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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Does it have additional dials?? barometric pressure and humidity and such?? Might need them if it controls storms,...
  2. Only about 15 more days to go!!! That's right kids!!!,.. just over 2 weeks, and the Sculpters Challenge is over!!! *wonders what the turn-out is going to be like*
  3. The Tornado Watch!!!,... *don't tell mako!!!* Bwahahaha!!!
  4. just got home from work a bit ago,.. and its finally the weekend,.. so no complaints. you?
  5. *swings in and takes my usual spot up in the corner* How goes the evening???
  6. New Toys!!!! *and the peasents rejoice,..* Here's a picture of the compressor I just picked up. (both in and out of the box). It's a Testors Aztek series compressor, specifically designed for airbrushes. Max 35 psi.
  7. none of it studied??? ---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 PM ---------- anyhow,.. time for bed for me. have a good evening. *swings off into the night*
  8. well,.. then it becomes also about greenstuff,..
  9. a lot of reposing is simply knowing where to cut the model to adjust the position
  10. My sculpting still needs a lot of work too. Though, my freehanded attempt at "The Nameless" came out better then I had hoped. (it actually came out like my picture, more or less) So I suppose I can't complain. Not sure what I'll do if/when I actually have to sculpt faces and/or open hands though,.. ---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ---------- I suppose it would,.. but I'll have to get a much smaller needle setup. The one I have now will be too big, even on it's smallest setting.
  11. I'm actually getting better results with the airbrush. I just can't seem to get the same gradients or fades with a brush. Somehow, no matter how thin I make the paint, or how many layers I do, it just ends up with a "step" in the paint. That smooth transition eludes me for some reason.
  12. I do gaming,.. (though I'm horrible at it). I never win. But then, everyone else I play against always goes for the "uber-crush-kill" list for whatever army they play. I, however, tend to play with models I like to look at. Which doesn't always provide the best synergy. It's hard for me to get a game in though. My LGS has pretty much been taken over by card-floppers,.. and they tend to look at me like I'm inconveniencing them by taking up table space. But to be fair,.. 4 players can fit in the same table space. But to answer your question,.. I'm a painter first, and a player second. I mostly only play to show off my work.
  13. Well,.. I was planning to win the lotto this weekend,...but assuming that falls through, I was thinking about hitting mako up for those mutant powers he was suppose to be making in the lab. Assuming that this plan also falls through,.. I thought I'd maybe get in a game with y'all on Saturday night. And my uncle is in town from Sweden, so might pop in over there for an hour or two. Other then that, working on my kit as usual. You?
  14. I like the concept of river,.. but again,.. the actress falls short for me
  15. It's just a personal preference. I just don't feel that the Smith doctor is as good as Tennant's. Tennant was a bit "darker" and I really enjoyed that about him. Where-as Smith is a bit more "goofy-space-hobo with a magic box". Don't get me wrong, there are a few good episodes in Smith's time, but I feel that it has more to do with the writing then with his acting ability.
  16. no,.. ran out of air,.. again,... But I've done a bit of priming and sanding in the meantime though. This weekend I'll try to move it along a bit further.
  17. been a long day. not feeling too well. ---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ---------- you?
  18. It's a weird pose for a model though,.. being suspended in mid air like that. I was wondering if it would be possible to mount the character on the base (feet possibly on a tree stump or rock or what have you),.. and have his "mace and flames" hitting the ground outside the base itself. (I know it's modeled to be assembled this way, but my way would make it seem more natural to me.) Thoughts?
  19. Well done as always. I really enjoy the "blue-horizon" fade into the "star-light". And as always,.. you're one of my heroes *grin*
  20. Thanks guys!!! I appreciate all the compliments. It's nice to hear, especially for someone of my remedial skill level. (at least as compared to people like mako and odinsgrandson*grin*) I guess I'll have to continue doing as best I can with this project, or risk upsetting everyone,.. (no pressure though, right??? *lol*) My current can of air has expired yet again. So this weekend I'll have to get another one so I can at least finish up the second leg. And I'll try to get the dress part done this weekend too,.. so that at least you guys can see the bottom half of the model completed. As for the colors, I was thinking of possibly doing the black of the dress as patent leather too. But that may be too much "shiny" on one model. So maybe something a bit "flatter" and more cloth-like. Don't know,.. haven't quite decided yet. Also, If I plan to change the black of the dress to something else, like a charcoal grey, or perhaps a navy blue,... now's the time to do it. Thoughts??
  21. *swings in* Only on for a sec, gotta go to bed, but thought that I'd pop in and say hi,..
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