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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. Walks into thread eating egg sandwich , chewing on way to much at one time ... Hey all ! @ab by the way its 345A not b * slams down huge tomb and points to an open page * @cho he is not lying that rule was put in place when creatures like kade and candy started showing up . @fell good luck with those apps @karn high five homie @lobo any progress on that crew ? All this said with a mouth full of egg sandwich , wipes crumbs from shirt .
  2. hey hey hey , what did i do know .... yells and points " lady J in a sexy 2 piece " runs out side door to catch train for work !
  3. hey whats up all ... *walks to coffee monolith * played in my malifaux campaign , I tied but its ok since i already received max points for this round . played against a colloti voodoo hag crew with a whole lotta dolls . I took the Perdita and family and some marshals , i boxed papa loco and was able to run up and get pap into a great position to blow up and kill like 6 dolls at once ! I chose exterminate dolls! for fun I came close to colloti was the only doll left lol . Its was a fun game !
  4. well now anytime some says activate marionettes , i keep on hearing that mega death song ... hello me meet the real me , hello me its me again ! .. cut to chorus ... just like maaarioneeeeettes
  5. ha ha whats up everyone booooyeah !!!!! * looks around to find room empty , shrugs , runs out * * worms back in leaves thumb tac on abs favorite morning seat , worms back out trying to hold back laughter but doing a poor job *
  6. I will check out that testors dull coat , thanks !
  7. @sketch well played sir ! , nice deflection lol
  8. Long meeting ! .... Does that mean terraclips is almost ready for us !
  9. Huge grin washes over foes face ....oh man! Just a tad higher and you would have nailed those little bastards !
  10. Climbs onto siege tank . Ummm fell wouldn't scissors be just as effective ... I mean it is paper over all ...anf your scaring the children . * points to baby kade and candy hiding behind a box with large watery eyes *
  11. Whats up everyone ! Been on the go since I woke up late lol . Anything crazy happen Oh that paper dragon is super awesome , ill paint one of your models if you make me one for my painting table !
  12. @eric I know your take on primer , do you feel the same about your varnish/sealer ? lately I have been looking into a paint on matt varnish . I feel like conditions have to be perfect to spray on varnish , even than you sometimes get the dreaded white powdery mist . Do you paint on you varnish as well ?
  13. I like blue moon as well as a good black and tan ...must bring home guiness and bass ale on the way home . I also like several brews from brooklyn brewery .
  14. Quietly leans back on hidden chair , thinking I have to asked karn to make a beer monolith .
  15. Waves at fell ...mouth to full to give a coherent farwell .
  16. Odd in malifaux is considered a good day .. Winces oh no I just sounded liked... Er nevermind .
  17. ummm yeah you might need a new production team ..my bad . No food fight not my area anyway , been inside a boiler getting it cleaned out for the summer so its all spiffy for next winter . Wanted to just finish and shower rather than break in the middle .
  18. Backs into room firing his repeater slammed the door shut . "spoon! Whats the deal with all the zombies out there I had to take down about 50, the gaurd are burning the corpses as we speak ! " Finally some free time work has been non stop all day !
  19. Great stuff so far ! Good progress as well
  20. @Fell oooooh yes i agree in RPG's that's a whole different story . I mean why role play than .
  21. if you have an extra $400 thee is the ipad option All the teachers in my school received an ipad that they can take home for home use , they received a technology grant , that's what they used it on :dontknow:
  22. meta gamers are ok nothing wrong with researching the factions to do better , its the rule lawyer douche bags that get to me the ones that try and use the wording to bend the rules and take the rules out of context , knowing what the real rule is meant to do .
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