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Posts posted by Hardlec

  1. I had to rush a bit to meet the deadline and it shows.

    I wanted the neverborne to be more diabolical and missdirecting. W(e don't want war ... yet. I am your friend until you trust me. Needs work.

    The vision was mistaken for a rook, not a rook. That needs expansion.

    There is a lot more to do,and I need to learn to edit on a tablet.


    Alcohol requires fermentation. Fermentation requires mainly yeast and sugar. The yeast that grows on the grapes in Malifaux produces an inferior wine. Even the Governor can scarce afford to import wine from across the breach.

    Beer is another matter. The beer brewed in Malifaux has become the second most valuable export. No better way to refresh on a hot day than a cold mug of malty suds.

    Distilled Spirits were by far the most popular libation. Gin was the cheapest way to get drunk. Whisky was popular in the saloons that sprang up in the small towns. Every farm seemed to have a still and every watering hole its special label.

    Lucius and the Governor both enjoyed Absinthe. Last night, both men enjoyed a date with the green faery.

    In the short moments between sleep and wakefulness, Lucius had a vivid dream. A sugar cube on a slotted spoon. Iced water poured slowly over the sugar. The green clear liquid became the delectable louche. There was a strange design on the spoon; a chess rook. As Lucius looked into the forming louche he saw it again. Strange. Sleep began to dissipate, and the hangover began to take hold. This was going to be a long day.

    A knock at the door. Decorum kept the ever cool Lucius from heaving his chamber pot at the noise that was splitting his head. Instead he got up, donned a dressing robe, and opened the door. There stood a page. "Poor lad" thought the bureaucrat, his uniform must weigh more than he does.

    "A note from the Governor Sir. He requests a reply."

    "Your presence is requested and required at Breakfast, at 7:00 sharp."

    The wax seal looked odd. A chess rook. Again with the chess rook. On reinspection it was the governor's seal.

    Lucius wasted no time. He took the note to his writing desk, penned "yes" under the signature, refolded the envelope and affixed his own wax seal.

    The note was given to the page who accepted it back on its silver tray. Then Lucius went swiftly about the business of dressing.

    Throughout the tasks of getting ready, the shadowy images of chess rooks. They began to abate when Lucius took his aspirin.

    There are as many hangover remedies as hangovers, or so it might seem. The wonder drug from the old side of the breech was pricey, even for a high level official. They reduced pain, fever and inflammation. It helped with hangovers, and it was worth the price.

    "The first order of business today" began the governor; "who here is seeing visions of chess rooks?"

    Everyone raised a hand.

    "Who here did not drink Absinthe?"

    Every hand lowered.

    "I thought as much.

    The train carrying soul stones across the breech was robbed yesterday. There were no survivors.

    Lucius, I want you to take my private car, and some troops. Go out to the breech and check into this. I want to know which faction is involved, and get an investigation going. I also want you to go to River point and check the Absinthe distillery. If this chess thing is a prank, I'm going to personally hang whoever did it. If not, well, changes may need to be made.

    Finish your tea, Lucius, and then head out. I have the train readying; you can pick your troops. There will be a proper breakfast there."

    Lucius stood, proffered his teacup to the group in salute, then quaffed the oolong and went off.

    After sending half a dozen pages in half a dozen directions with orders, Lucius went into the Guard barracks to see who was available. Tor, a guard captain was there, training a squad of guardsmen and associated guild hounds. "I have a squad of Guards ready to go, and four hounds that just finished training. Would we do?"

    "Yes quite so. Is Caleb about?"

    "Caleb is in the Yard with some new birds. He's probably aching for some action. The other Austringers are out."

    Caleb was indeed out in the yard. Sasha, his great black and white raptor, was on a perch. Two other Raptors were closer at hand, being trained. Judging by their performance, they were ready.

    "Caleb! Are you ready for some honest work?"

    The man turned and made a quick bow from the neck. "Aye, milord. I have two new birds here who are ready for a re) mission. Shall I bring them?

