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Everything posted by Smokey616

  1. Iz any for any rezzers list! He is the dogf
  2. I personally think seamus is pretty much spot on as he is... Even as a long term seamus player (m1e), I've watched him get neutered on a number of levels... Healing rate... The terror engine (terrifying 12, effectively 14 with the -2wp in m1e) that is making people flip everytime they fart anywhere near seamus, coupled with his funky ability to attack people for free when they have failed a WP duel, seamus used to be an absolute tank that nobody could really afford to mess with... If it wasn't for the frozen heart ability, my redchapel crew would have regularly made absolute mockery of my local games clubs raspy player... And to the detriment of enjoyment of the game... His recent changes, I believe, have inspired the player to play like a serial killer... To pre empt his opponents moves and spring a trap... Rather than standing in the limelight cackling and exerting his power he now skulks... Dark and unseen, waiting to strike. Even just acting in a certain way to make your opponent falsely pre empt, and fall into his carefully placed web. At first I didn't like the update to the terror rules (mainly due to the complete loss of a potent tactic). These days, with clever activation and target selection, it's much easier to limit the effect of terror, rather than just a morale duel for activating in it's radius. Now I quite like it because it encourages a more tactile approach even when trying to apply the fear cage than trying to avoid it.... That all said I still haven't seen the avatar card for seamus so I'm not entirely sure to what extent of scary his terror gets.... I suppose what I'm trying to say is with the correct and appropriate support, I believe, seamus can be one of the most powerful and adaptable masters in the game regardless of his soulstone cache... Interesting topic too, purely because I've never heard anyone say seamus needs to be more powerful, although now you mention it... It would be nice if even those pesky frozen hearts could be paralysed... Even if only seamus can do it
  3. That's also a good point as well... Unless there is a major enemy beat stick nearby, I suppose he's safe at around 5 wd... With the sinister upgrade you're also going to get more WP fails to help with feast of fear... And with the live for pain splendour you are looking at a scarier seamus compared with BoT upgrade... I'm still a little apprehensive to go against anything bigger than a guaranteed kill minion with melee seamus. And mostly only enemies that leave corpses for back alley. Any ideas how to get a bigger punch out of him, or the whole BoT seamus crew to maybe make him more effective against the bigger boys? Sorry for being a verbose, train of thought, so and so... And thank you for all your help
  4. Still struggling to come to terms with that change also... Probably because I'm a complete m1e throwback... Gone are the days when seamus can just sit there and can completely heal himself with something delightful like 2 live for pain on a couple of minions, a flintlock shot at another... Oo can you say necrotic minsistrations? That said, I'm coming round to the new mad hatters way of thinking after a couple of m2e games. I also feel his new play style suits the serial killer niche so much more aptly and there's something quite satisfying about having a hanged tag team up with seamus and give him a mobile medic... Seems to give a little more mileage to the feast on fear. If I lived anywhere in malifaux it would be 13, Redchapel
  5. All awesome points thanks very much dudes... Appreciate your help... Was gonna give cck,seamus and mad haberdashery a go next time too... Again something I've been I little apprehensive to do with needing to be on the button with following seamus around with the cck... Thinkin just tend to play a little too safe and the redchapel lot could do with throwing it out a little more... Cheers dudes
  6. I think you're right. I'll try her next game, not major league aggro puss bag, but slightly more so. I always like to keep a couple of belles (or at least one...) buddying up with her. I find it quite satisfying to leave them kinda 5-6" apart staggered towards a potential victim so there is the possibility of luring him in through a pounce boundary, then using companion, to maybe do it again and leave then close to I not in sybelle a horror range... If your lucky enough to get a "only sybelle" off on him too, it kinda deters and cycles a little bit while getting clawed up But cheers for your sage advice... Much appreciated... How do you tend to use the copycat seamus tag team? I sort of understand the theory behind it, but again when it actually comes to the game situation I find seamus needing to be somewhere where it really isn't safe to be leaving the cc while being close enough to help?
