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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. All factions can do everything to some extent or other,.. but the basic breakdown goes something like this,.. Gremlins>> a "fun" faction,..(not that they can't do damage,.. but do sometimes blow themselves up) Guild>> a more serious faction. Have some heavy hitters, but tend towards being "shooty" Arcanists>> based a lot on "movement" shenanigans Rezzers>> Not real heavy hitters,.. but as the name suggests, they resurrect things over and over again. Neverborn>> a lot of magic and status effects (ie: poison, slow, paralyze,..etc) Outcasts>> Jack of all trades faction,.. Ten Thunders>> Seem to be more combat oriented,.. These are all, of course, vague generalizations. But hopefully it helps to break the factions down a bit in your head, to help you make a slightly more informed choice.
  2. The models look good, especially for a first go. My critique falls into the photo realm. 1) Try to get a front facing light. Many of your models details are obscured by shadows. 2) Also, if you camera has it, try to use your macro function. It will really help with the focus on these smaller objects. Doing these two simple steps will help a lot.
  3. I suppose the answer to this very much depends on you. What sort of play style do you enjoy? Speed? Brute strength? Magic? Tactically diverse? Is winning your top motivation? or is fun? It also might help to get the book(s) and read up on back-stories. You might find that one catches your interest more then the others. Alternatively, if looks are more imporntant then stratagems,.. you could make your decision based on the looks of the models, rather then how they play on the board. In short, ... can you give us a bit more detail as to just what exactly you want in a crew??
  4. Thanks guys!!! (you were right) Turns out it was the gold touching white thing. There's still a bit of clean-up to do, to trim up and thin down the black-line on the chest and the wrists. (So ignore those for the moment other then for over-all effect). But if you pay attention to the skirt,... you'll see what I mean. That simple black line makes a HUGE difference to the visual impact, and the way that the colors interact with each other, and your eye.
  5. Thanks Ned,... but I'm not sure that I like how it's coming out. Feels a little rough. So then,.. to black-line?? or not to black-line???,... that is the question,...
  6. got the skirt, scabbard, and arms added. Still lots to do,..
  7. Yes,.. but Mako's insane,.. *sagely nod*
  8. still a long way to go,.. but here's an update. (don't worry,.. she won't be in her underwear forever. There is an actual skirt piece, I'm just not there yet,..)
  9. Thanks Vaiuri!!! Ed>> that's just overspray from the airbrush. I need to still spray the flesh of the upper leg,.. after which that overspray area will be gold like the rest of the trim.
  10. Here's the direction of the paint so far,..
  11. so, here's a shot of the base before I begin. As for the figure, it's an armored piece. Trying to decide between a metallic blue or a metallic purple. Will probably go with a gold trim either way,.. but the armor color may well affect the skin tones and/or hair color that I choose to use. Thinking about doing something different then the usual white girl skin tone,.. hrmm,... maybe a dark-elf look?? Thoughts?
  12. Thanks Viruk,... green???
  13. Thoughts on the geo-political structure of an ever expanding global government?
  14. Some folks complained about the red background,.. so here it is on blue,..
  15. Inori Yuzuriha,... complete,...
  16. ok,.. got the small squares added to the frilly bits, and managed to get one arm added. Unfortunately, the other arm is missing a finger,.. guess I need break out the sculpting clay,..
  17. I thought the brit's kicked ya out ages ago???,... guess the Canadian's finally came to their sense though!! *lol*
  18. got the body mounted and a few of the frilly bits added. Practicing the gradient on the big base surface really helped prepare me for the smaller section of color on the clothing pieces. Still a ways to go,.. but it is coming along,.. and quite nicely, if I do say so myself,..
  19. ok,.. I think this is about as good as I can do,. so I'm gonna go with it,..
  20. 4 separate colors. I then broke the disk into 4 equal parts. dark grey (top 25% of base), a medium grey (from the 25% to 50% line), a light grey (from the 50% to 75% line), and finally pure white (from the 75% to 100% line). Then using the airbrush, I've been doing slow even layers,.. pulling the dark grey down a little,.. then the medium grey gets pulled up into the dark grey a little. Then back and forth between the two colors to get them to mingle into one another. (repeat for each next color) It's a (painfully) slow process,.. but I like the results
  21. A quick shot of the base. It still needs some work, but it's coming along. Getting a smooth gradient from dark grey to white has been a bit of a bear. But I think I'm managing it.
  22. The paint job so far,..
  23. and here's a look at the torso and leg pieces before I start on them,..
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