    "yes, yes. We are going to investigate a train robbery. More good eyes will be better. We need to move right away."

    "Their cages are right here." The Austringèr quickly stashed the birds and with a scant twist of his lure, summoned Sasha.

    A Malifaux Raptor is to a falcon as a falcon is to a budgie. Three raptors could carry off a man. Lucius had seen flocks of Raptors destroy greater Nephelhiem. The idea that he would have more animals than people did not bother him at all. Neither hounds nor birds bit the hand that fed them.

    The Governor's train left at 7:47. Tor saw to the guards and Caleb getting breakfast, and extra rations for the dogs and birds. Like all good soldiers, the Guards, hounds and birds quickly finished their meals and went to sleep. Caleb too began to nap.

    Lucius was not so lucky. He had a pile of paperwork and it was no easier on the governor's desk than on his own.

    The visions had stopped. The warm tea had become soothing and the paperwork pile was refreshingly smaller.

    Two short blasts on the whistle summoned Lucius to the engine. "We are getting near to the place where the freight train was robbed. I am looking for the brakeman's lantern. "

    "There, just ahead."

    The short train braked quickly and there was a flurry of action. In an area that seemed desperate to be a lot of nothing in the middle of nowhere there was chaos in control. The Guards and birds and hounds set up a perimeter. The train crew was busy, tending the train and setting their flares to prevent another train from crashing into them. Caleb searched the ground. Lucius walked the track.

    About a hundred yards behind the lantern left by the ambushed train, Lucius saw three black marks on the track. Regularly spaced. Torpedoes. The crew had been signaled to stop by someone who knew about trains.

    Caleb commented: "It looks like ressers hit this train. No body parts."

    Lucius replied: "It could be. What do you think of this?" he pointed to the three regularly spaced black scars on the track.

    "I have no idea sir."

    Caleb was an expert tracker and this was not his first investigation.

    "Torpedoes. small tubes filled with black powder. A train runs over them, and they make a big bang, but just noise. No damage. Three in a row like this is a signal for an emergency stop, but you have to be technically proficient to set them."

    "Not ressers then. Who?"

    "I don't know, Caleb, and I have less of a clue now than I had before."

    The troops returned to the train and all headed to the breech port. Caleb mentioned to Lucius that the hounds and raptors seemed oddly calm. Ressers work usually left the animals upset.

    At the train yard at Breech Port, the place was a buzz with the rumor that the ressers had knocked off an M&SU train full of Gild treasure. Lucius and Caleb looked at the door on the treasure car. It looked as if a giant beast had torn it open. Tor, the guard captain broke the concerned silence.

    "No beast did that --" he pointed to the door. "That was done by a steam-bot. The marks are too clean, there's no blood in them from damage to the claws, no broken bits of claw. That's not resser work, unless they are buying steambots."

    Lucius felt his headache comming back. "This is a nightmare" he thought to himself.

    "We are not your enemies, young one. We will, we must, protect ourselves, but we are not your enemies." Not a voice, a thought, but too clear. Something was off. This was too like the chess rook. Lucius reached for the aspirin. Too like the the -- the -- the hangover. Not the Absinthe, the hangover.

    Well, there was still work to do. They all went to Riverpointe.

    The raptors were shrieking, and the hounds were barking. Something was upsetting them.

    "What now?" thought Lucius. Then he saw it.

    The lighthouse on Riverpointe resembled a tower from an old castle. "The Chess Rook. " Now the puzzle began to make sense.

    Lucius diverted the train to the lighthouse. He ran to the door, crashed it open, and the smell and dust began to overwhelm him. As a soul stone user, Lucius could already feel the energy of the great cashed of stones. This was a M&SU outpost. They hit their own train, blamed the ressers and would double sell the soul stones. The headache came back. A reaction to the dust and smell.

    "We are not your enemies, young one. The guild goes to war against the ressers. The M&SU supplies weapons to both sides, but we Never Born must make a choice. War is an ill wind that blows no one any good.

    No war today, young one. Keep the peace.