  7. I have come to terms with the fact it's how I play her I think... I also have never played a game without her (with seamus, I tend to look for other models with Douggie and leave her at home)... And I pretty much always take "banged up" because there is nothing quite like the look on your opponents face when an already awesome belle drags his models even more effectively... I'm not sure whether the opponents fear of her is enough so that for me to get her engaged it seems to be a constant game of chase with his models running for the hills... She is awesome and I would never not take her with seamus... I think I just need to really commit her early game, or at least get her at the centre line or past by turn 2 with a little support from belles?
  8. Ah I hear ya cheers... I was looking at her actual damage track... Good point well made... It is like expunge on steroids! The only problem I see with her, pragmatically, in a mcmourning crew is that she breaks real easy, and she'd cost a lot taking the place of a maybe more durable model... I know now you've pointed that out to me, if I ever spotted her in a poison heavy crew is splat her fast and hard... Cheers for your insight
  9. Wow that's surreal! I've already painted Frankie Ortega to look like Jesus!!! And lovingly call him Jesus Juan Ortega... Or J.J. For short... The hair and moustache just screamed messiah when I first saw him So I suppose I've already got a religious crew... Hmm Mother Abuella painted in a habit?! I think so
  10. Good evening oh knowledgable ones... Wonder if ya can give me some kind of pep talk regarding sybelle? I mean... I look at her card. Along with the available upgrades for her. And she is a kick ass!! Decent attacks with a kinda nice punch to them. A fairly acceptable ranged attack with a handy splash... A rarity in a kinda fluffy redchapel crew. She's got the H2W and the festering old bag can even spend soulstones these days. While dragging her hooker chums all over the place when needed to in a pinch. So why is it everytime I field her she pretty much does nothing? What do you find is the best way to use her? At the moment I'm mostly using her (or trying to) as the main kinda front line bolster... While seamus is out and about doing his trap door spider thing, I tend to try and use her as a place for the whores to drag their victims to but this rarely comes to fruition and I'm left with an underused cadaverous brasser desperately trying to make a big impact with her engagement... Any ideas dudes?
  11. I must be missing something here... How does a performer got no damage limit?! If that's right I want 12 of them... Now please
  12. Wow dudes!!! That's how ya make an argument/debate come complete circle four or five times over we even start losing certainty in who's for or against a bit of a cuddle.... Just for the record, I'm all for a big fat saddle cuddle. Purely based on the fact that i love malifaux for the fun/madcap/fluff side of the game, and rarely play "competitively". Even when I play "competetively" I still like to try and deal with a regular power gaming opponent with a relatively simple, self explanitory, fluffy list... Aww don't all the minis look cool all dressed the same?! In the interest of makin the game more fun I have no problem at all with taking stupid and sometimes unnecessary risks to maybe speed up play or cause a little unexpected chaos ( something my power gaming friends would never dream of doing ), all for a little more fun or hiatus. That said my bugbear with the mech, is that when faced with a model that can spam it's own cost in extra models, while placing scheme markers like there is no tomorrow, while being able to move out of engagement range without reprisal.... And most of this while not askin for much more than mid range cards and 2 turns of intelligent,safe movement ?! It's about as much fun as being hit with a first edition alp bomb... (Not in terms of game mechanics, but in terms of heart and excitement during a game) Or to me, as much fun as hitting someone with it... None. I'd like to see a cuddle, if even just to bring my power gaming chums back to selecting a crew. The inevitability that is faced when facing the mech (unless the opponent screws up he's gonna own the board), I think, kinda detracts from the craziness that I've come to love about malifaux... Jus' sayin'
