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About Sedaris

  • Birthday 04/25/1984

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  1. Ok, so I guess I'll be taking OmenBringer's interpretation for how it works until it gets any kind of marshal's official call ~Thanks
  2. ::poke:: So does anyone have any insight or further thoughts on this? Using the rules manual pdf and correlating with my print copy, The term modifier is found to be used when discussing: Action Modifiers ~Fast&Slow Stat Modifiers Fate Modifiers ~+/- flips from effects&duel totals Melee Modifiers ~Charge -Ranged Modifiers ~Focus -Casting Modifiers ~Channel Damage Modifiers ~Appears to mean Armor? "A model may Cheat Fate on a Damage Flip unless one or more - apply to the flip. Triggers declared during a Duel, or damage modifiers from game effects, are applied after a model decided whether or not to Cheat Fate." pg45 pg7 Math Order indicates that that Armor is an example of a modifier to damage. So at no point does it mention cheating as modifying. So my interpretation would be that unmodifiable here is either referring to Damage modifiers in that it shouldnt be reduced by magic resistance. (Meaning that +&- fate twists still apply and so does cheating then) Or that fate twists do not matter to the damage flip so it can still be cheated as its not at a negative flip. (Damage modifiers such as magic resistance may or might not then be applied) My thoughts would be that fate modifiers are applicable, the spell should be subject to them. It's cheatable and then that any changes to the amount of damage flipped are ignored such as magic resistance In this case is using a soulstone for damage prevention considered a damage modifier? It is changing the value of the damage before it is being dealt exactly as described under the 'Math Order' example with Armor. *So: 1)do fate flips apply to irresistible lure? 2)can you cheat irresistible lure's damage flip? 3)is irresistible lure's damage subject to damage modifiers? (magic resistance) 4)What all is considered a damage modifier in the above case? 5)Is damage prevention from soulstones considiered a damage modifier?
  3. :: Poking this thread with a stick:: Really need definition of unmodifiable and exact workings of irresistible lure. My local henchmen said it means fate +/- don't come into play and that the flip is cheatable.
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