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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. delivery conformation is like 50 cents , tracking on the other hand is about $4 AND UP . I usually include conformation number , but would ask the buyer for tracking if they want it .
  2. ahhh the pink claymores ...classic ! boat battle would be cool , you do not even have to stack the terrian. one half of the board can be the upper main deck, when you climb down into the lower levels , you move to another section set up on the table .
  3. look great , I love the white snow storm .
  4. # walks in grabs some coffee , grabs some pie , sits down and .....pauses as he gets a good look at everyone # ummm why do you all look like you interviewing for a server spot at studio 54 . Seriously glitter really doesn't look good on men . # shrugs # so hows everyone's morning ?
  5. /emoticons/default_happy.png" alt="^_^">)>

  6. Is it over the top ? Yes . Do I totally love it ? Yes !
  7. whats up all! things like steam and the live arcade and PS network are cool and I love the mini type ,or games made for said networks . But I don't like seeing new modern games being sold in that digital format . The reason is That when I am done with a game I like to sell it back it actually keeps the hobby affordable for me .
  8. # silver chocobo walks into the room , a zipper opens from his neck to his feet out steps foerender # Man ! , chocobo you talk to some strange people on the street ! Whats up everyone
  9. Have one miss demeanor -40 shipped One nightmare teddy - make an offer
  10. Those are for blood bowl , can be used as halflings team or an ogre team . My flask has some extra spice as well ...
  11. part of the reason I didnt work on lady j , was finishing this gnome team commission .
  12. The cobble stone is plastic card with that pattern imprinted on it found in art supply shops usually with the architecture stuff . The stone pillar is left over from some city fight terrain , cut up too look broken . The smaller rocks are from a rock set from a train store. And if you meant base as in primer , its white primer with a coat of black wash .
  13. I am just a dude playing a dude who thinks he is another dude .... whats up all got the gnome team done I am posting more pics in my avatar lady j painting blog in the mini show case forum . ( there the reason I didn't work on her ). And yes there can be good spam , a Chinese place near me makes fantastic spam and egg sandwiches .
  14. I am going to be brutishly honest with you and not feed you BS , but rather give you an honest critique .... She looks awesome !! great job .
  15. With Jobe leading these " secrete missions " for Lucius , the crew that fallowed and respected him where tough special trained guardsmen , going threw a special training run by captains that answer directly to Lucius . The special crew consisted of three . Jon " the rat " gooseman . Jon grew up on the streets of Malifaux , the youngest of the crew but his age of 17 is lost when looking into his eyes , Jon grew up fast having to take care of his young sisters , there mom was found murdered in the mines of malifaux , union worker's had all denied any fowl play and her murder was eventually pushed under the rug , with no evidence being found . Jon took to the streets refusing to work union labor , there wasn't many jobs to take up . Being an athletic young man with a natural ability for climbing , Jon takes up breaking and entry stealing from union officials . Well the union should pay for his mothers death that happened on there property leaving her kids parent-less and hungry. Jon managed to make a good living from his new found talents , being dubbed the Rat do to the mask Jon wore during his break ins a burlap sack with eye holes cut out and a crudely drawn nose and whiskers drawn onto it . He was also very crafty with his escapes being able to jump , climb and swing threw most terrain , was impossible to catch . Jon carried no weapons and chose to flea than fight . That is til he was captured and cornered by the guild guard . In his cell a tall man wearing a gold mask , ornate silk shirt , with a tailed crimson coat fitted with the perfection of the best tailor's needles , introducing himself as Lucius . When the man spoke Jon felt small and non significant in the presence of Lucius . Lucius dropped two very expensive looking daggers at his feet , the blades where black , light refused to to reflect from there surface , the handles where in the shape of several snakes intertwined with one another there mouths open as if the blade was coming from deep with in there throat , on the back end of each blade was a decently sized soul stone . The holsters for which they would fit into where fine black leather and looked to be stitched with the same fine quality as the cloths Lucius was wearing . " Pick those up and fallow me , I can teach you too use them , revenge your mother , not have to sneak around windows for some coin , be able to care for your sisters and become someone of respect . Or take those daggers sell them for a nice amount of coin and go on living the way you are now , and eventually get caught by Arcanist agents leaving your sisters with no one . I have to say i am amused by the work your doing . " The choice was an easy one for Jon , he picked up his daggers looked at the path that lead out shook his head and fallowed Lucius . More to come . I am kinda enjoying putting these out in short bursts it feels like I can type more this way more frequently .
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