  13. Was turf war with protect territory... I was loaded with vps... Seamus pretty much in opponents deployment zone from end of turn one... 3 belles all near scheme markers and of course seamus had one in the deployment zone... Plus the hanged scheme marker means a whole load of vps... Think at the time raspy had someone by turf war marker... Frozen hearts all over the place and neatly within the Los for ice mirror... And so from turn 4 ( I think ) we had pretty much a stalemate where I wasn't going to put seamus out on any limb for raspy to score her assassinate... Tucked away so just to stand and watch people fail horror duels and heal... That was my main thinking behind this question and although we've kinda gone off topic with the whole "what paralysed does" thing you've done an awesome job of reassuring me that I didn't cheat the other night
  14. At that point in the game my opponent really didn't want to be passing the horror duel! With seamus stashed behind a nearby wall half wounded from severely lucky splash damage, the hanged almost contesting mid table a few inches from seamus, the frozen hearts were all looking at tn 13 horror with -2wp from sinister rep. My opponents options were discard a few cards to stop seamus healing through willpower duels, or just let him heal... And seeing as though at the time it was late gam and I was 10-6 up i was happy to sit there and be passive reactionary... I do however agree that since m2e, the terror engine is nowhere near as scary as it used to be and, unless situationally, it's never my preferred seamus tactic
  15. At that point in the game my opponent really didn't want to be passing the horror duel! With seamus stashed behind a nearby wall half wounded from severely lucky splash damage, the hanged almost contesting mid table a few inches from seamus, the frozen hearts were all looking at tn 13 horror with -2wp from sinister rep. My opponents options were discard a few cards to stop seamus healing through willpower duels, or just let him heal... And seeing as though at the time it was late gam and I was 10-6 up i was happy to sit there and be passive reactionary... I do however agree that since m2e, the terror engine is nowhere near as scary as it used to be and, unless situationally, it's never my preferred seamus tactic
  16. Excellent thank you... That's what I figured would happen. Which brings me to my next question: My main reason for wanting raspy and her chilly chums to fail was to heal up seamus with his feast on fear shenanigans; does this count as losing a WP duel or is horror not a willpower duel? Like the subtle 1st ed difference between morale and willpower duels where not all willpower duels are morale duels but all morale duels are willpower? If ya get what I mean?
  17. I'm at work and pondering... Without cards or rule book so I'm not entirely sure I'm asking the right question or the right wording for his ability but here goes; I recently won a 35ss punch up with seamus vs rasputina... we ended up with turf war in which I chose to defend... Back alley'ed seamus to opponents deployment, which took the form of his trap door from which this spider would pounce.... And decided to annoy raspy by hounding her turf war marker with the hanged.... Alls cool... The problem comes with hangs ability to remov immunity to horror... My opponent was under the impression that in order for it to work as expected the hanged must activate first... Whereas my argument was that it states current activation... As in "any activation" you're reading the card.... Someone please enlighten me... Cheers dudes
  18. Ok cool I kinda figured that one myself what with it not being an ethereal supply wagon:) so I assume it takes the staggered possible line to centre then? What if terrain restricts its movement to only going away from centre?
  19. Can a supply wagon move through blocking/impassible terrain? Can't seem to find rules to the contrary... Cheers
  20. I concur! You ain't got my cards have ya steel?
  21. Aright dudes! Cheers for the cool weekend.... All in favour of name change to ukbusshelter?! I think it's on the cards Don't suppose by any stretch of the imagination my arcanists cards were handed in at the end? I left all the cards for my showgirls on the table I was on all weekend... Cheers again dudes!!!
  22. So lure... Undead psychosis... Pretty much anything from a fluffy seamus list will come cropper??
  23. Does immune to influence render the bearer immune to spells that require a willpower resist?
  24. What an awesome debate!! Been spouting the same $$$$$$$$ for months! and couldn't agree more with Karn on the whole "threat range" thing.. Because the dreamer player knows exactly how far away you are and how many ap chompy gets if your within certain ranges Try not moving first activation (maybe second) and let the dreamer player take initiative on the flow, with probably less activations than you until frightening dreams... And slightly out of maximum chompy potential... Just makes you recalculate.. Which against hardass opportunists can spell defeat... Jesus I actually love collette
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