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Posts posted by Toonook

  1. Has anyone used Bete Noir with Kirai? Kirai will be my next master to play with once my base inserts finally get shipped to Australia (looking at you here US postal service!) Seems like Bete would have plenty of opportunity to manifest with all the models getting killed and sacrificed across the board.

    Great thread though guys, plenty of useful stuff in here to get me going!

    Also looking for as much advice on playing against Sonnia Criid as possible, since my gaming group declares masters before we even choose strategies to be fair to the people who only have 1 crew. I can see her Witchling Stalkers and Sonnia herself giving me all kinds of problems both in casting my spells and ignoring my spirit half damage taken thingy.

  2. So let me see if I have this right... I have Cassy with 1 model nearby and another model slightly off to the side a fair way back. With line of sight to the rear model I could declare a charge on that model, taking me into melee range of the closer model. I could pause the charge to melee strike it, trigger 'one fluid motion' allowing me to push 4 inches, then continue the charge, giving me an extra 4 inches of charge range in the rare occasion the positioning works out? Awesomesauce!!!

    Also do you have to make a disengaging thingy to continue moving since you're in melee range?

  3. Well having started firmly in the keep moving side of this disagreement, even creating a forum profile just to jump in on it, I'm torn between both sides of it now. Think we need to know one way or another if the "in any direction" in the walk action description also applies to vertical movement as well.

    What makes me think that it might actually count as distance moved is that if you moved up a slope you would clearly angle your tape measure, you wouldn't just move 6" horizontally and however many inches vertically. Thus if that kind of diagonal affects movement distance why wouldn't vertical?

  4. It doesn't have to state it to still count for distance, because it happens during your Walk action and the Walk action says:

    "This model moves up to its Wk in inches. This may be in any direction and does not need to be in a straight line. <cut>" (page 36)

    Hmmm, that's an interesting point actually. Had only thought about the "in any direction" as a horizontal thing. Now I'm confuzzled lol.

  5. If you need to get down a sheer cliff, you have two options. Use movement and climb, or risk damage and fall. It does not state anywhere under falling that any movement for the vertical section of falling is spent. You merely place the model at the base of the cliff. There is specific spending of movement mentioned for climbing, nowhere does it mention spending movement in falling.

  6. The model does have to take a move action to choose to fall as far as I can tell, since it needs to move the distance forwards to step off the ledge, but the distance fallen doesn't seem to count towards the total walk distance for that activation. Hence a model with 4 walk could move forwards 1" to fall off the ledge, fall, take damage if over 3" is fallen, then move forwards another 3" as part of that same activation. If I'm reading the rules right anyway.

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