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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. Walks in eating an apple , stops for second to listen in shrugs his shoulders grabs the hammer he left behind , goes about his day . I get to work outside today the garden on the school ground needs some up keep .it so niiiiice outside today !
  2. Gooooooood Moooornning mAAAAAAAlifaux ! ( in my best Robin Williams voice ) walks over to milk shake monolith pours some in giant glass , walks up too coffee monolith pours some into same glass , whips it with large spoon , adds whip cream to the top , leaves to catch train . @ fell - well iam happy your starting to work at your table agian . To bad your not in NYC I could have got your apps to the top of the stack , I work in a school , Iam the handy person and boiler operator of the building . @Karn - milk shake monolith a must stay ! @Abs - good morning dude .... just to make him feel like its way earlier than it is near him .
  3. I added it in on one of my youtube videos about 3min in . showing how I made mine modular . [ame] [/ame] more videos comin this weekend !
  4. Its tough since he is a high cost model to get in there , but can make Ryle a crazy gun platform ! . Hoffmans crew already comes in at a low model count so a non construct for 10 points might not be the best choice .
  5. Awesome hope to see you guys down there , working on the prize support this week .
  6. great start ! also good choice of additional models as well .
  7. Makes me miss my cat , I used to get the gross out look from everyone because I would let the cat drink from my bowl as I ate cereal .
  8. mmmm just finished off some Greek salad . played some castle crashers with my sons . now iam going to paint some hmmmmmmm let me see what do I want to use in my campaign game wed. .... ah ausingers I have been nice through out this campaign. Scenario 3 , time to get nasty . * rubs hands together smiling with an evil grin looking threw shifty eyes . *
  9. I have done it and is amazing, I love the smell , il grab a few blue moons sit back and relax on a night like that .
  10. No I have that will smith song stuck in my head thanks guys ...
  11. Got the primer mad it back on the nic of time . only had time for a double bacon cheese burger and root beer float since there was no line to wait on . greek salad for diner!
  12. Rushes to hobby shop for primer . Hopes he can make it back in an hour
  13. Grats fell thats super awesome ! Holds up hand for a high five followed by mini hand explosion . Debating on large greek salad with grilled chicken (this pkace makes very good grilled chicken , juicy not dry ) Or Gyro and vanilla shake
  14. * Foerender and lucius walk in the room carrying on a conversation filled with laughter * The pair walk towards the coffee monolith Foe - "man that was an awesome night" Lucius - ... Foe - That was so funny when you told that waiter if we dont have our drinks he would be hanging from a noose in less than 2 minutes 's " Lucius- I wasn't joking ... Foe- oh .... Well anyway the look on his face was priceless * laughes loudly * Lucius- well duty calls .... Oh man those belles from lastnight are still at my place ! Foe-ewwwww I feel bad for those maids . * lucius and foe go through a complex handshake which involves several in tune snaps , ending with hand explosions . Lucius pulls his coat straight clears his throat and exits * Whats up room have I missed anything havnt had time to read the back log .
  15. Very nice ! I love the over all scheme , as well as the list design . I think lucius instead of the lawer would be a nice side bar option .
  16. Almost finished a whole blood bowl team , not a bad day of painting ! night all
  17. I would have to agree , it was an awesome day here in NYC the weather was perfect . warm enough for short sleeve but with a cool breeze .
  18. Ryle does really work well with him as does the peacekeeper , if you want with friends you can always say the hunter is a peacekeeper til you feel like its worth investing more . The reasoning behind the tool kit is that it keeps up with hoffman with no trouble , do to its always available rule . Giving Hoffman the book to basicly cast medic at will is nice too , and the extra healing flip from his 2 action . he is also a great target for slow . I have scratch built one for the time being and been running it as both the totems , and found the tool kit way more helpful . Also be aware of Colloti him and his dolls are constructs so ignore open circuit and can gang up on a key piece a turn and usually kill it . I find that killing the dolls and blowing up the scrap counters slows down Collodi by a lot , and ryle is perfect for taking down the dolls and puppets .
  19. Had to step away from some blood bowl minis iam working on . How is everyone's Sunday . Fell you seem to be chipper this Sunday !
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