
  2. Here is something funny then rasputina is at 1 wound shoots sonnia with decembers curse triggering overpower. The attack kills sonnia now since the trigger already declared you must shoot her again this time she defends with the red joker and triggers reflect magic and kills rasputina. Absurdity at its best.
  3. Where does it say you can't be killed twice? Did the second attack cause you to be at 0 wounds then you are killed (again)
  4. Ok then, when kill joy kills something he heals if he onslaughts a model that is at 0 wounds does it count as killed again? Is the model counted as killed twice? (1) Cleaver (Ml 7R / Rst: Df / Rg: y2): Target suffers 4/5/7 damage. After killing a model with this attack, this model heals 2/3/4 damage. Would the first attack heal him and then would the second attack heal him? if he killed a death marshell would he drop 2 Scheme markers for being killed twice? would a witching stalker Explode twice for 2Damage and Burning +2
  5. I think if the Rulebook say's you place a counter before you remove the model you do cause it Specifically says so. If killjoy onslaughted a model and his first attack killed the model he would be healed, now If his second attack is allowed (which its not the model was killed and removed) and he succeeds the duel and does damage and the model is still killed would he heal again from the second one also? See how absurd this is? the model is killed do any and all abilities required on death (finish the job, marker placement etc) then remove the model. or since the model is killed twice would a Death Marshell drop 2 Scheme markers for that 1 action you took? Look more absurdity.
  6. The Black Joker Trumps All. Forever, this is the one absolute rule all must follow. When you flip that black joker for damage Scoop your cards put them into the discard pile and say well that was fun and if you can try the action again or do something different.
  7. If this works then does that mean that when Collodi kills a model with Pull the Strings he can use the My Bidding Trigger to make them perform an action before they are removed from the table? -Aramoro Also, just to appease you, I haven't seen any debate on Collodi's Trigger....unless there is something else that I have missed to tell me I'm wrong about it.....I WOULD say that Collodi's Trigger would go off first......considering the Trigger steps I quoted, and the 'Actions causing Actions' Call-out box on page 38. -dgraz Hahaha.....time for a new thread (or point me to the old one) because the Actions causing Actions call-out says that the original action isn't considered resolved until the new one is. I think the main point of issue is the use of the word "Immediately". I've been searching, and I can't seem to find it, but wasn't there a discussion about "Immediately" not being the same as instantaneously, but rather after any automatic effects, but before anything optional can be added? I think it had to do with Actions being caused by Actions. Or maybe I'm just misremembering something. EDIT: Because if you remove the model "immediately" after taking damage, how can you then place a corpse/scrap marker before removing the model?-Morgan Vening You can place corpse or scrap makers because under markers it says before the model is removed place the appropriate marker. but under damage When a number of points of damage is taken by a model, it reduces its current Wounds by that amount. If the model is reduced to 0 or fewer Wounds it is immediately removed from the game as killed. so for Collodi the model is dead before it can perform the action. -The Godlyness
  8. you can place corpse or scrap makers because under markers it says before the model is removed place the appropriate marker. but under damage When a number of points of damage is taken by a model, it reduces its current Wounds by that amount. If the model is reduced to 0 or fewer Wounds it is immediately removed from the game as killed. so for Collodi the model is dead before it can perform the action. making a new forum for this.
  9. Onslaught. Then if you kill it with the first strike would you flip cards for a second strike even though the first one killed it.
  10. Maybe I am right. Isn't when a model is reduced to 0 and the models state becomes killed they are immediately removed? so even if your action is not resolved yet the model is missing? If you flurry a model (prime example of an action causing actions) you make you duels blah blah but if you kill the model on the first or second attack you don't flip for the subsequent attacks. Unless i have been playibg this horribly wrong. Might cycle cards i guess but if the first action kills the model that model is removed is it not?
