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Everything posted by Sybaris

  1. I see, i think i'll buy the stat card of both and test them with a proxy. Thanks alot for the tips, that's really appreciated.
  2. Quite convincing. Looking at the crew builder, is the Cherub any worthwhile?
  3. That's fine by me, although it'll depend how i like the tots...they seem to be more or less insignificant (apart from flay), but i'll sure get some for variety's sake.
  4. Pretty sound advices, thanks I believe the crew i will likely go with is : Lilith (4 Stones) Nekima 3 x Young Nephilim
  5. This is good news for me since want to play lilith and have little interest in the other masters, although a bit sad to hear about the lelu/lilitu combo. Would Ophelia be a good match vs lilith? I guess the gremlins are a tad subpar to the Ortegas but they are sometimes seen as "silly" by new players and that can be just want they need to overcome the rule learning curve. Thanks alot
  6. Hello, I've been reading the "things you hate about Malifaux" and there seems to be alot of angst against Neverborns for being overpowered. My trouble is, they're the one i like the most (theme if not style). Model/theme wise i like Nekima and Lilith, but i am also about to teach Malifaux to other people, and i obviously don't want to be using overpowered set ups so they don't get discouraged right from the start. So, what are the combos i should avoid? Is Nekima viable away from Lelith or other nephilims? Thanks
  7. Blood bowl didn't get any support from GW as soon as they realized people stopped making teams at a point. The ruleset, however, has been refined to one of the best board game by the company. That said, the models of bloodbowl are really old, and i am sure people would be all over new versions of their teams if they were released. It's just that GW has pulled the plug on it. Warhammer (and its 40k version) is just silly with the schedule, as mentionned above. Some armies can wait for a decade for an update or even new models, which often require a total revamp of the player's armies (in order to sell the new models). Malifaux drew me and my GF due to the theme and style, as well as the low miniature count. That makes it simple (something very important for my GF) to learn, but with complex tactics regardless depending on what models you pick. So if i am a tactical nut i can go and pick Colette, but if i feel all brawn i can go for Perdita. I do hope that it won't go away from that small, over the top skirmish mood. There's still tons of stuff that can be added, along with new models. As stated above a cooperative ruleset (for 3+ players) would be awesome. Rules for experience and campaigns too. I just don't want to field "armies of malifaux"
  8. The avatars seem quite fitting to me. I think Wyrd has avoided a bit of power creep by not making them "masters +1" to be deployed at the start of the game. It would have been easy to do, and it's what most games do actually, but instead they brought a new tactical aspect to the game. That said, nothing prevents two players from making an "avatar vs avatar" themed scenario.
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