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Everything posted by Moondog

  1. Very cool I like the look of it, how is it done?
  2. Hello, I'm painting my first crew, and I have found with my painting if I have to put down details of what has been done it seems much easier to keep my progress up. I am a terribly slow painter and often short of time, so I am hoping by putting details on this thread it will speed me up! I have posted this before (just before it was finished) so sorry if you have seen it before, but it's a good start to the thread and might spur me on to paint faster to complete this crew. So here we are Perdita Ortega. By the way if you want a cactus these are Pegasus Hobbies small (#2) Cacti. They are a little bit expensive (at least in the UK) and a strange plastic but great detail on them. Starting on the rest of the crew soon.
  3. Cool, I like them. They are painted like no other version I have seen which is good.
  4. I love the look of this crew I really want to paint it!! Haha I nearly ended up with this as my first crew, but I saw the Perdita model and had to have that because I loved the sculpt. I understand that crew isn't that hard to learn with. I didn't choose the crew for that though I just picked what I wanted to paint more!
  5. Nice, I like the shading and highlighting on the purple, very good.
  6. Freehand on the kimono looks really good and you were right to choose black hair I think, looks cool.
  7. Aha! Cool thanks. It is very effective and you painted it well.
  8. Those are cool and you've painted them well. That is going to be an amazing battlefield when done! Edit: I originally wanted to ask - how did you do all your little plants are they brass etchings? I like em.
  9. Thanks very much all! Seems a friendly and easy going forum which is cool. Absolution Black or LonelyPath or anyone if you are planning a game in Welshpool Frontline Games then give me a shout if you want. I can't guarantee I'll have learnt the rules fully by then but I am trying! I don't tend to have much free time especially on the weekends which is a major barrier to my gaming but I am going to see what I can do. I am off to paint cacti. Have fun.
  10. I haven't really played yet, but I know the place, Is Dave the owner? I think I have spoken to Dave and Gareth. Seems a cool place.
  11. I'm in Powys, near the border with England and close to Newtown, Welshpool, and Shrewsbury at the moment but I could be moving to South Wales in a while. Thanks for the welcome and invite to see the Cardiff tournament. Oh just saw it's this weekend. Can't make it unfortunately but was a cool idea.
  12. Hello all, I used to play miniature games a bit having played quite a few Games Workshop games probably over about 6 or 7 years ago. I was quite into painting then too but had a big break where I didn't do any gaming or painting. So after a 6+ year gap I picked up one of my old models and started painting again and liked it. I used to hang around www.coolminiornot.com quite a lot. Browsing the galleries again I randomly saw a version of Perdita painted by Wren and thought it was a very cool model (Wyrd do have some really cool models). Around about the same time a little game store opened in my town (this is real novelty as my town is pretty small!) and I wandered in and sitting on the shelves was a boxed set with Perdita in. The store manager said you only needed a boxed set to play a complete "army" and the games usually lasted no more than 1 hour depending on size. Well one thing I am short on is time (you wouldn't think so with the amount of rambling on in this post though!) and I am a really slow painter so I thought this game looked ideal. I had an extremely quick demo game another day and it seemed really fun so I bought the Perdita box set and the rules. I don't get much free time and travel on the weekends so haven't had a chance to play another game and although I read the rules it's not really a substitute for learning by doing. I did find a youtube video which introduced the rules and was quite good but I only found that one. Is there anything else like that about? If I have any really newbie questions where is the best place to post them? For example activation and alternating activation between you and your opponent is very new to me as I am used to whole turn games like Warhammer. I am not 100% sure about activations and triggers either. I have started painting my crew though and almost finished one model, although I am pretty slow. It's fun. I have probably typed far too much, thanks for reading!
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