    The headache allowed me to communicate with you. The hangover, not the drink. Images are much easier to convey than words. I started with the lighthouse, and you miss read this to be a chess rook. It is difficult to 'speak' to you Young One. Remember: no war today."

    The connection was broken. Lucius found the source of the bizzar dreams and the stolen soul stones. he avoided a war. It was a good day.

    One thing bothered him. Who would call him, a superannuated bureaucrat: "young one."

  3. ...

    The page handed him a note, fine paper sealed with wax. The impression was most curious, but as he looked at it, it was the Governor's crest, not the symbol of a chess king. Or was it? The note smelled of anise, fennel and wormwood.

    Another long day after a night with the Green Faerie.

    Okay. If I make further installments do I post them or send a link to my cloud or....

  4. Avatars are not uber-superdy-duperty. Good. Malifaux is not a game you win with your cheque book.

    Style of play is the main reason to choose a master. Being able to switch is a powerful option. The interaction with your crew is almost as important. Being able to change means you can keep your opponent guessing. Otherwise a zillion spiders always wins.; -)

  5. I am trying to keep my spouse happy and interested in Malifaux. She has a Marcus list with several beasts. (She is a Lawyer, which leads to some bad jokes and awkward moments.)

    She loves frogs and I have a nice looking frog that sits on a 30mm base well.

    How do I concoct stats/abilities/spells for this moist amphibian? I might adopt a frog as a proxy for another beast, or start form scratch. I am not looking for official approval, just something reasonable for friendly games.

  6. Get a spool of fine wire. 28 gauge or there abouts. Make an applicator for superglue as follows:

    Cut about 2 inches of wire

    Fold the piece in half. Cut the "two ends" off flush together if needed.

    Glue will travel up the nearly invisible gap between the two wire legs by capillary action and will flow to a small point on the figure by the same manner. Accelerator can be applied the same way, but different applicators will be needed. If necessary use a bit of tape to "flag" one applicator to keep the accelerator and glue applicators separate. (dipping the accelerator applicator in a bottle of superglue will cause the entire bottle to cure. Not instantly, but inevitably.

    Applicators almost never survive between sessions.

  7. Tools vary wildly in regard to quality, utility and price. I like Harbor Freight Tools for "discount" tools, and Ace Hardware, for discount sometimes and quality mostly. All the hardware stores typically do very well with SERVICE!!!!! you can find an expert who will usually make an excellent reccomendation. If they don't have it, they can often order it for you, sans shipping fee.

    Memory Wire cutters are found in bead/jewelry supply/hobby stores. Places like Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Memory wire cutters are designed to cut super-hard-tempered memory wire used to make necklaces and bracelets. It will make a clean "flush" cut on music wire up to 18 guage.

  8. do you want to quickly and frequently take the figures off the base?

    Find a disc shaped magnet of suitible size. There are a couple alternatives at Wally-world and Mikey's.

    Attach the magnet to the bottom of the base.

    Attach pins of piano wire to the figure. Drill holes of the same diameter as the wire into the base. You can use a short

    piece of wire as a drill if needed.

    The length of the wire provides enough contact. Be sure to use steel wire. Most craft wire is non ferrous and non magnetic.

    ---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 AM ----------

    P S

    I use this technique to mount machine guns on my Flames of War tanks.

  9. Mostly primer is supposed to do 2 things :

    Stick to the surface better than paint and give the paint something to stick to.

    For those reasons I prefer Krylon.##

    Citidel paints and minis are designed to be incompatible with anything else. I do not advocate for any citadel products.

    (I've had dry paint flake off citidel primer. )

    Remember to thoroughly clean minis before priming to remove mold release. Soap, water, a toothbrush and elbow grease. (Just buy a cheap toothbrush for your paint kit.)

    Color of primer makes a subtle impact on the paint. I have used different colors for different effects, I mostly use grey.

    My issue is this:

    I am allergic to the propellant in spray cans. Does anyone know of a primer that can be applied by airbrush?

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