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Posts posted by Toonook

  1. Howdy Arcanists! The Australian Malifaux GT is fast approaching and I've decided to utilise Colette for part of it. Day one is a set of story encounters (as yet unkown) with a fixed master drawing from a 55 pool using the gaining grounds rules. Colette was the very first crew I bought, yet I have only played a few games with her (mostly because my most regular opponent is Sonnia and that match up kept frustrating the heck out of me!)

    I'm playing Colette for giggles on day 1 before getting competitive with my Ressers day 2, so am looking for advice on my 55 pool - the only stipulation is I don't want to run the Duet. Not sure why, just want to think outside the box a bit. At the moment my list looks like the following:


    Mechanical Dove - 2

    Killjoy - 12

    Renegade Steamfitter Johan - 7

    Cassandra - 9

    2 x Performers + Mannequins - 12

    Kaeris - 8

    Large Steampunk Arachnid - 5

    The only thing I'm considering at the moment is replacing the LSPA with a SoC for Kaeris, but I kinda like the big spider. Any other models I'm overlooking? Any whacky ideas that sound good for a giggle?

  2. I like the idea, especially for some clarifications that aren't really errata worthy. For example mcmourning picking up a corpse counter and converting it to body parts does count as BP gained for his avatar/scheme. If I recall correctly he doesn't even have to have killed the model so long as he is the one to pick up the CC, ie it wasn't sent to him by a canine remains or something similar.

  3. You know.........I pretty much suck at sculpting.....but I wonder if I might try sculpting a bird suit on my original Marcus now......................He could be like that bird that fights with Peter Griffin all the time.

    And I think the non-master Hamelin would be good to model as Peter, instead of sharing his base with Nix he can share it with Brian :)

  4. It's the full stop in the description of the trigger that sells it for me. Please note I don't have my book 1 so am running purely off of the DE's v2 card on the .pdf, but Leveticus has the same stipulation for Necrotic Unmaking. It doesn't say instead of generating a corpse counter summon an SPA, it says "...does not generate counters of any kind. Summon one SPA..." They're two separate entities in the description, separate steps to resolve. Since it doesn't even stipulate a living or undead model for either the trigger or Levi's spell, I'd say you can even summon an SPA from a spirit, who already don't drop counters of any kind.

    Devoured would not matter in this case, as both abilities line up in the lack of generation of a counter, but voracious rats would negate the summon explicitly though.

  5. Nino can be good against her, as she needs to throw away cards to create soulstones. I personally fear Sonnia the most of all the guild when using colette, that dispell, the witchling stalkers anti magic field and her being able to cast at Colette without LoS is so damn annoying!

  6. I play Ressers and I support the Red Joker as is. I've had my ass saved by H2W stopping my opponents from cheating in high damage FAR more than I've had my H2W used against me to chase red jokers. It's part of the mystique of Malifaux, if you want to remove random luck from the game you play competitively, then go and play chess.

    Edit: I now have a burning desire to make a chess set for each faction.

  7. Well, here's a few points:

    Johan only has range 3 Melee

    The Brass Arachnid can only reactivate Constructs, which rules out the Gunsmith and Johan

    Your pool would be 3. Yes, Johan does cost 1 less for the M&SU membership, but you still have to pay the +1 cost for him being a mercenary. He only costs 5 for Colette because she can specifically hire M&SU members from any faction at no extra cost.

    Joss suffers from being a high SS cost model with no action modifiers (Nimble, melee expert, etc). His walk of 4 means he takes an age to get anywhere and is easily kited by your opponent. Of course he can be reactivated by the arachnid but this risks him moving faster than your guardian ball and getting isolated and killed. The low WP on the Gunsmith would make it an easy target to lure away from the guardian to be isolated, or just get you to burn away wounds using smoldering heart since his isolation would make life very difficult for you.

    Sorry if this all sounded a bit negative, it could be a fun list to use, just be wary of high movement oppositions leaving you stranded. I would maybe only bust out this list initially for a slaughter type strategy, combined with something like holdout where you don't need to leave home or worry about your opponents superior speed.

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