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Posts posted by wobbly_goggy

  1. This dude almost snuck into November, but here he is for December.
    I’ll try and do the other two this month, too. 
    for pressies I’ll happily chuck a massive list at my family and gratefully receive anything hobby related..there’s always so much I want! That, drawing stuff and books. I’m the easiest person in my family to buy for. If only the rest of them had so absorbing a hobby…



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  2. This month I bought some gremlin criers to fill a gap in the Bayou faction and see me through to the end of the year with the challenge . Not really fussed about Black Friday in general unless I can get something I already want for cheap. I have a quite a few ltd edition models already from tournaments/ raffles, gifts from friends, GenCon etc. I love some of the Alt crews, but that’s a step t lo far for my wallet/competing with other hobbies right now.

    Amazing work all year by the way @Shock & Awe , thanks for organising the challenge and helping me completely clear my Malifaux backlog this year!

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  3. 18 hours ago, Hawkoon said:

    Impossible! 😵

    I have like 3 or 4 factions worth of models in my pile of shame... and it keeps growing. So I'll be painting 'til I die, probably never able to claim such an acheivement.

    Haha the struggle is real! There are other piles of shame for other games too, but a couple are now 100% painted... 

    If I get all piles finished, I can buy more toys guilt free (and without disappointed looks from my better half) 

  4. Big month, this! Just got a tiny puppy, so any geekery will be taking a back seat for a while.. should be motivated to get back to it once I can, though!
    After a summer off, I'll also be back to ramming English down students' throats for a living, so that'll eat into my time too (less spamming models I've painted far more quickly than expected, yay for everyone else!).  It may be a mulligan month...

    On the plus side, I only have one mini left to paint, but he's (they're!) a big one,  so even if it takes ages I can get myself an early Malifaux Christmas present to celebrate finishing all my (Malifaux) toys once it's done...

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  5. A new gaming club has started up in my city, with most members being role players or board gamers, with a smattering of 40k and Blood Bowl enthusiasm thrown into the mix.
    However, as everyone knows, Malifaux is the best game. I know that, you know that, but they don’t know that…yet.
    in my previous incarnation as an M2E henchman, I had an easier time of it convincing people to play in the LGS as a bunch of people already had crews or were interested. Here I’m starting  completely from zero (the club and the LGS also don’t get on, so using previous players to help intro is off the table 🙄)

    So what recommendations do you have for introducing people to Malifaux?
    Crews/Masters? Strats? Schemes? I’d love to show people how much you need to use your brain in Malifaux, it’s not just shootshootkillkill, but simpler strats and schemes might be better? What do you think?
    I have Perdita/family, all Bayou masters, Marcus, Kaeris and a bunch of stuff that’s not really viable (Guild/ arcanist faction stuff that I no longer have keyword master for; guard, performer, December etc) and the M2E starter box minis.
    What minis would you use?

    Grateful for any help, advice or ideas!

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  6. On 8/8/2022 at 4:55 PM, OctaBit said:

    Real question for you folks, how do you handle burnout, and lack of motivation to keep painting? Been struggling with that for the past few months, and was wondering how you folks deal with it


    I guess it varies according to each person’s personality and circumstances to a large extent.

    I’ve been on a massive roll for a year, since I moved house and got a dedicated painting space in our garage. This is a HUGE help as I can spend as much or as little time as I like there. 10mins in a rush, slap a wash on, next time I see the minis I can see progress, which is a big motivator. If you have to go through the faff of unpacking and packing everything every time, it’s much harder, and unfortunately loads of people aren’t lucky enough to have such a space (especially if they have kids etc as well).
    For me personally, I like to have one or two models from different games/systems/factions on the go at once. ATM I have a Norse Blood Bowl team, the last few Malifaux minis, some Necromunda terrain bits and some romans for Saga. This means if (when!) I get tired of one mini/style, I switch to another. Lots of minis also have metal or leather type bits, so I can also batch paint across various types of models and feel good about progress on various fronts, then when I am ‘feeling’ one mini, I’ll concentrate on it. It’s making progress but mixing it up at the same time.
    One also needs to accept two points, I believe: some minis you just don’t have a feel for, even if you like the sculpt, and sometimes you’re just not feeling painting. In the former case, sometimes you need to accept ‘good enough is good enough’, especially if it’s for playing rather than display. In the second case, take a break. Do something else. If you force it,  you’ll resent it.
    I also have the problem of different hobbies taking up the creative juices. Another hobby of mine is drawing, but since being on a painting roll, I’ve done virtually none and have tended to flip-flop between hobbies.

    I guess this is a long winded way of saying that we’ve all been there, your circumstances may not make it easy for you, you may not be feeling a particular mini or painting at all at the moment….and that’s OK! don’t force it, and everyone here is supportive of whatever you do!


    edit: your work is still amazing, even if you are struggling for motivation!

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  7. On 6/13/2022 at 11:19 AM, Hawkoon said:

    Interesting choice of colours!

    And the most important question: pile of shame shrinking? How?

    Mine just keeps growing... Like a hydra, every time I finish one model, atleast 2 more models magically appear in the pile...

    Cheers! I try and add a splash of the faction colour to all Malifaux models (for Bayou just…brown). 

    The pile of shame is growing, but the Malifaux pile of shame is shrinking. I can justify more toys to myself/my partner if everything from a particular game is painted…and I want more Malifaux!

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