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Jack Point

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Everything posted by Jack Point

  1. Sorry for being off for a while and thank you all for the tips. If I have any other questions, I will resurrect them, but for the time I am just going to work on the hobby side of things.
  2. Phew... Thanks, again, lots of thanks for giving me so much to be getting on with.
  3. Getting my hopes up for May. Just in time for me to get my 'crew up and running.
  4. Sorry for being off for the past day, but cheers and a big thanks for all the tips. Bookmarked already, and if anyone has anything else, I would love to hear it.
  5. First, this post will be edited later on to contain my Miners and Steamfitters Union/Ramos Arcanist lists and probably some pictures. Anyway, let's get to the point. I have lurked here for a while, looked at a few Malifaux factions, and chosen the Arcanists, specifically Ramos. Apparently, he is not the easiest of Masters to get used to, but I like his models too much to give him a miss. The miniatures fit really well with a sort of Keir Hardie, ILP, early Socialist feel, although that may just be my grandad was a Union man and I also play A Very British Civil War. Obviously, my first list is: Ramos Steamborg Executioner 10ss Rare 1 Steampunk Arachnid Swarm 9ss Steampunk Arachnid Swarm 9ss Pool: 8 For a total of 28ss, leaving me seven left to play with at 35 points. I hear Steampunk Arachnids can be magnetised (how? they seem far too thin to start drilling - I would love some advice), which is a big saving in money. To expand, I think, as I am playing up the Socialist/Trade Union element in Ramos's faction, some Union Miners and Johan, Electrical Creation, a few of the Totem options and some Large Steampunk Arachnids to keep a pool of M and SU themed models to take on all comers. I may also get Alternate Ramos because I like the miniature, and certainly his avatar. As a strategy (play, find out what works, read tacticas, build up a pool of themed minis) for a new player, how does this sound?
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