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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. Agreed,.. black covers white easier then white covers black (in most cases). I'd say get a zoo book and copy what you see. Otherwise, I'd suggest to approach it a little like "painting black flames, that do not touch" This should give you the uneven line texture while ensuring that you still have the white separations. I hope that makes a bit of sense.???
  2. I was thinking more in terms of multiple obscene gestures,... but that works too *grin* ---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ---------- Well,.. chatting is good enough. ---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ---------- Plus you guys can show me all your swag ---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ---------- Anyways,.. g'night guys. I'll chat at ya more tomorrow. And I've really only got the Kenshin head left to do at this point. I just gotta decide on happy eyes, or angry eyes kenshin,... and which hairstyle I want. ---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ---------- *poofs away for the night*
  3. Doing well,... but alas,.. it's bed-time for me once more. We'll have to talk more tomorrow. Are we on for this coming Saturday?
  4. about the only ones I can use are some extra middle fingers,.. for obvious reasons,..
  5. I take it that everyone made it back with all their fingers and toes intact??
  6. And with the arms attached,... Sorry,.. more crappy night-time pics,.. Next, I just need to decide which head I want to do. There's a couple different hair styles, but more importantly, I need to decide on the eyes. Do I want happy kenshin eyes, or angry kenshin eyes???
  7. Got the sword and sheath done. Not sure that the edge on the back side of the blade shows well enough though.
  8. Alternatively, you could just mash some greenstuff down into the base, and shape it to the round pattern. Then smooth down the top. Then, while its still plyable, use the backside of your xacto blade the press down into the clay and make long parallel rows going all in one direction. Next, stagger a few cross-cuts in the planks, since the end joints rarely line up. Now that the boards are shaped, use the tip of your xacto blade and lightly score down the length of each plank with lots of intermittant strokes. This will make a wood grain pattern. Let dry/harden, then paint brown and wash/highlight. Its actually really fast and easy to do. I have a few examples in my gallery. Some are the prefab bases bought from wyrd, others I did by hand. I'll let you decide which is which,.. http://wyrd-games.net/photopost/showgallery.php?ppuser=8871&cat=500&page=1
  9. Sadly,... I haven't bought any actual minis as of late. Everything I've been getting is oversized. I'm gonna have to start doing some minis again soon.
  10. no it doesn't,... they let people like me in,... or was that a bit of an oversight? *grin*
  11. Anything with a nicely pointed tip will do. And don't worry if the line seems too thick, you can always trim it back down to a thinner line using the gold again. Alternatively, you could go to your local craft/hobby store, and buy a couple different sizes of "micron" pens, and just draw the line in.
  12. Oh,.. and I hate you all for getting to go,... *just thought I'd toss that little tid-bit out there* *grin*
  13. I'll have to have you mail me one at some point ---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ---------- Still wish I could have made it. The shirts would have been awesome
  14. Here's the basic top,... and after a bit of black-lining,.. It's a bit shiny as I just clear coated it, and it hasn't dried all the way. And, of course, there's still some shading to do. I'll try to wrap that up tonight, and assemble the top and bottom. Now, I just have to decide if I'm doing the head or the arms and weapon first,...??? Hrmm,.. decisions, decisions,...
  15. well,.. it seems to be another slow night, while everyone but me is off enjoying themselves at Gen Con. *pouts*
  16. Should have another update later tonight or tomorrow. But for now, this thread is getting rather sizeable. And finding things has become a bit of a hassle. So I've edited in an index on the front page, just in case anyone needs to find something particular.
  17. Thanks for the shameless plug *wink* Riastrad>> Seriously though, if you are going to use my work as an example, I recommend looking at the kakashi stuff on pages 16-22. Its a prime example of blacklining. It doesn't work for all paint styles, but in this case, I just think it'll help keep all the gold from "bleeding into itself",... if that makes sense?
  18. I'm not saying to wash it, but rather to blackline it. Just run a thin black line down the inside edge of the jacket, to seperate it from the vest. And again across the bottom of the vest and jacket, to seperate them from the pants
  19. Man,.. it sure is quiet in here today. Hellooooo??? *waits for the echo from the empty space* ---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ---------- Alright,.. off to paint more for tonight then,...
  20. awesome models at 1/5 scale,.. but sadly, they come pre-painted. Which sucks, because I would have loved to paint these myself. .jpg]
  21. First up, a shot of the bottom half on the base. Just so you guys can get a sense of what the final product is going to look like. I wasn't sure about the yin-yang on the base at first. But now that I actually see it, I find that I really like it. Next up, the chest and shirt parts. Here's a shot of the raw bits,...
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