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Huang Da Wei

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Everything posted by Huang Da Wei

  1. Can I just ask for some crew advice as I have aquired some models for cheap price. At the moment I have dreamer, LCB, coppelius, kade, 2 stitched, 3 daydreams and teddy. As I have only played 2 games so far (with mcmourning) what would be a good 25ss set up to allow me to learn their play style?
  2. I didnt magnetise, I bought 2 sets of coryphee, the only reason was because the showgirl models are so good I enjoy painting an extra 2
  3. superb mini, I dont want to be bad but is it missing some paint from the stitching behind the ear?
  4. Yeah the photo doesnt look quite right for colours, oh well. I dont know how Kade will play but nutty rugrat in nappy armed with big knife was the first model that attracted me to Malifaux so I have to give the little guy a chance.
  5. I have put my showgirls to the back of the painting table (awaiting coryphee to arrive from mail order) and focused on my neverborn. Found some unused vallejo paints from my old flames of war days and decided to 'camouflage' the bases, just need some small accessories to finish them off. Now, one of the models in the photo is unfinished, can you guess which one?
  6. I havent been able to get book 3 yet, and I assume thats where the avatars stuff is. Can someone give me a brief run down of what they are cos the models are looking awesome
  7. I sometimes get bored when painting and need new incentive. so, the coryphee can wait and I am starting on my neverborn. pics soon
  8. why the big rush with the web store, dont you guys have a retail shop less than 10 minutes away, just like I do
  9. Is there an app for Malifaux? when I played a game this week a guy who was watching kept refering to his phone for model stats, just wondering what he had.
  10. this is the latest image from my showgirls, maybe there is a little inspiration for you. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=1783&d=1321102092
  11. Raspi looks way too nice in those pastel colours, I always think of her as a dark gothy type chick
  12. I have just bought the pack of 3 young lacroix, didnt look until I got home and I have 2 the same. I have 2 of the little guys holding gun in 2 hands but none of the chap on the pig. Are the sets random models or should I have had 1 of each?
  13. few more models added this week, another dove and 2 mannequins with the red/green of their showgirl to link them. just the coryphee to go but cant decide on the colour scheme plus 1 has broken arm and I am not sure I want to buy 2 full models just to get an arm.
  14. Thats great advice, I can paint for 6 hours at a time when I am in the mood and produce good stuff. If I am not in the mood its 30 minutes of rubbish that I have to go over again.
  15. Well, dare you to go and ask. If you dont post any more threads we will know you found the real one
  16. I started with Colette and some doves, then some girls and Casssandra. I have left the mannequins and coryphee to last, partly because I couldnt decide on the colours. I suggest you paint what feels right and as for colours, just go with you first instincts. Definately a thin coating of paint and wash, this will give you a good start. For mine I used vallejo 955 flat flesh with flesh wash and highlights.
  17. I have only played 2 games of malifaux so I cant comment on the crews but what I can say is dont give up. look on each battle as a learning curve, play to the end, learn as you go and try next time to beatyour opponent using differnt tactics or models. just giving up because things arent going your way is not good, maybe your opponent did well, maybe he got lucky, maybe you were unlucky. but just remember its a game, 2 or more people just playing a game. take some advise from the guys on here, adjust your crew, ask for a rematch and play it through. good luck
  18. For more on this, check out my youtube miniseries on Colette: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheEbonstar?feature=mhee
  19. I think I understand that, but 5, how does the mannequin push back? and would that mean that all 3 are cuddled together at that stage
  20. so I had better paint up another mannequin just in case I get lucky
  21. I have a broken coryphee, the arm is broken and just wont repair as it is on a joint. I dont really want to spend out on a twin set when thats all I need so I thought I would ask on here first.
  22. What about disappearing act, burying models, is that good ? do they stay buried for the game or just short time?
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