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Posts posted by Nagi21

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ogid said:

    1 damage isn't impressive, but it's basically free damage; those models don't have to expend anything to get it. I think Misery is fine as it is, letting it stack can get ridiculous fast and upgrading it to 2 damage is also too much... If woes needed help some defensive buffs could help them, but I wouldn't touch Misery... maybe the range could get adjusted, but definitely not the damage

    I'm not sure if I'm getting you here... Misery triggers when the model gain the condition (so after he fails the TN/defense); you don't have to commit the aura before the models flips.

    I would agree on either defensive changes to the 6ss and lower woes, or a buff to misery.  I don't think 2 damage is that insane if nothing else is changed... a significant range increase (more than 8" but less than 12") on the aura would also help since it would allow the weaker woes to not have to position so aggressively and make the bubble slightly more viable. Changing removing the once per activation restriction could work as well (because at that point it's just 1 point of damage per different condition, which isn't the easiest thing to do without significant AP investment.

    As far as the second part of that, what I mean is let's say you hit three models with Pandora's AOE, like a totem, a low cost model, and a master.  Your enemy decides to flip for the totem first and fails, and gains the condition.  Since misery is once per activation you have to decide whether to use misery on a weak model, or not use misery and then hope your opponent doesn't pass the other two afterwards since misery is when the condition is gained not when the action ends.  Misery just has so many unnecessary restrictions that keep it from being a decent ability like some crews have (hell have we mentioned flicker at all lol).


    24 minutes ago, theamazingmrg said:

    A model can only be affected by one Aura of a particular name once per Activation, regardless of how many copies of that Aura it is in range of (assuming the Aura doesn't have a numeric modifier).

    This raises an interesting point, because if Misery(Stunned) and Misery(Any Condition) are in range of one model, by this logic they could stack because they have different modifiers.

  2. 41 minutes ago, theamazingmrg said:

    Of course, if you're in North america there are clearly distributor issues that go way beyond Wyrd's ability to deliver anything, but here in the UK I haven't had an issue as long as I've pre-ordered everything through my FLGS who can be relied upon to actually order from the distributor.

    I mean NA is a very large share of Wyrd's market if not the largest one so I would say a healthy majority is used to things like this being par for the course.

    That being said, while I will be the first to note Wyrd's issues with distribution and deadlines (and have), this is affecting basically every game company that has any step of production in China (read: all), and so for once I can definitely not blame Wyrd in any way, shape, or form for the upcoming delays.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Ogid said:

    Mind you may use 1 Misery per model affected; if there are a few other woes in range, several models may get an extra point of damage.

    Right but that requires one model per aura which is... poor cost for effect.  It also requires that you select the target when it gains a condition not after the end of an action, meaning that you don't actually know what's going to be hit before you have to decide which aura it procs with AOE effects... which is again bad.  This could be mitigated with a fully misery bubble spam crew, but then we get into the fact that the low cost woes are relatively poor models, particularly for suitability, which is another can of worms.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I've never had a situation where I don't have enough misery procs for Pandora's bonus action (I have run out of procs during an activation, but never during a single action).

    Although yes it feels strange xD

    I mean... misery procs are expensive lol...

    Misery is one of the things I think really needs to be buffed in the (one day) errata.  It's nice but it's just not very good...

  5. 28 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    There's also the common sense problem (if you can apply multiple miseries, a single bonus action can do 5+ damage that can't be reduced...)

    Unlikely this is the intended functionality.

    I mean by the same token if I do an AOE with pandora and hit 5 models, RAW I only get one misery proc... which sounds just as absurd.

  6. 9 hours ago, zavros said:

    Dreamer- At least everyone is on board with dreamer being broken. the focus is around stitched which are not costed correctly, but he's still a summoner with a pile of good abilities on all of his models. 

    Stitched not being costed correctly isn't the problem.  You could make them 8 stones (which is TOO high anyway) and Dreamer would still summon them just as much (a 12 or better is not a hard card to pull, and Widow gets them on 11).  The issue is the Gamble Your Life mixed together with Fiendish Gamble.  GYL has been on stitched since the very beginning (was worse then since models had lower wound counts and i think it was 3/4/6 iirc), it's just the almost certainty of it hitting that makes it an issue (Fiendish Gamble is basically Old Ways for stitched).  Problem being is that Fiendish Gamble is the only thing keeping Lucid Dreams from being a bad bonus action, since it gives you a way to bring cards back into play when you high card Lucid Dreams.  

