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Everything posted by Webmonkey

  1. I'm telling you,... pastels are the way of the future. The shading is just fantastic and easy to do. Might take a bit of practice to get proper on the smaller minis though
  2. It's not so bad once you learn how to tell the genres apart. It makes it a lot easier to find the gems. ---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ---------- you,... have a friend???? *grin* j/k
  3. there's no such thing,.. and if there is,.. you don't count,...
  4. For those of you anime fans out there, I just stumbled across "Future Diary". This looks to have a lot of promise.
  5. hey now,.. I need it to power my Frankenstein experiments,... ---------- Post added at 06:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ---------- I think keeping an eye on the news might just be in order. I figure this is gonna go one of two ways. Either it'll be a total peace and love rally (not likely, but hey,.. it could happen) Or this is gonna go HORRIBLY wrong,...
  6. just saw an article. over 2 million bikers are on their way to Washington DC (even though their permit was denied) in honor of 9/11 (which is tomorrow for those of you who weren't paying attention). Problem is,.. tomorrow is also the Million Muslim March. So then,.. a bunch of hard-core, flag toteing, hick-types,... and a bunch of muslim types,... It's not too hard to do the math and figure out how this one's gonna go,...
  7. well,.. tomorrows news should be interesting,...
  8. And once you get the pieces clean,... remember that you don't need to completly coat the figure. A light to medium "dusting" will do. I also recommend duplicolor spray primer. It lays down fantastically.
  9. I can try baking it again. Maybe it's not fully cured or something. If the lines were straight, I don't think I'd have the same problem. I think it may be the curve making it hard to get the lines in. (I may have to scrap it and start over if I can't figure it out) I tried doing some while it was soft, but it just kept deforming, which is why I baked it first.
  10. well,.. there's always photo shop. You can make it say whatever you want,... *grin* ---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ---------- Having a bit of an issue with the base sculpting though. I've got the basic pattern down. But the more I try to carve/file the curvature of the pattern into the fimo, the more the edge seems to chip and/or crumble. I can't seem to get a clean line in it. Maybe should have tried to work the pattern in while it was still soft. Or, maybe should have just painted the pattern on a flat disk of fimo. I could have gotten really sharp lines that way,.. hrrm,.... thoughts?
  11. Visual aesthetics aside,.. Does any of this change the play mechanics though? I mean, according to the rules, a ht 1 model can't be seen behind a ht 2 wall, even if it's hair, hat, or even whole head can actually be physically seen sticking up above the wall. So, it's a mm or two taller?? I guess I'm just not understanding how this affects anything in the game??
  12. yeah, but that means I only get sunday off, as far as a weekend goes. And it cuts into my painting and sculpting time. Speaking of which, I got the base filled in. I need to bake it and sand it smooth and flat so that I can start working the summoning pattern into it.
  13. ok,.. got weaseled into working tomorrow. I'll still be able to play, but may be a hair late.
  14. very nice. especially for a first timer.
  15. i actually have a brother that lives in nashville tn. so its not unfeasible for me either.
  16. Hey,.. If ever I get that way, or you get out this way,.. then I'm totally down for a drink. *cheers*
  17. my teenage years,.... I was high at the time,...
  18. Now I'm curious,... I wonder if this condition has a name?? (goes for a bit to try to track it )
  19. I've found that modern day flashes, (like from camera phones for example), while still unsettling, don't seem to have the same intense effect on me. The color to me seems to be more pinky-yellow. But the old kodaks/polaroids from the past, the light from the flash is more of a blue-white. I'm not sure what's changed between here or there, or why it bothers me so much,.. but,.. there it is. Am I sharing too much??
  20. Had to get it cut in order to procure a decent job. As for the pictures,.. none exist. I actually have an aversion to having my picture taken. You won't even find one of me in any of my school yearbooks. I always refused to allow them to be taken. It actually has something to do with the flash. (especially on older cameras) Something about the color of the light spectrum and the flash combined actually incites a feeling of anger in me. Sometimes, even to the point of possible violence. I know it's weird, and I don't really have an explanation for it, nor ever sought treatment for it,.. but is merely something that I've noticed in myself and have strived to control and avoid if possible. I don't like the person I become when I'm angry,.. so I search instead for a daily state of zen. (if that makes any sense)
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