  11. So confused with you. If a master uses a soul stone to prevent the weak damage of a stalker it has suffered 0 damage. Now if it has taken any damage at all it gains burning. And if it kills you you have died while having the burning condition. So if a stalkers attack is lethal that means it did damage which mean the enemy is on fire. Unless you arr saying the model is reduced to 0 wounds before it actually received damage. Some weird state one must be in to be dead but not dead like a certain cat. It's not trigger so it is not applied to after,before failing succeeding it does it. If you want the timing I would say its applied before you check model state but after it was delt damage. It can do that since its an ability not a trigger.
  12. Weird collodi's is a trigger. Searing mark is not how did i ever confuse the two. For that matter anyome have the exact wording on searing mark.
  13. Food for thought, there is an upgrade in the game that does one thing. To say that this upgrade does nothing makes you ponder why it was included in the first place. Then any reasonable person would say maybe i have been playing this wrong the whole time and then goes about their business. And then plays it right. Witching stalkers give burning when damaging. Not after damaging. How are you reduced to 0 wounds. When you have suffered damage to reduce you to that number. So in the Op question the model suffered 5 damage which ip so facto also applies burning. Model has then suffered enough damage to be reduced to 0 Bam stalker.
  14. You might be confusing Protect territory with break through. Protect territory has to be outside Your deployment zone and 6?" or is it 8 idr off hand. Breakthrough you want to be in their deployment zone i do believe you gain more points if you have one in their deployment zone for that matter
  15. Just to clarify to walk out of an engagement you must declare a walk action and spend ap to do so. If the model that is attempting to walk away has the terrifying ability, the model wishing to stop the active model must take a terror test. (if applicable) If a model has terrifying and a model attempts to get away and is stopped, the stopped model ended a walk action in the terrifying models engagement range and must take a test (if applicable).
  16. Can't charge while engaged unless you have an abilty that says otherwise. Like misaki.
  17. You have it right. If one of you is engaged your both engaged so no charge. But since you are not in their engagement range you can freely walk away. Just think that the "seductive" belle is distracting chompy and he is holding out his hand to stay her, so she can't get away but then he drops his hand and frollicks away to torment someone else. When all the bell wanted was company.
  18. Terrifying (Living) 13: Enemy Living models must pass a TN 13 Horror Duel if they end a Walk Action within this model’s engagement range or target this model with an Action Last line. If your are trying to make them stop you have to target them which then makes you take a terror test. If you are the terrifying model and you stop them from moving they will also have to take atest since they ended a walk action in your engagement range.
  19. Is how we played it. But its just wonky. Cause as is I declare my charge I move my model you then say rusty has snares and can not end my charge so now I have to move back since you Can Not fail a charge. Or do I get to use my ap and then not attack. How bout any model that declares a charge agaist this model after moving is pushed untill it is 3" away. Which tjat way you could still charge her but only with careful postioning. If rusty gained terrifying or some thing that required a duel to Target its not far out to say she is the target but what to do after she is.
  20. well see that's where the rules get a little muddled. she can be declared a charge target. nothing is restricting you from doing so. and her snares come into effect after you move your model. otherwise how else would you end up father than three inchs from her? lilitu can charge her and be engaged with her but something that has a 2" melee gets "snared"..... Snares: Enemy models cannot end a Charge within a3. would it be clearer if it said models with a :close Attack Actions of 3" or less can't charge this model? she is a valid target for killjoy but what happens from their.
  21. rusty is standing in los and charge distance of killjoy. Killjoy activates and is unengaged and has to charge the nearest legal target. a friendly model is also in los and within killjoys charge range. Can i declare rusty as my charge target end the charge 3" away and therefore fail the charge (which the rulebook says you cant charge if you cant hit or something to that effect) and then take my 1 action to walk. Or is rusty not Legal target and i have to charge my friendly model? i see it both ways. Rusty is in range and can be targeted.
  22. Austringers yes can do that. Her engagement range wont stop you at all. disengaging strikes specifically say when declaring a walk action leaving the range. disengaging strikes target. if you have already passed your duel previously no terror test if you have not you will have to make one.
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