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Everything posted by baskinders

  1. So when you say 1 is correct, does that mean the FAQ is wrong when it says that "Q. Can you clarify what an effect is? A. An effect meets all of the following criteria: It is generated during an Encounter It sits 'on' a model Paralyzed sits on the model which is Paralyzed. Conduit sits on the Voodoo Doll. " And if a dispel permanently removes an effect, how does that work with effects generated by an "inbuilt, auto-on" Talent, such as Zoraida's Proper Manners. Because it doesn't remove the Talent, only "ends the effect", then the Talent remains. Does the effect of the Talent kick back in next turn?
  2. Yeah I get what you're saying, but I'm a bit torn. Instinctual says "may perform two different (0) actions", so it basically comes down to the intent of what "perform" means. Does that mean simply spending a (0) Ap on the Talent and beginning it, as in what you're saying, or does "perform" mean actually doing the action, as in the case of the "successful cast" for once per turn spells. If it means the second then I guess that would be a reason to try twice
  3. Had this also come up today. Instinctive means you can do two different (0) actions. And I've also read that spells that can only be cast once per turn can be "tried" more than once, I.e. if you spend an action on the spell and fail the casting flip the spell doesn't count as being cast and you can have another crack if you've got enough actions left. So combining these two, can you attempt Leap with a Silurid, fail, and then use your second (0) to have another crack seeing as though you didn't "do" the action?
  4. Had this one come up today's game, how does the Guild spell Dispell work against Zoriada's Voodoo Puppet's Conduit ability? We played that: 1. the effect sat on the target 2. the "effect" was all of the listed things that happen (Z ignores Rng and LoS, get bonus flip and target gets Poison 2) 3. because Conduit ends when the Voodoo Dolls casts it again or the target is dead, and Dispell has no listed end time it should end in the close phase, Conduit "turns back on" at the start of the next turn. Reading the FAQ now I'm pretty sure we got 1. wrong, cause under the Effects clarification it says the effect sits on the Voodoo Doll, is that right? Not sure about 2. or 3. thinking about it now? Are the three things that the spell does all separate effects? And does Dispell turn it off for good if successfully cast? Cheers guys!
  5. I know what you're saying Ratty, but when even the guys that write the cards confuse themselves, as in this specific case, you've got a problem mate. Completely up to you guys whether to change or not, just offering a helpful alternative.
  6. I absolutely agree mate, I think this is one of the most innovative and fun rules sets out there, just needs these terminology issues tightened up and it'd be the best. I've suggested on a seperate thread that swapping Attack Flip for Combat Flip would probably solve most of it.
  7. Yep, spot on. But they are not Attack Flips, hence the confusion Pretty sure it wouldn't, because you cast the spell with a Casting Flip regardless of whether it's a or a attack spell.
  8. No one willing to take a crack at this one hey . Yeah I'm not sure what the intention is either? I've only played one game with my Zoraida and she didn't get attacked (with no capital) at all the whole game so it never came up, but playing another with her soon and don't want to do the wrong thing by my mate I'm playing. Has is ever come up for anyone else? And how do you play it?
  9. Zoraida's ability 'Proper Manners' says: "All Attack Flips made by enemy models targeting this model, which are not Focused or Channeled, receive (a negative flip modifier)." It's a capitalised "Attack Flip", which refers specifically to a flip made as part of a Strike duel, as opposed to the non-capitalised "attack flip", which refers to any of the list of duel types on pg.18 of the rules manual list (even though attack is also capitalised as it's the beginning of the sentence...). The problem is that Attack Flips can never be Channeled because Channeling is done as part of a Casting Flip. So my question is which word is the incorrect one here? Should it be "attack flips" that aren't "Focused or Channeled". Or should it be "Attack Flips" that aren't "Focused"? Obviously there's a fair difference in those two options. Cheers!
  10. Righto, gotcha. Makes sense about the different abilities and then dropping the counter. Didn't realize that the little rules manual had replaced both the rulebook and rising powers, thought it just covered the rulebook. Good to know. Cheers
  11. On PullMyFinger the article about the Black Blood Shaman describes a "trick" with Terror Tots and Desperate Mercs where you can get 2 Blood Counters and 1 Corpse Counter from a single death of a Desperate Merc. Is this actually viable given the Rule of Equivalency which says a killed or sacrificed model can not generate more counters/effects for other models than it's base size, which in the case of a 30mm Desperate Merc is 1?!? I'm a bit confused...
  12. Why you wouldn't use two different words, like "attacks" for the overall term and something like "Combat Flip" for the melee/range attacks and save all the confusion? Be a rewrite of some cards but the longer you leave it go the more cards you'd have to change in the future cause it really doesn't make sense to use the same word for two different game mechanics. There's no capitalization when your talking to someone... The same issue for me has come up with using the words "Walk" (used in reference to the specific (1) Walk action or performing a Walk which is some type of movement but not specifically (1) Walk action), "Bury/Buried" (refers to the act of making a model buried, also to the state of being buried, also refers to a number of talents (Mortimer & Guild Hounds) neither of which actually put a model in the Buried state) and "damaging" (the new errata steps of how to resolve damage/wounds has three different steps that talk about performing triggers when damage is caused/reduced/inflicted, but when do triggers that occur when "damaging" a model, with no other qualifications, happen). I know it's very hard to maintain terminology in a set of rules, I think every business can relate to that when trying to put together policies etc. And it sounds lame to complain about it but it's super important in a rules set cause otherwise it leads to confusion, which leads to differing interpretations which leads to even lamer "debates" over how something should be interpreted and played rather than debating over the best combo of cool toys you can whoop your mate with within the clearly defined rules set. My opine for today anyway.