    I feel an appropriate nerf would be to make it so you can't use Fiendish Gamble with GYL (so it's still risky), but could use it on other actions, because then it's just basically Old Ways that Euri's crew has.  Unfortunately I worry the loudest people will force Wyrd to nerf Stitched into oblivion (which I mean... I like alps as summons too so it really won't affect dreamer too much).  Really, a major nerf to stitched would be more a nerf to Zoraida because that would mean that the Widow Weaver and Vasilisa summons wouldn't be particularly good.

    4 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    But I rarely feel more powerful fielding a Dreamer crew over a Molly crew. Dreamer can wipe the enemy table, but Molly can secure and deny points with horrendous efficiency.

    EDIT: I've only played against Asami once (Molly on corrupted idols) and got thrashed, but even then looking back I applied very little pressure to the enemy. If you don't pressure summoners, they'll carry away the game.

    Yea but Molly is kinda broken too with how easily she can score/deny schemes with the current GG pool.  I think a lot of this has to go back to how skewed the scheme pool is this edition.  There's only 2 and a half murder schemes vs 9 others, meaning fast, mobile scheming is always going to win vs anything else until that is (hopefully) changed.


    I just hope if they nerf Dreamer they bring up the rest of NVB.  Pandora and Titania desperately need some help (I still think Nekima herself needs some too but considering the fiasco in LVO I'll hold my opinion on that one), as does Euri (his crew doesn't have the mobility to play in a lot of scheme pools and marker removal is very accessible around most factions; same issues Rasputina suffers from).

  7. I mean he is better in Blue, but while he's probably pretty good in NVB, it's more of a... what does he bring to the faction that doesn't exist already?  We already have multiple crews that bring giant, upgraded murder beasts, some of which are better than what Marcus has in keyword.  We have crews that scheme better and can bring in OOK to bring in the hammer.  We already had everything Marcus provides before he showed up, so the only thing that he really brings is his unique upgrades which I don't see much use bringing him for.  In a nutshell... he's bland in NVB.

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Ezuma said:

    -Carver seems better in Pandora to me but probably I just haven't cracked him yet. He is very reliable as a henchman with stat 7, but frankly I would prefer to take Hinimatsu (who is almost never a bad call)

    Carver is the go to when you either need to rip focus off the enemy crew constantly (see Mah, Nekima, or Sandeep), or when you need someone who's able to put out min 4 damage per attack consistently (i.e. vs lots of HTW).

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  9. 15 minutes ago, Ogid said:

    All factions should be able to beat Nekima, not only Outcast and Arcanist. The players at this event failed to do so for X reason (skill gap, not used to face alpha strike, X...) and that could had happened also to OUT/ARC players. I'm sure the others LVO players are also good and competitive players, but someone has to win the day! :)

    That's why I specifically said competitive Arc/Outcast players (by his own admission he said the one Arc player was not very good/new).

  10. 31 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I don't understand Nekima as well as I'd like, but...

    If the list is super murder-y, can bog enemies down while scheming so well that it wins even if it isn't killing... It seems like a pretty great list? What does an unfavourable matchup look like?

    Anything that has high access to range negates the combat finesse of Matures who don't have another built in defense (basically, outcasts, some guild, and some arcanists), anything that can massively out activate you while managing to keep those activation advantages (Summoners like Sandeep and Asami, but not all summoners) which isn't terribly hard since it only has 6 activations in that list, and anything that is just as much of an alphastrike always has a chance to nuke her before she nukes it (Shenlong, etc).

    I'm 90% certain that this list winning LVO was more Kharnage was probably the best player there, combined with nobody bringing anything particularly good vs Nekima, rather than the list being any good by itself.  Honestly the 8-3 vs Toni win is the most surprising thing in my opinion, although his report said the player was somewhat new/rusty so probably that combined with a favorable strat/scheme pool.

