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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. looking good so far , I have to say I do like the color scheme .
  2. man i have the day to myself , and i cant find a game today ! , i guess i can paint
  3. @ hako - thanks ! , yeah her hat was a little flat si went with a tad bit of texture . @durek -yes I had him for a while and finally found a use for them .
  4. Peels from the wall where he was painted up for total concealment ... Did someone say lasagna !
  5. I do all my posting from my phone while I am at work ... Oooo I have to get some bbq at lunchtime as well now thanks, will be forwarding complaints from trainer at gym too sketch at wyrd . I miss anything good !
  6. I like where this is headed so far ! The dogs like fine I like them
  7. @ fell I would rather have cool humid I think , than the warm and sweaty kind ! So for friday i think a case of blue moon is in order !
  8. dude there are sooo many out there . I try to stay with wyrd models wherever I can for official tournament play , but here is some good ones out there . http://www.thewarstore.com/product57054.html http://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/54mm-plus-category/smart-max-1/smog-1/kain-finger-1-35-scale.html http://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/miniatures/freebooter-miniatures/chaos-demon-with-wings.htm
  9. Love the green stuff work on golem , he looks way better that way
  10. " no one leaves here without singing the blues "
  11. Just found some early wyrd pics of july releases http://www.dafk.net/what/
  12. Yay ! A kid just gave me a cupcake , she was so cute ! A cup cake from crumbs ! Yuuuuuum . Search crumbs cup cake you will sees what I mean !
  13. " Very, very sneaky sir " Where this from?
  14. Yup airplane ! So funny I miss comedy like that
  15. DIE pigs ! Shakes head stuffs phone back into, pocket .... Dumb game
  16. I just want you to know we are all counting on you ... And stop calling me shirly ... Name that movie ...
  17. Darn angry birds , why am I even playing this game!
  18. walks in thread with bucket of KFC for evryone ... after a week of rain ( I like rain ) its an awesomely sunny day here in good ol NYc ...
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