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Count Domar

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About Count Domar

  • Birthday 03/27/1962

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  1. If I activate each Corphyee in turn and during the second Corphyee's activation perform "Dance Together" will I be able to also activate the Corphyee Duet during this turn or will it be considered to have already activated since both of the Corphyee's activated prior to performing the "Dance Together"? Thanks.
  2. I started tryng this towards the end of the game but was still having some problems. The defender construct (can't remember it's name) supposedly has hard to kill and something where it can heal itself each turn. this meant what little damage I was able to do was healed next turn. Next game should be different since I hope to have my duet ready to field.
  3. Thx. The one time in the last game that I tried to get the trigger "Mannequin Replacement" I totally forgot about the positive flip and I didn't even realize there was another trigger I could have looked for to recoop the soulstone. I will keep both of those in mind the next time I play.
  4. This is good to know as I was always playing it the way Sybaris stated it. That would definitely change things.
  5. How do you figure 50/50 chance of getting the Mannequin Replacement? This trigger requires three Tomes, only one of which is guaranteed. The second one you could have in you hand and cheat it as your draw card. The third one is purely the luck of the draw if you spend the sole stone to buy another card which is a one in four chance to get the Tome (I guess you could say 50/50 if you account for her ability of having a positive flip whenever she uses a sole stone to draw a card - Was that what you were referring to?). Even if you were referring to the positive flip you must have a high enough Tome to cheat or (or have drawn a high enough card) that when all are added up it is enough to cast the spell. It would have been nice to have access to the Mobile Tool Kit specifically for this.
  6. Thx all. I already have the doves, Coryphee and Angelica models, they were just not based where I could use them the other day. Future games will find me using the Coryphee duet and Cassandra as the primary models selected with a performer/mannequin as next depending on size. I plan on using the Doves but will probably opt to bring them into play after game started versus paying up front for them. I got stuck with a bad strategy and didn't think about using a sole stone to reflip for it. Mine was basically to kill Hoffman which I got no where near being able to do. Quick question about Blinding Flash- It says she swaps when she is hit. I am assuming that since she was hit she will suffer the damage prior to swapping. Is this correct or does the model she swaps with take the damage? Edit: As a side note I also have the Ramos and Von Schill box sets that, once based I could use as well to augment my team.
  7. Thx for the response. I was just looking over the Coryphee cards and found that they will have to be a must when fighing against Hoffman. As you said the damage output would be great but they can also negate the "Immune to Influence if they can successfully get off the Enchanting Performance trigger on their blades. This would allow the performers to try and step in with the Siren's Call to try and paralyze them.
  8. Anybody have any strategies for going against Hoffman? It appears most of the spells that her crew have are based on WP duels which they are immune to via "Immune to Influence" and because they are constructs they are immune to Morale duels. Just had a game where I got waxed because everything I could do was ineffective because of this. I only used the box set for this game as my doves, Angelica and Coryphee twins are not based yet.
  9. Thx. Now I just got to try and figure out how to get her into Melee on turn 1.
  10. During the first two turns Casandra can only be attack via ranged attacks and spells. Does this mean that if she were able to get into melee range of an enemy model on turn one, and try to move past them during turn two to get at a model in the back field, that the enemy model in melee would not be able to target her with a disengaging strike?
  11. It is my understanding the the Fast ability gives the model one extra General Action Point to be used however they want and that Slow removes one General Action Point from the models current total (either for the current turn they are on or a future turn if they have already activated or used all but one action point). My question is if the model with fast is hit with two seperate attacks that produces a slow effect will they drop down to only having one action point or will they only lose one action point (i.e. the slow effect does not stack)?
  12. Blinding causes the enemy that targeted Collette to be "slow". 1. If the attack is the first action for the enemy does the slow kick in immediately ending their current turn (unless the had additional specific actions) or can they finish their other actions and are effected by slow next turn? 2. It is my understanding that if the attack occurs as the last action the enemy performing the attack will bes slow during their activation next turn. Is this correct?
  13. Thx that helps out. I thought you could only summon them if you paid for them.
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