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Everything posted by Tokaji

  1. I also like Lilith against Guild, just because her crew is crazy fast, but that would really require a purchase of her tots and youngs and mature and all that. Working with what you have, Collodi is definitely your best choice.
  2. No, not really. It's nice to take one to start just to kill and get some body parts, but not necessary by any means. You can take a Desperate Merc @ 3 stones, Night Terrors @ 3 stones. I like Necropunks for some things, mainly objective stuff, they're 3ea. Dogs are really handy just as sacrificial models that can hit kinda hard, especially if they gang up. They're also great because they're only 2 stones. Are you just against the models themselves or the cards/skills? If you just hate the models, buy the cards and find some proxies.
  3. Quick question: Are the hobby contests separate - one for evidence and one for wagons?
  4. The book says they're uncontrolled, which means they aren't part of the crew.
  5. I completely agree that it's better to summon off an enemy, minus one thing: that means the opponent activates first after he's summoned. Can change a few things, sometimes for the better, sometimes not. I have actually managed to summon/resummon (started off the table) the Hippo three times in a game.
  6. Forgot about that part. If you look at the definition of 'Attack' in the rulebook (pg 18 in the small one), it defines it, basically, as anything that requires an opposed dual. Penny's ability doesn't specify casting or melee, etc, so it just applies to attacks in general, which is basically everything (unless of course I'm missing something). And as for synergy, I just personally find Lo's spell Weight of the Ages a better early-mid game ranged attack than the gun, so anything that will help him get that off is something I want. I'm still not 100% on Toshi either, but I can see his usefulness overall. Really, only time will tell. I've gone an entire game with McM without a crow in my hand. It was pretty rough.
  7. CB 5. I'm not saying I can't see the use, I just don't see them being always useful. I would use these guys as objective sitters, but then you're relying on being able to activate first and get off the Wall before something comes in. Yin is by far superior because not only is she a perfect objective sitter, but she debuffs, and is generally very hard to kill. If you have Night Terrors with her, it's even worse. I don't see a huge problem with just getting chi from enemies. The point is to kill the enemy anyway, usually, and I'd rather have something that helps me achieve that goal than just a sacrificial body. I don't see that big of an issue with Toshi, either. With his buffs, Penny and Izzy are going to be supplying him with plenty of tokens soon enough. Then Toshi can summon something to help out and it will compound. Like I said above, I can't think of a list that I wouldn't take Yin in. Any attack (read: almost ANYTHING that targets her) has a negative on her, plus she's debuffing and has fairly decent attack power. I don't see the problem. I completely agree with this, but fortunately, Yan won't be summoning much, so the crows can be a little more easily spread out within the crew. Chiaki's movement spell will be fairly easy, the the spirit cast on Yan isn't terrible with a tome, and a lot of the other suited spells I won't be casting that often, I don't think. Even Yin's spells that need an extra suit won't be cast that often, as she's the only one in the crew with terrifying, and the 0 spell only needs a low mask, and that's not bad. Overall, I can see using the Wall of Steel list against anything that isn't heavy ranged, when you have a strategy that requires strategic defense of an objective or something. Surround a Supply Wagon with those things and it'd be pretty well protected.
  8. Oh, I haven't dismissed them, I was just saying that on paper, they don't look spectacular. I'd have to play with them a few times to see how they perform before I entirely dismiss them.
  9. The list I'm most eager to try is actually an Ancestor list. At 35 stones, it would be Yan, Porter, Chiaki, Toshi, Izamu, and Yin. This would lead to 7 stones, with 3 for the paths and 4 for Lo. I actually can't see taking Lo without Yin. She's a huge tool in his shed, and if she dies, Lo gets terrifying, wicked, and anathema. Can't get much better than that. I'm actually not particularly impressed with the Ashigaru on paper, and would much rather take Night Terrors in most of those situations where smaller models were needed. I would use them, however, if it were a 'battle for the pass' type of terrain, where you can just line them up and have them defend using their 0 action wall of steel with Toshi, Chiaki, and Lo to back them up, but that's still a very situational kind of thing.
  10. The problem with this is that Frame For Murder has to be done by the opponent's master specifically. I don't think the 'killed by opponent' condition in Serve Me would fit that bill. It also takes away one of The Depleted's best uses: stick them in a crowd and annoy them until they kill it, setting off the DF trigger to give them all brilliance and 2 damage.
