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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Yup, at the end, I plan to fancy it up and release it for everyone to enjoy. Need to tweek some of the encounter rules also.
  2. One of these days, I am going to enter Edonil's iron quill contest, I swear I will.
  3. He is on the forums, so I won't say. I will tell you tomorrow.
  4. Most everyone in the group would take it easy on a new player. The other plus, M2e does not really reward a player for wiping another player. Edonil, it was story encounter. Something myself and one of the other podcast cohost/henchmen came up. I am the creative force and he is the rules force.
  5. There was 7 people all together. I realized I forgot to turn it in for the event, so I got no credit on it. -laughs- It was still a good time. Just one guy in the group seem to have a chip on his shoulder at the time, but it was all good.
  6. No way. As the henchmen, my number one rule is to sit out if there is an odd number of players. I am there to make sure everyone has fun and if that means I am sitting at the side playing Monster Hunter on my PSP, then that is what I do. I have lots of crews you can use and I am sure anyone in the group would let you use any model you like.
  7. Yup, she will totally ready for the next event!
  8. You got to play one more demo and then you can!
  9. Join us at the Dragon's Lair every Saturday in September for M2e demos! You need only to show up and give it a try. You can even enter a raffle to win a starter box to get you started! Here is some info! Where: Dragon's Lair Comics 8316 Blondo st Omaha, NE 68134 (402) 399-9141 Time: This will vary between 11am and run until 4pm. Cost: Nothing, just join in! It all happens Saturdays at the Lair. The raffle? Drop in and try out a demo, like it, then ask for a raffle ticket. On September 28th, I will draw for one lucky player to get a starter box to get started in Malifaux!
  10. Anyone here with the new m2e book read the gremlin faction story? Notice how all the gremlin bosses were getting together but that also included Burt Jebsen. Kinda makes you think, huh?
  11. So bow, you going to play in the event tomorrow or just watch?
  12. Lot of talk about cake in here. Everyone knows the cake is a lie, right?
  13. Yes, welcome to the Resurrectionist side! Kirai was the master that made me fall for the Resurrectionist, even thought she was the last master I got. The faction over all is very fun to play.
  14. Personally, I think Bete Noire is the perfect example of what a m2e model should have been modified to be like. She keep most of her abilities and spells and they were included so that you could actually use them. Over all, the best model change over.
  15. Oh yeah! Hoping with m2e out, I get a few more new players!
  16. Doing great! Relax from a day of work. How about yourself?
  17. Guess it depends on how you look at things. I liked it. For Wyrds first story encounter, it is not bad, it is not great, but not bad. Think there is going to be a review of it on Through The Breach podcast this Friday.
  18. Wait, I didn't think gamers were to have social life outside of gaming. Maybe that is just me? -laughs- ---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ---------- That is totally understandable. Hope you are doing ok.
  19. It is time for part two of the Master of Malifaux summer story encounter created by myself and Obscure_Ref! Wondering what info the guild found? Wondering what will happen next, only one why to find out! Come on down to the Lair and find out! Here is the info: Where? Dragon's Lair Comics 8316 Blondo St Omaha, NE 68134 (402) 399-9141. When? Saturday August 31st. Time? Starts at 10am until 4pm. Cost? Totally free!! Crews will be 50ss, encounters will be played using m2e rules, players may use the latest beta rules for models and proxies for any model not yet released. Come by the Lair and check it out!
  20. The old encounters have needed an update for a while. Sometimes it is up to us players to update stuff and why not? I am sure we can update them just as well as wyrd can.
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