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Everything posted by Tauwolf

  1. That was explained very well, thank you!
  2. Something is getting lost in translation here. There aren't Spells (capitol "S") in the game, just Actions and Abilities. Abilities just happen. Actions have an associated cost. when you see: Action Name (Action Value + Additional Cost) sometimes you see the Action Value being "0" with no suits. Per the rules, when this is the case, you proceed directly to paying the Additional Cost and applying the Effects of the Action, skipping over any card flipping steps. A Lady Justice example: With My Eyes Closed! (0): Rg: 3, Effect: Move a Powerful Counter from this puppet to a Friendly Puppet that does not already have a Powerful Counter. LoS not required. I believe we're all talking about the same thing, just trying to clear things up by using the correct terminology.
  3. So, our playing group *just* realized that when an action costs "0", there is no flip necessary. We had been playing it as "flip a card and it only fails on the black joker". Now, if that's the way it is then so be it, but wow, that really makes some zero cost actions powerful. I am not debating the way it is played, just questioning the game theory behind it. It seems like there should still be card flip, for two main reasons: 1) Black Joker = Auto Fail 2) Even if there is no chance of failure (the black joker is in your hand), it seems that you should still have to pay the cost of advancing your deck one card. Just tossing it out there for discussion.....
  4. Yep, I replaced the pegs with brass rod whenever I could. I also would make small bends when possible to put both feet on the floor. There seems to be a lot of puppets that are standing on one leg.
  5. Yeah, ummmm, I played pretty bad last night, and then the card gods punished me (presumably for annoying them with my ass-tacular play) with some horrible card draws.... Methinks the game has really clicked with LaFemmeGeekita. We gave her the exact polar opposite master (Pandora) from what she's used to (Pokey), and she still managed to completely outplay us at every turn. On another note, all my puppets are built now and I have a few primed to begin painting this weekend. I'll probably start a new thread for posting pics as I get stuff done, and just post the Adepticon related stuff here. I'm excited to show y'all some of my conversions. @DaveyP Punk Zombie, you'll need some defense. And I think the Hooded Rider is better off in that list than Bete. Her attachment side is worthless with Pandora -- Pandora doesn't have the rips to sacrifice. HR gives you some early game offense, and Pandora holding a Giant Glowing Sword gives you some late-game flexibility. I love the idea of you running a witchling stalker, but I'd be a little worried about bringing so many suits. Maybe someone else knows if that can work and can chime in?
  6. Oh whoops, I forgot to explain he was only in there for his attachment side
  7. Panda mentioned, in the synergy thread, a gremlin gunline. I decided to take a look at what kind of shoebox you could make along those lines. This looks like it would be a lot of fun to play! http://www.puppet-wars.com/puppet.html?Mas=4&Sz=8&Toys=36,36,36,35,35,35,37,7
  8. I understand the implied synergy with the frozen solid combos, but does anyone else think that - in practice - they're a bit clunky and really not all that useful?
  9. I was thinking about trying a gremlin based list. I think it could work pretty well.
  10. Until you play against an opposing Marcus and he uses your own Guild Hounds to Roar with, decimating your tightly-packed group..... That's the problem with devoting half your list to a one-trick pony, no matter how sweet it is. I love the balance of this game. Wyrd really did a great job.
  11. This is a really great discussion. I can't wait to try some of these combos. I admit I have been having a hard time figuring out how to make guild hounds really click.
  12. Have you seen his Hooded Rider? Remember, we're as much (if not more!) into lookin' good as playin' good lol. http://wyrd-games.net/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=4192 I love the nephilim for Pandora. It's mean.
  13. I believe he got those from Litko. That's where I got mine, at least....
  14. Thanks for the Moleman suggestion! I'll give it a try in my next game. As for the multiple/single opponent lists, I *believe* the way the tournament is formatted is it will be a mix of 2 and 4 player games, but I honestly don't know where I heard that. Maybe our wonderful tournament organizer can shed some light on the matter? @DaveyP -- That's a great start for the board. I need to get mine going, too. @fullborer -- I vote a 2nd Rattler, Grateful Teddy, and a 2nd Teddy of your choice.
  15. lol Chris that turned out great. Well done.
  16. Wow, those look great! Keep up the excellent work. I think you just inspired me to get some work done....
  17. Great work Ratty! I really like the workbench, and love the bottle. I'm going to start working on my custom board in the near future and I hope you don't mind if I borrow some of your ideas!
  18. From the FAQ: If a Puppet is affected by Seamus' Scary Face Ability and chooses to Dodge, does it keep the in its Defense gained from Scary Face? Yes. All modifiers to the Puppet's Defense are also applied to any card with which it Dodges. If a Puppet is affected by Scary Face giving it + to its Defense, and Dodges with the 7 of Masks, its new Defense is 7.
  19. Great replies. I think this is a really well-designed game where almost every puppet has the chance to shine in the right situations. Also, while you are able to slightly effect your luck within the card system, sometimes a player just won't have access to the cards they need to use a great puppet like the Golem. I see a trend in all these potential answers to the Ice Golem: play aggressive. When you really want a puppet removed, just make it happen. Puppet Wars is a brutal game and puppets will get shredded. Sometimes you need to sacrifice a pawn to remove a knight.
  20. In that case, dip away! I think if you paint the puppets in relatively light, warm colors (tans, yellows, reds), then dipping should work just fine. When you see really nice looking dipped models, often it's because the person went back over the richer colors with the original paint color and a highlight and then matte coated the minis. I've seen armies done this way that you can hardly tell you're looking at dipped minis.
  21. Contact fullborer on these forums. He has some fantastic bases for puppets that will lend themselves perfectly to dipping. example: http://wyrd-games.net/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=4205
  22. Thank you for the heads up! I bought 73 of them. That's all they would let me buy, so I assume the stock ran out. You'll be able to find them on Ebay this week for $80..... (just teasing!) :hidingpuppet
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