  11. Odd, but awesome. Had no idea about that.
  12. Just kind of a curiosity here, but how are you hiring Night Terrors with Dreamer? Is that a house rule you guys use?
  13. Haven't seen a post like this just yet, so I figured I'd start it. With the new faction and all the dual-faction models, I think it would be interesting to ponder and discuss possible cross-faction (so to speak) combos. Really, it will just be combining dual-faction models from one faction into another when the master is taken as TT. The one that I'm looking forward to most is Yin, the Panangalan with Jakob. Give the Hippo anathema, and you then have a 50mm based model with 3" melee and Anathema 12. Fun! Let's here some more ideas!
  14. Stitched are pretty good with Lynch, though they struggle to keep up. With the Beckoner's 'lure' they become a little more useful, but then the Becks get a little slower. It's a bit of a trade off. Lynch is a tough crew to synergize with, but I can say that I am a little underwhelmed with the depleted minus their speed, which is fantastic. Illuminated have been fantastic minus their low cb ranged attack being the only way to spread brilliance. I find that I really have to rely on Huggy and the Becks to get the brilliance out, anything else isn't reliable. Graves looks very situational to me. If you're playing claim jump, I can see him being the best thing ever. But at that point, I'd almost rather take Yin, as her anathema ability, and the spell that can give anathema to Huggy, is pretty encouraging. Haven't tried this out yet though.
  15. So here's the next question: What if an outside force, let's just say Stampede for simplicity's sake, kills a model in btb with two Robbers on opposing sides? Does the first or last activating player get first dibs?
  16. I will concede the point of gaining a counter being an effect and thus being effected by the timing order and such. I will not concede that picking up a counter does not require activity by the model. You had previously stated that in the counter section it states that counters are gained. However, in the Graverobber description, it states: Emphasis mine. Many other models do have abilities that can be activated out of turn, but all of them specifically give permission to do so. Picking up a counter does not give permission. Given, it does not explicitly state that you can't, but that seems to be the exception that proves the rule, not the one that breaks it. If every other ability that activates outside of the model's activation states that it can, via the rules or the ability text(think defensive triggers), why would picking up a counter be an exception?
  17. I actually think that a close reading of the rule for gaining counters supports Q's assertion. Choice, by its nature, denotes action. Since it specifically states that it is the model's choice, and this implies action, we must naturally assume that the model must be active to make this choice. I also think that in the case of having multiple Graverobbers in B2B with a dying model would fall under the last bullet point of the timing section, even though it's technically not an effect: This creates a whole slew of other problems that are, again, not covered by the rules.
  18. The answer is no, a carried counter does not meet the first requirement.
  19. I completely agree. I find it counter intuitive to the nature of the game, and against what I would consider to be the purpose of some abilities. Any of the anti-resser abilities, for instance, become slightly useless at that point. Taken in terms of fluff, how does it make sense for a model that isn't activating to be able to chop up a body into usable parts? That takes concentration and ability. Still really waiting on a Marshall to judge this one. I'd also like to see reference to the guidelines on dropping corpse counters, as there really aren't any in the RM.
  20. --(0) Hungry Rats: Sacrifice all Corpse and Scrap Counters within 6"-- That's the exact wording.
  21. So does this mean that, in the original example, the Malifaux Rat would get a chance to destroy the counter via Hungry Rats before it is picked up?
  22. Then what happens if the active model isn't a graverobber but the counter has to be dropped touching two opposing graverobbers? Who gets precedence? That argument is exactly why I say it needs to be active.
  23. Hey all- Trying to get an answer to a question that came up at my LGS. Does a model with the graverobber ability need to be the active model to pick up a corpse counter? From my understanding, this would seem to be the case, since most of the picking up references are in terms of walking over or coming into contact with the counter. The other option is that just by being in contact with the counter, it is automatically collected by the model, which causes some problems in my mind. However, we can't find firm evidence for or against. This came up due to a Malifaux Rat's activation killing an enemy model, the owning player dropping the counter right in contact with a gravrobber, and the Rat wanting to destroy the counter before it could be picked up by the Ressers. Thanks in advance!
  24. Precisely! The card conflicts itself!!
  25. Not sure if this question has been answered yet, but I can see that they haven't addressed it with the card modifications. Crooligans have 6 printed wounds on their cards, but the actual WDs stat on the line is 5. Any idea which is correct?
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