    I hold high doubts this list would have the same success in a tournament where there were competitive Outcasts and Arcanists.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Kade is only 7 stones, so he is reasonably expendable. There are times when I happily expose him to danger and put his manipulative down, knowing I will counterattack whatever goes to attack him.

    If he is near Pandora for instance, whatever goes to kill him is going to be hit by a few self-loathings.

    Rams is the most critical suit on him. Rams on his lure gives him an extra attack, and fast, making it easy to take three attacks in a round with him (with rams trigger for extra damage making him min 3). Execute is cute, but giving him crows doesn't work nearly as well as giving him rams and using his lure in my experience.

    I keep him and Teddy about 10" apart, so they can ping pong each other around based on whichever position needs reinforcements.

    I mean trading Kade is fine, no question, but there's a lot of crews where that won't be an option, even if you can make a counter attack.  That being said rams for crit strike and Rip and tear are nice, but mid to late game if you get Candy in a good position, that execute trigger gets really nice.

  12. On 1/30/2020 at 2:22 PM, Regelridderen said:

    The rider got Obeyed into hitting Serena for 5, but that was about it my opponent managed to do, while a Sorrow carried out its Vendetta vs a Lawyer, who then got killed. 

    Question, did the Sorrow kill the Lawyer?  Because if so you only get the one point for Vendetta if the Sorrow lives to the end of the game.

  13. 1 minute ago, Kharnage said:

    Can you break down why Yan Lo is a "very favorable" matchup? Both Yan Los had Ash Ascendant and Manos's reliquary on Yan Lo turn 1, and ain't nobody killing that. I think both Yan Los lost 2 models over the course of each game. My killpower was not what won me the day.

    Because Yan Lo doesn't come into his best power until later on even if he has that early reliquary, and your crew is designed to score early and tie his up to make his ramp up difficult if not impossible (your report even says you were up 4-1 early in game 5).  I didn't say it was the killing power that made it a favorable matchup.  Mobility is king in 3e.

  14. In order for me to take Kade, 3 conditions need to be set in stone:

    1) Teddy comes with him.  Teddy without Kade is fine, Kade without Teddy is not.

    2) The enemy doesn't have a way to shoot me for 6wds in one AP (looking at you Mah...)

    3) The enemy doesn't have ways to pull me out of position

    If those three conditions are met, then you can consider Kade in a spot where you'd be taking either an Aversion or Iggy.  He's excellent in dragging things towards you and the rest of the crew, but his weaknesses mean that he's only survivable in some niche's enough to make him worth the stones.  Yes the Aversion is tankier, and Iggy is faster, but Kade will murder anything he can stick his gurbby little knife into.  As far as what I do with him when I take him?  Teddy/Kade murder squad.  They can operate independently of the side Pandora and her bubble of sad death is and provide some much needed board coverage.

  15. It really depends on what the pool is dictating.  Is it a pool that is mostly focused on murder with not many schemes in far off places?  The Rougarou are a bit too risky for my taste due to their defenses compared to something like Killjoy.  Are there a lot of schemes where you have to be in multiple places, with a strat like explosives?  Why are you playing Titania then!? (lol)  Joking aside, the Rougarou shine as a zoning piece, because they can beat just about anything smaller than it (reasonably), forcing your opponent to commit more than just a scheme runner to a part of the board. 

    People underestimate the power of zoning tools in this game.  If I have to spend 8-9 stones on a model that will either deny you access to an important part of the board, or force you to fight at a disadvantage, that's money very well spent.  What I think trips everyone up is that if your opponent decides to fight with that disadvantage, it's still just a disadvantage.  Bad things happen and sometimes the cards luck out for the smaller model.  Doesn't make it a bad play, you just need to always have plan B, otherwise things can snowball and the model can seem useless.

    Consider something like Thoon.  Everyone knows what he does, and everyone knows to be afraid of it.  That being said, to this day (about 8 games with the crew), I have yet to even make a melee attack with him, let alone actually frozen anything.  Does Thoon kill anything?  No.  Does he bury anything?  Nope.  Does he make sure that nobody wants to even remotely try and get over to the part of the board he is?  You're damn skippy.  At 9 stones he does nothing but sit there and do nothing but stare at the enemy and say "I dare you.", and he's worth every stone for it.  Same concept with a slightly squishier model.  

