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Posts posted by Toonook

  1. My advice is be prepared to die horribly for a few games and really go all out trying to use every ability, movement shenanigans and fancy trick you can think of. Getting used to the way she works by going all out trying things will drastically shorten the learning curve for you rather than playing safe and trying to win games. Once you're comfortable with how all of her mechanics work she's lethal.

  2. Given that those are the strategies you're looking to complete, you're going to need movement. If I had to run 1 single list, including an early rogue necro, to do all of those it would likely be:

    Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

    Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 8 Pool

    Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

    Von Schill [10ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Night Terror [3ss]

    Night Terror [3ss]

    Night Terror [3ss]

    Punk Zombie [5ss]

    Rotten Belles [4ss]

    using the two canine remains to summon the rogue (I like the keep the chihuahua around to use magic extension, McMourning has some awesome spells)

    However with that many movement based strategies I thinkn you'd be better suited ignoring the early hack 'n slash and just get Doug stuck in there early by replacing the 2 canines with either another belle, a crooked man, or a 4th night terror plus a grave spirit attached to von schill to link to the punk zombie. Between McMourning and Von Schill you have plenty damage, night terrors will be your friend to not only achieve objectives but to distract the opponent and make them chase you.

  3. Cheers guys. Don't corpse counters of enemies that Doug has killed count towards the 5 body parts? I thought I read a while ago for his unique scheme that body parts acquired from the corpses of enemy masters he killed count towards that total, assumed it would be the same for his manifest?

  4. Mine should be arriving in the mail early next week. Just wondering on people's impressions who have been using him, what are his strengths and weaknesses now he's actually on the table rather than theoryfaux. Also is he as big as he looks? Not sure I have enough space in my pluckfoam to fit him haha.

  5. I don't think the schemes do ressers any favours either. We tend to be on the low end of the WP scale for steal relic, Our two faction specific schemes are almost laughable given how many enemies don't drop corpse counters, especially compared to how easy arcanists and neverborn have life. McMourning's is the only master specific scheme that I'd bother attempting as well.

    I wholeheartedly endorse Sandwich's post, I think it's an amazing insight into what happened to us as a faction. However, I personally feel the scheme imbalance, and the ability to cheese your way out of your opponent scoring points is the biggest blight on the game at the moment. Of course, I must reinforce that this is the greatest tabletop game I have ever played and I love your work guys.

  6. I just find that Resser masters have the most "character" out of all the masters. McMourning and Sebastian are hilarious, Seamus and Molly could have their own tv show on the comedy channel. There's just a bit more flavour I feel. Now that doesn't really help competitively but I rate fun much higher than being the best in the land. Every time that copycat killer knocks himself back and hurts himself firing a handcannon out of a top hat I kill myself laughing.

    Plus, undead hookers.

  7. I still don't buy it. You don't become effected by Relentless or Passion for his Work, nor gain any ability of either name, they are an action you take to become effected by Fast.

    ---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

    But Massive Dose is a spell.

    Passion for His Work is the name of a Specfic Action.

    You cant use the rules of one to argue to rules of the other. They are not the same.

    Page 33 of the rules manual:

    I.e. You can't do them twice in the same activation.

    Sorry you posted that just before my previous post. This would be the way around it working like that I'd suppose. The only thing that confuses me is you gain an ability that is immediately removed. You don't gain fast AND passion for his work. I'm unconvinced but it's the best counter I've seen yet.

  8. I refer you to the Nurse argument that you can be affected by multiple effects of the same spell, since the effect of the spell is marked in bold. You aren't affected by Masssive Dose but rather Painkillers, Speed or Stimulants allowing you to be affected multiple times. The ability is Passion for his Work, the effect is Fast.

    ---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 PM ----------

    Because that would be broken good? I can pretty much promise you it doesn't work that way.

    Perhaps not in that case because Necromantic Sacrifice would be the effect granted, but like I gave in that Nurse example, Passion for his Work provides a sub-effect in a way.

  9. No, continuing on with my McMourning analogy since they're all basically the same effect just different mechanics. Normally you just have 2 AP. McMourning can spend a body part to gain fast. In effect his card now has fast on it for the rest of this activation. Even if he spends that AP he is currently affected by fast and cannot continue to spend body parts because that would stack fast.

    When affected by slow, his card basically gains (-1) Slow. After spending the body part to gain Fast, he is now in the position of no longer being affected by either as they cancel out. He then spends another body part and now is affected by (+1) Fast for the rest of this activation. He couldn't then spend yet another body part as this would stack the ability as it is still there.

    ---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 PM ----------

    In another example, if Bete Noir had Slow, and a Student of Conflict did its all action to give her Fast, she would be back to normal. If a living model died within 3", Feed on Death would kick in and she would gain Fast. McMourning spending body parts is no different, it just allows him to complete both steps himself.

  10. Passion for his work is +1 right? That means you can only do it once per activation as far as I'm aware.

    Again, I disagree.

    Nowhere in the rule book does it say you can only use a (+1) once. You usually only use them once because they only provide a single AP. On page 20 it says: "Action modifiers with the same name do not stack (see page 34)" With McMourning's +1, you're not stacking it because the first time you use it you're not gaining an action modifier, but rather removing a different modifier. It's different to just a plain (+1) Fast, because that would be removed from the card temporarily by the Slow. McMourning's ability reads "(+1) Passion for his Work: Discard one body part counter, this model receives Fast". After using that +1 I don't have Fast, I simply no longer have Slow. By using it a second time I'm not stacking anything, ergo there is nothing prohibiting its use.

  11. Wait, does that validate my argument?

    "Originally Posted by WEiRD sKeTCH

    It means a Fast model gets hit with a Slow Effect and the cancel each other out. *Poof* Fast and Slow are both gone on that model.

    If it gets hit with another Fast effect, it's then Fast again.

    Likewise if that same model that had the two cancelled out got hit with a Slow effect, it would then have Slow."

    Looks like it does. Victory for McMourning!

  12. The question is: If McMourning has slow, can he spend 1 body part to remove the slow, then a second body part to gain fast?

    The Theory: look at the example "Action Modifier Examples" on page 34.

    "Lilith has (+1) Fast and Mortimer casts (-1) slow twice on Lilith. The first Slow cancels Lilith's Fast, and the second Slow nets Lilith (-1) on her next activation." It then goes on to explain that the Student of Conflict can't give Perdita Fast because you cannot stack Fast.

    Therefore, reversing the process, McMourning gives himself Fast, which cancels the slow. He now has nothing. He then gives himself Fast again, which means he now has Fast for this activation. He couldn't continue giving it to himself because he has already gained Fast to his talents for this turn.

    Normally when a model has +1 Fast the Slow would negate it, but McMourning has a way of gaining Fast. In essence he's adding the Talent (+1) Fast to his stat card, much like a model would add the Sacrifice ability when Killjoy is hired. You can't stack Fast, but when you use it to remove Slow you don't gain it so spending another body part doesn't stack it, it just allows you to have the (+1) Fast.

    Edit: I guess, by the same logic, Reckless would allow Gremlins and Pigs with Slow to suffer two wounds and gain Fast.

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