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Everything posted by Tarragon

  1. I think that would be pushing my luck (not to mention my wallet) a bit TOO far XD
  2. This is true. Add to this Malifaux Cheub and/or Primordial Magic - Always good for allowing Lilith herself to be Transpositioned.
  3. With the possibility of getting the Nytmare Edition LCB, I'm building a Dreamer crew! Now, I've run this past hthe forums before, but I just want opinions, Not necesarrily just on how effective it'll be (that's not my main aim) but also on how it will look, how it will be to play as and against and how fun it will be. Nytmare Dreamer/LCB [7SS pool] 3 Daydreams (PW Teddies, if I can afford them as well) Teddy Teddy Teddy In the meantime... I'll revise the tactica
  4. Well, you can tell them, by that logic, since magic isn't magical Harry Potter is a complete lie. See if that changes their minds?
  5. Well, the Spirits (Page 10 of Rules manual) Say they suffer half Damage from non-magical sources. I think the rule of common sense is: Spells that deal damage directly ARE magical Spells that cause you to make strikes are NOT magical If you want an actual reference for where it defines spell damage as magical... I don't know if that exists.
  6. No synergy as far as I can see. It was just a really fast group meant to be a pressing threat from turn one and to tie me up until the cavalry arrived (literally).
  7. Well, from my observations of a 45ss Brawl, Leveticus advanced up the middle with Alyce and a couple Riders on his left, and Collodi with four Marionnettes waited until the end of the turn until I was out-activated, then shot straight down my left flank. It was quite scary, as I had to deal with Collodi, then Riders, then Levi himself in exceedingly quick succession. Collodi ended up falling to Pandora's Self Loathing (getting my Spread Madness scheme), as did the riders, but then Levi pwned Lilith and my entire right flank collapsed because I'd put so much into diverting the dolls and Riders on the left (he has Stake A Claim on some ruins in my left field). Ended up losing 7-3.
  8. I like that idea. Perhaps form some rules on scenarios Earthside, like how the natural magic is weaker (Say a natural to all Ca duels or something) but Soulstones are more powerful for it (like, a on the SS flip). Introduce some new Henchmen to use on Earthside, some new mnions, scenarios... ...I think Wyrd could have some fun with that
  9. Hmm. OK, I think you've got the basic rules set out now, any unexpected things that crop up you can improvise over. I'll enjoy watching you and the player see this one through!
  10. OK, so let me get this straight. This is all about finding an object of great power. At the start you're given some clues. Phase One) Assemble your clues. Each time you win a Box-sized game, you're given another clue. (How would these clues work? Would each player be given the same clues? How would they determine who gets the object for the next stage?) Phase Two) Figure out how to use the object. If you win a game against the current object-holder, and you kill the Leader, you gain the object. (What if you have the object, and you win the game? Should you get a benefit from that? Could you have a bonus/penalty from simply having the object?) Phase Three) Awakening the object. All players go into a mass Brawl, but only one player knows where. The player who holds the object at the end 'Activates it' and wins. (Which player will know where it's held? Will it be the player with the object at the end? What if the object switches hands? How will the object be activated?) Each phase is 4 week, one game per week (Will the locations and strategies be pre-determined each game, or will you try to fit them into the game as you play?) I think it's a good plan. Needs refining (I put questions that I think need addressing in italics), but I'd definitely like to see where this goes. XD
  11. I repeat the sentiments of those above, Welcome to Malifaux!
  12. Well, eventually you should have them down the same as Feel No Pain, or And They Shall Know No Fear from 40K. Unfortunately, there's no other way around it than to carry on playing the game. But it's a fun game, so it shouldn't seem like a chore or anything XD
  13. $40 equates to about £25 here in the UK. I've only got £30 in the bank, and I don't think that a) the remainder of my cash will cover the shipping and my parents will be too impressed I spent ALL my money on five tiny pewter models for a crew I won't collect until about February.
  14. This was exactly my plan except it was at 35SS and had an extra Teddy XD I really don't have enough cash to manage to get my hands on three PW Teddys for now. But there has to be SOME other company that does tiny, evil teddies... right?
  15. I might get some in place of Daydreams for my Teddy-themed Dreamer crew. But not an entire crew, tbh. Would look pretty cool, though!
  16. Well, for one have you got enough terrain on the board? That's often a problem against Guild gunline-type crews. With Lilith, I myself go hiding in cover, then Transposition a Brood-Mothered Mature Neph in place of one of their support guys. Kill support guy, Neph opens up hole in unsupported guys for the rest of my crew to exploit. I don't know if you've tried that, but generally every time it's failed is because I get a rubbish hand when I need it. Which, unfortunately, happens a lot to me XD
  17. Well, Pandora's a hard master to take down, from my own experience, but also a tricky one to learn. I started with Pandora, and a friend of mine started Malifaux as well. I picked up the knack of playing faster than him (I'm from a 40K background) and in the end I had to get Lilith because he flat-out refused to play against Pandora XD I'm by no means an expert, but the best I can say is that Pandora focuses very much on Death From 1000 Cuts, but she can easily topple the toughest models in a single activation. You have to decide when to spread the Wds around, or start piling them up. One extremely mean tactic I know of involves Doppelgänger and 2 sorrows. Doppelgänger mimics Link from the Sorrows and links to Pandy, Sorrows link to Doppelgänger. Second turn, Doppelgänger mimics Emotional Trauma and Unhealthy Relationship, which allows the Sorrows linked to it to use it's Mimic action to mimic Emotional Trauma. Then, you have four Emotional Traumas and two Emotional Stress's all Linked together roaming around. I recommend not doing that outside a tournament if you want your boyfriend to continue playing against you XD As for aPandy, I really have no experience with her, so I can't say anything.
  18. The two schemes I like best are Spread Madness (Pandora's own scheme) and Bodyguard [Pandora]. When you take Spread Madness, though, make sure it's Self-Loathing that kills, not the wound from Emotional Trauma. Although, another scheme I like is Reclaim Malifaux. With Pandora pushin all around the board on a single (0) Action, it's not that hard to get to two or three board segments in a single activation. Or so I've used her XD Take an Insidious Madness or two, and piece of cake. EDIT: OH, Strategys! Sorry, misread it. Well, Pandora's very flexible, so it's more about the crew than the Master for the Strategy. Destroy the Evidence is a favourite of mine, but it's really up to you.
  19. "Hot water, good dentistry, and soft lavatory paper"
  20. Even that has a downside, because from what I've heard Nekima is a pain in the @$$ to assemble and transport.
  21. Lelu and Lilitu every time. Nekima was already a big, unwieldy character and easily taken down. After the errata I'd argue she's not much more than an expensive distraction outside a grow list. Lelu/Lilitu have better utility, better defenses (smaller, heals 4 Wds a turn each etc.) and have more synergy with masters outside Lilith should you decide to expand.
  22. I probably don't have the skills, but hey, if you don't try you can't get better! And well, I'll bear Ratty's advice in mind as I sally forth! Thanks
  23. OK, I've decided to be ambitious for my upcoming Von Schll crew, and do it all in NMM (that using non-metallic paint to get a metallic effect, so ya know) I'm starting with Taelor, and her whackin' great construct arm and hammer. I was thinking doing the arm in a dark bronze, and the hammer in steel. I'm really just looking for any tips you can give on how to make it as good as possible. Where to highlight, what colours etc. Thanks!
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