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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. I love the cracked clay effect on the bases! How did you make that happen?
  2. Ausplosions, go ahead and start with minions. The old wiki had a Crew List page for each master with all the Crew it could possibly take (in some cases this was like six or seven models for v1.5 Henchmen), often organized for synergy. Crew choice suggestions beyond that were generally kept in the Masters page.
  3. Skedarkman, Ezyryder has already claimed Shenlong. If they drop out, it's all you. Any other Master you're likely to do? (If the Masters all fill up, we'll start opening it up to other model tacticas too.) Fancy_Hat, signing you up for Molly.
  4. Okay, putting Grandpapanurgl on Nicodem. Which leaves Misaki open. Thank you brdparker for being so flexible and helpful!
  5. Just updated Brewmaster as finished. Go rgarbanzo! First Master done. Brdparker, okay, awesome! I'm doing claims one at a time to encourage people to finish them. Thanks for contributing. If you're looking to get started, definitely do Ironsides first and let me know when you're done! (We really need Ironsides content more urgently, anyway.)
  6. Great question! Lemonconstruct, please do 'em one at a time. Once you've done one, post here and you can sign up for another. Submit by going to Pull My Finger and updating there. It's a Wiki, so anyone can edit once you've got an account.
  7. Brdparker, got it! Signing you up for Ironsides. Thanks! (And I'll check with Grandpapanurgl if he wants Nicodem.)
  8. Added Matney X for Mei Feng! Added Grandpapanurgl for Misaki! Yay!
  9. Great! I'll sign you up for Kirai. Post when that's done and I'll sign you up for Pandora then.
  10. Okay, I just opened a tracking thread to keep track of what needs done and who's offered to do it: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/101030-lets-populate-the-m2e-pullmyfinger-wiki/
  11. I play a lot of Outcasts and a little bit of Neverborn, so I'll claim one of these tomorrow after others get a crack at it.
  12. Hey folks! PullMyFinger (the Malifaux tactica Wiki) is an awesome resource. It was really how I first learned how to play and understand the game, and I still learn a lot from it. But right now, there's a lot of empty territory. Here's what I'd like: I would like to get useful information in the PMF page for every master by the end of July. EMPTY: The following Masters don't have any content at all (as of June 9, 2014). None! Isn't that a hoot? LIGHT: The following Masters have very light or incomplete content on their pages (as of June 9, 2014). These need claiming too, but not as urgently. GOOD: The following Masters have content on their pages, at least the basics and in some cases much more (as of June 9, 2014). They may not be perfect, but they've got all the basic content. We need more of these! Sonnia Criid Seamus Tara Marcus Ramos Rasputina The Dreamer (CLAIMED! Godlyness and Zfiend) Collodi Hamelin Leveticus Som'er Teeth Jones Lilith (CLAIMED! Joel) The Brewmaster (FINISHED! Rgarbanzo) Lucas McCabe (FINISHED! Lemonconstruct) Mei Feng (CLAIMED! Matney X) Ironsides (CLAIMED! Brdparker) Mah Tucket (CLAIMED! Docbungle) Wong (CLAIMED! Dero23) Viktoria of Ashes (CLAIMED! Mousketeer) Kaeris (FINISHED! hippodruid and Archmage) Ulix (CLAIMED! Lemonconstruct) Molly Squiddpidge (CLAIMED! Fancyhat) GREAT: The following Masters are completely filled out, with art, solid discussions, summaries of abilities, and advice on how to use them (as of May 19, 2014). These are excellent and thorough articles: Pandora (FINISHED! Therat) Lucius (FINISHED! Minimumphase) Colette (FINISHED! Mister Shine) Nicodem (FINISHED! Grandpapanurgl & Brdparker) Kirai (FINISHED! PraetorDragon) Hoffman (FINISHED! Entrepeninja) Jack Daw (FINISHED! Mindshred) Ophelia LaCroix (FINISHED! Rgarbanzo) Von Schill (FINISHED! Csonti) Shenlong (FINISHED! Ezyryder) Misaki (FINISHED! Razhem) Lady Justice (FINISHED! Dirial) Jakob Lynch (FINISHED! Ezyryder) Yan Lo (FINISHED! PraetorDragon) McMourning (FINISHED! EntrepeNinja) Perdita (FINISHED! Asyouwish78 signed up, but Dirial ended up doing a lot of work here.) Zoraida (FINISHED! rgarbanzo and Hateful Darkblack) Can you help? Here's what I'd like you to do: 1. Look at this list above. Pick someone you think you can write about, whom no one else has claimed. 2. Claim that Master. I'll update this to show them as claimed, and you can start working on it. 3. Write content for that Master by June. It doesn't need to be perfect, but it's much better if the content is coming from someone who has played the Master before. 4. If you copy content from someone's posted tactica, be sure to ask permission first before you post it to PMF. I've never seen anyone say no to this request, to be honest. 5. Update with your results here. If you don't think you can do one that you signed up for, that's okay. Just let me know and I'll post it as open again. 6. Just claim one at a time. Once you've done one, you can start with another. I'll consider this project happily complete if every Master is on the GOOD list by the start of July. I'll probably start picking up any stray content that isn't done in July and write something for it, but I'm hoping other people jump in! Please, adopt a tactica. The Master you save could be your own. Minion Threads There are now a few separate threads to track improving non-Master models for each faction. See those if you'd like to coordinate and sign up on those. Guild (thanks Dirial!) Neverborn (thanks TheRat!) Ten Thunders (thanks Razhem!) Ressurectionists (thanks PraetorDragon!) Gremlins Arcanists (thanks rythos42!)
  13. Ha! Two days until the starting date. That seems like cheating to take all that extra time.
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