  13. This is pretty much my point. I've played miniature games for about 20 years and I think the general Malifaux mechanics are great, intuitive and fun (my only main gripe is with the use of the same word for multiple meanings i.e. attack...). However, I was thinking about attending a tournament of Malifaux at some point as at the moment I generally play with two mates for a bit of fun, but after reading this I don't think I ever would. If the game, on a competitive level, encourages a player to set up their pieces on the table only to perform one action and then remove their pieces from the table so the game ends while their ahead, that doesn't sound like a fun way to spend an afternoon... as you said. To use a different analogy to the chess one, it's like going to play baseball, batting first, hitting a home run, then taking your bat and ball and going home a "winner". Anyway, I don't really think it will affect me at all because if anyone in my gaming group was to pull that they'd probably be "uninvited" to the next gaming session
  14. Yeah sorry, that's what I meant, it obviously got changed from book 1 of rules to currently used book of rules . Shame it did get changed, cause it doesn't feel right to me. It's like playing chess but taking your King of the board before your opponent can get a check-mate, seems like bad form...
  15. So the rule about selecting a target for an attack in the rules manual that says you can target any model except your crew's Master or the model making the attack got changed then?
  16. Yeah, I guess this is where the confusion is. The treasure counter gets dropped if you change position in any other method than a Walk action (it doesn't say (1) Walk), while the Silurid make (bolded and capitalized) Walk. So we've got 3 seperate things all using the bolded and capitalized word Walk: - (1) Walk (the general action you can spend a general Ap on) - Walk (either the act of doing a (1) Walk or "Walk action" using the movement rules for that type of move) - Walk action (not sure, could mean (1) Walk, could mean an action when you use the Walk rules and stat?!?!) I can see the case either way here. But if Headcase2 is correct, does that mean you also can't use (1) Relentless?
  17. Ha, so turns out Felstorm had the newer V2 cards with that wording all along, but we tend to use the iPads and the PDF V2 cards for ease of reading bigger font usually so we'd never bothered to look . We've got another clarification for them that came up. The Mobile ability means they ignore severe terrain when Charging, and (2) Run Through allows them to "Push this model up to its Cg". So does this count as "Charging" for the purposes of ignoring severe terrain? Cheers!
  18. Yeah sorry, should have explained the whole thing. Silurid get the Graverobber characteristic if the Spawn Mother is in play, and if she has made her Spawning Pool, and if a Silurid has a Corpse Counter they "...may Walk up to 4" directly toward the Spawning Pool at the end of their activation". The Treasure Hunt Counter gets dropped if the model holding it moves in any other way than a Walk action. I guess the question is, is this Walk equivalent to a Walk action? And if not, how about other abilities that generate an additional Walk like Nimble, Fast and Relentless?
  19. Can a Silurid holding Corpse Counters and the Treasure Hunt counter make their "free"4" walk action at the end of their activation without dropping the Treasure Hunt counter? Or does the free Walk not count as a Walk action for some reason?
  20. Hmm, that's weird, why would it not be either on the pdf of the Outcast V2 cards or the Model clarifications page? Makes sense as a rule with placing in the deployment zone if the "summoner" is dead/buried/sacrificed though. If this is the case and you place the Ronin in the closing phase, do they suffer from Slow like other summoned models usually do? I only ask because the rulebook says "A Summoned model may activate during the turn it was summoned, but receives Slow...". So I'm guessing Ronin, given they don't activate on the turn they're summoned, don't receive slow?!?
  21. Yeah I guess for now we'll play as though "closing phase" was not included in the rule and just do the summon during the summoning model's activation, given if you want to take that option it costs you 1AP from your leader, 1AP from the Ronin and effectively reduces your in game max soulstone pool by 5 already, which is pretty expensive! Even though Ronin do kick big @rse
  22. Yeah Oscilioth is right, you can only use Alpha on enemy beasts, so that's the confusing part for me is, if the Reactivate does not happen immediately then what occurs from there? Obviously Marcus would get to control the model when it performs the Reactivate, as that's what the rule says, however who gets to nominate when it performs the Reactivate and as part of which crew? Because if it is an enemy model to Marcus until it Reactivates, then you'd assume Marcus' opponent would choose when it Reactivates and it would activate when an enemy model could normally, but as soon as it activates Marcus takes over and does the activation. Other option is that from the time the model gets Alpha'd they count as friendly to Marcus and his controller decides when to Reactivate at a time when a friendly model normally could. My feeling though is it is intended that the Reactivation happens immediately, which is much simpler and less confusing. Maybe just a badly constructed sentence for the rule?
  23. Ronin Always for Hire ability allows a model to "spend 1AP and 5ss during the closing phase to summon a Ronin" How can a model spend 1AP in the closing phase? Is the intention that the model spend the 1AP and 5ss in their activation to summon a Ronin in the closing phase? Or does this rule mean a model may "save" an AP from their activation until the closing phase to summon a Ronin. And if it was intended that you pay the costs in your activation but place the Ronin in the closing phase, what happens if the summoning model is killed after they've paid the summoning cost but before the close phase (ie. is the ronin not placed, placed within 6" of where the model was killed...?) Cheers!
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