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  16. 3 hours ago, Adran said:

    Line of sight is two way (unless special rules apply) so if the marker can see the model, the model can see the marker.

    The Marker rules tell us that the marker is treated as a Ht 0 object if you are drawing line of sight, (its down at the bottom of the bullet points on page 28).


    So hope that helps you answer. Treat it as a ht 0 model for calculating line of sight

    That doesn't help when it's something off of a Ht 4 marker like an ice pillar.

  17. 9 hours ago, Ogid said:

    I'd try something like this for a Hand attack crew:

    • Lucius, Scribe, Agent, Alan, Investigator, Lawyer, Vasilisa, Doll, Doll, 6SS.

     Not sure how good this crew would be tho.

    I mean Luci, Scribe, Agent, and a lawyer are auto takes in... always, and Vasi is a force multiplier so she's pretty useful here (and gets help from the card cycling).  The only question then becomes are Alan, Investigator, and a second doll better than some things.  I would put IR on 46 every time since that's gonna keep him alive a lot.  Investigators seem fine at cost, especially with the synergy here so that looks good.  My hesitation on that list would be, is Alan and 4 stones better than a second lawyer and 6 stones.

  18. 1 hour ago, Ezuma said:

    As for corrupted idols, I've found Euripides to perform pretty well at corrupted idols, so far. The ability to teleport around, heal frequently and block off charging lanes/access to idol markers is all very helpful and I would even say Plant Explosives is the hardest strat for Euripides, and even that he can pull off with his keyword models and the better among the versatile pieces. I have found him to be surprisingly flexible,

    I've played him a lot the past month and I would disagree with this statement.  Corrupted Idols seems like it would be good for him, but the issue is that he is weak to crews that scheme excessively, and have access to a lot of AP.  Incidentially, these are also crews that are excellent at Idols (Collette, Molly, Tara, Zip, etc).  While Euri is decent in a vacuum at Idols, any dedicated schemer crew, which every faction has access to at least one, will outmanuver him and make the matchup terrible for him.  Explosives I haven't had much experience with, but it seems a neutral strat for him on the basis that he can get points off it pretty easily, but the crew has issues denying your opponent the same points.

  19. 14 hours ago, Kharnage said:

    Nekima w/ Inhuman Reflexes 
    Blood Hunter
    Hayreddin w/ Inhuman Reflexes
    Mature w/ Ancient Pact
    Mature w/ Ancient Pact
    Black Blood Shaman
    7 stones
    You'd think with so few AP and HP that it'd die, or couldn't run schemes. But it has no such troubles, properly played. 

    May Lilith have mercy on your soul if you run into Shenlong, Toni, Schtook, Molly, or Perdita...

  20. 3 minutes ago, Kuruk said:

    So, I am aware I might be asking for disaster with this topic, but it bugs me quite a while now.

    I know part of the game is choosing the right master before the game, the counterpicking.

    But: If you had to choose one master/keyword to play a tourney with, which would that be?

    Only single master, versatiles and OOK allowed, but the more in keyword the better.


    As of now Shenlong would come to mind, but maybe there are others that do well in (almost) every pool?

    Can't speak for everyone but Neverborn don't have a master that does well vs every faction.  Dreamer dies to things that rip terrifying off or turn negatives into positives (i.e. Thunders).  Zoraida probably has the best odds vs most things due to the way she works, but that core crew is squishy so she relies on a lot of OOK and Versatile if she wants to get murder done, which then have their own various weaknesses and strengths.  And again Thunders would wreck her due to them turning off defensive triggers and being able to scheme better.  Nephilim, Savage, Woe, and Fae all have various gaping weaknesses that would make them hard countered by various factions, making them less than ideal in a blind tournament.  Lucius I actually don't know... he has a lot of options but I worry about him vs things that are very murder-y, like outcasts.  If I had to pick I'd probably say Zoraida since worst case scenario I'm only somewhat disadvantaged instead of being royally screwed by something like Fae vs Thunders.

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