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Demonn Agram

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Image Comments posted by Demonn Agram

  1. 21 hours ago, RustAndTheCity said:

    Very nice. It looks great. 

    How did you find painting the larger scale? What was harder and what was easier than  with smaller scales?

    thanks, guys.



    actually I loved it. compared to "normal" 28-32mm scale minis, the whole approach is different. here, the details are much larger. and you need to freehand a lot of things (like eyes, tartan or scratches on the leather parts - none are textured). you also need to pay attention to light (how it would fall on the face, how different textures absorb the light). all this (normally) is not present with smaller scale stuff. 

    that said, every mistake is more visible. so you really need to get it right. 


  2. 16 hours ago, Victoria said:

    The newspaper is brilliant!  I loved reading the article, and also the photo of him crashed on the ground!

    hehe, thanks for noticing. that's the second "diorama" (well, base) I had to make for this entry :)


    I was wondering if someone will notice. Thanks for making my day

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