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Everything posted by bud123light

  1. each person has his own quality like mine vary form model to model the more I like it the more time I work on it, you Ramos looks good I like the flame that you did. Keep up the good work :1_Happy_Puppet1:
  2. An update of what I have done on Johan, the eyes still need alot of work. The extra piece of cloth that is on his leg I painted the cream color that I did and it kept bugging my eye since it was the brightened part of the miniature, so I went over it with blood to not bug the crap out of me. here are a few pictures of what I have done
  3. Only word I can think of is that is one fine model you got, I like the NMM on it trying to do that my self great job
  4. I know what you mean, worst problem i had was a codex form GW, ordered form a third party, missing in an order i placed, they said they sent it in another package and would not send another one. 9 months later and 23 countries i finally had it kept the package to remind myself do not go cheap on shipping
  5. another update, was a bit upset when i found out that I don't have any of the paints I need in order to do NMM gold. I went this a diffrent path and made the handle look as if it's made out of wood, for the collar I went with the color red to make the red lip stick to stick out so much. I also started work on Johan I wanted to try an idea out of having the cloak in two colors, with red and a blue look, I have only done the red and will have to do the blue highlights later
  6. I love look you went for, I only see one thing that I would have done to make it more realistic and that would be the blood spray would be more on the chest and head since she would be killing someone at equal level with her then a large blood stain at the bottom for where the head and body fell and blood oozed out. but this is just a personal idea but she looks dame fine and your English is vary good
  7. Ok so a bit of an update on what I have been able to do in, last night and this morning i worked on the NMM, hair and the skin. The NMM did not come out how I wanted it to but I am some what happy since it is the second time of my trying this idea. The skin that I painted came out vary good since I only had GW Dwarf flesh, Scorched brown and some reaper pure white to make the skin. I usually use a purple wash on the figs to do the skin but this time I wanted to try something new and think it came out good for the first time. I think the lip stick look that I did came out ok and the eyes they don't look that good but this is the fist time painting eyes. Could never do it in the past on my small dwarfs, I used 6 layers of paint to do the hair and think it came out ok still lots of room for be to improve on my painting skill and since this is the second model that I have painted after a 6 month break I think it looks good. Did get some good news today Wyrd is going to be sending me my missing parts soon, then I can start lady justice and her crew. please comment and criticizes on my painting and work as I would like to get better. I need to find an old white dwarf mag for painting NNM gold, then the collar and pistol are all that are left. should have this girl done by the end of the week if all goes to plan :-P:-P:-P:-P:-P
  8. ok, so I went and got my sister better camera and was able to take some better pictures, i know it looks a little odd on the head and unpainted areas, but its a white spray and a black wash, I do this to bring out the parts of the model so I can see each part of it as a single piece. so with out further talk for now here you go the purple is not as bright as it is in the picture, it's a bit duller over all look and not so sharp. one thing I think i should have said is why this post is called gloom, it's a nick name a girl gave me in school and I cam to like it. Was a lot better then being called the walking turd :1_Happy_Puppet2: one thing I was wondering is if anyone had a tutorial or just a few pictures of models that made use of the color orange, when ever I google it I just get a crap load of people painting oranges. thank to the person that give me a good picture or tutorial of painting with the color orange .
  9. I actual did use a lot of lighting then just a bit, as well as none. the camera I have is ten years old and the lighting just messed the hole thing up, the purple was brighter then it was and you could not see the cream color. it was also having trouble focusing on the miniature since it does not auto adjust and I have to set the zoom to what looks ok. I am wondering if I should just go get a new camera for 80 bucks or so that will work with the lighting and have an auto adjust so that it will focus on the model and not the hole picture.
  10. So I am vary new to Malraux, just played my first game over the weekend. most of the guys at my lgs are vary slow to change and don't like buying into new things unless others are going to do it, which sucks but I know I maybe able to talk two or three into giving it a try. Oh anyone that is reading this I will go off talk alot So I picked up the lady justice box set and the viktoria set as well, so far I have started painting the viktoria with sword and pistol. I have done a purple scheme on it since I would like to paint up one of the nurse's by Malraux and paint it up for my sister and her favorite color is purple, and it is the first time painting purple. the inside of the coat is a cream color using reaper linen white, and adding more pure white to bring it up, the purple is GW leach purple with more pure white to bring it up. I have also painted the leather with Vallejo panzer aces, can't remember the color will say what it is in an update here is a picture sorry for the low quality of the pictures but it is the best I can do at the moment. Will be doing some NMM on this miniature later in the week if i don't get to busy, this will be the second time I have tried to do NMM and i hope it turns out ok, till next time cheat fate :+fate
  11. ok so i have the small rule book (don't have the big ones) and two starter sets, i am just wondering were the terrain information is that is stated in the location part of the book, like sewers has flash flood, dim lightening and such. I just am not finding the rules for them, don't know if i am just missing the page or what. The other question i have is one i think i heard on a youtube getting started video, i don't know if i miss heard or what but it said if i take 24ss and the other player takes 25ss do i get an extra ss to my pool. thank you to who ever answers this
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