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Fetid Strumpet

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Posts posted by Fetid Strumpet

  1. To be fair their webpage is also going to contribute to the confusion. Their 3E master write ups are completely out of date. Seamus still listed as having lay in wait. Pandora still showing misery as a dmg if you cheat fate. I know they are super slammed, but if new player confusion is a concern that really needs to get updated.

    • Agree 1
  2. In Red Chapel I’ve found Doxies the most solid of the meh models. Mostly because they have the whole package.

    Good bonus action, though the range and TN limit it’s actual usefulness.

    A perfectly serviceable melee attack with a good deal of triggers.

    A mostly useful ranged attack that hands out distracted, so she can still do useful things at range.

    Solidish defensive tech, with a very scary trigger threat for melee models.

    I mean compared to the whole field they are kinda meh, but they are the top of the field of what Red Chapel got.

    I haven’t been using Nurses, though I might try them. Their lack of full package, and needing to pay a SS tax has put me off them to begin with. I had a game against a triple December Acolyte list which used tools for the job 3 times to recycle the Red Joker made me rate that ability higher then I had.

    I’ve personally had some pretty good success using Sloth in Red Chapel lists.

  3. Then you’re lucky. I find belles to be pretty worthless, and I tend to find of all the red chapel models (which aside from Seamus and the CCK are all pretty meh) belles are the models that tend to durdle the most and have the least impact on the game.

    And the def flip is only on a neg if there is another model with scarlet temptation engaging them.

    Seriously, compare them to Beckoners, there is some bizarre pricing rubric going on there.

    • Agree 2
  4. I noticed that there aren’t currently cards for Miss Demeanor and the Gremlinette. The announcement said we would be getting those cards, since it said we’d be getting cards for all the special editions. I know that they only ever had photos and not commissioned artwork, but are those coming or are they just getting left behind again?

    • Thanks 2
  5. We could do that at some point. I’m putting together a small tactica from my experiences playing Seamus, but I want to wait until I’ve gotten a little larger sampling of masters to play against since my meta is building again, but the masters owned are still small.

    Like you I generally don’t build engine lists in 3e. The only list I tend to explictly summon in is when I hire Toshiro and also want an Ashigaru. Building to summon with McMorning, to me, is too much like the 1e lists that spent the first turns cutting up a mess of dogs and summoning off the body parts. I tend to find w Kentauri are great because they hit hard, give movement tricks, and in a pinch can also drop 2 markers a turn without needing TNs or cards. Been pretty happy with them.

  6. On that note, one thing I really wish the base game had come with was a general move action called run or something. Having to fully complete each individual 5” walk completely can make climbing some things really inefficient given how the rules currently work. Really wish that if you were taking two walk actions in a row you wouldn’t have to actually stop in between them.

  7. I’m not looking to try to arrange summoning with him. I think any effort to try to arrange summoning with him is most likely less efficient than not. If the circumstances just happen to arise then sure, but trying to get all the elements in place, at least at present, just seems super inefficient.

    A hired Flesh construct is a scheme runner that can usually easily destroy the more common scheme runners if it needs to, and given how many wounds it has, and the stupid amount of effective regen it will have, is going to require a bigger hitter to come in and deal with than might otherwise be the case. Waiting until I arrange a summon, and until then using a fragile and easily destroyed scheme runner doesn’t, to me, seem like a very good idea, to save 1 or 2 stones?

    That’s my initial take anyway. To be fair though I’m more focused on trying to get Red Chapel to work.

    • Like 1
  8. Jack if you are pairing them. Jack’s model’s need a saturation point of their own models to get actual work from their synergistic mechanics, Kirai doesn’t, since she has minimal synergy with her crew.

    I don’t hire Jaakuna most of the time because she’s basically a Lure bot, and I find  Lure is massively overrated in 3e. I think too much of the mentality from 2e bled over and a wider view wasn’t taken to what the change in mechanics actually meant. And that’s especially  true of a lure with no built in triggers, or triggers in general. Additionally, at least in Kirai’s crew, I tend to find her 1 to 2 stones overcoasted. I haven’t played Jack or have much interest in doing so, so I can’t comment on her

    • Agree 1
    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  9. I wouldn’t run the list above, as you’ll be handing initiative to the opposing player pretty much from turn 1.

    Hanged don’t have any apparent synergy with Kirai. Kirai’s buffs, healing, defenses, and movement tricks all involve her keyword, Urami, whichever Hanged are not. That isn’t to say a Hanged would be terrible with her, just that it wouldn’t get any synergistic benefit.

    Carrion Effigy in her crew is a resilient scheme runner, or a way to hopefully get a cheaper Emissary on turn 3. Neither of which are super good for her since the majority of her models aren’t undead the heal from the effigy isn’t really useful.

  10. You can shockwave yourself since it doesn’t target. Otherwise there would be no point in abilities like Pandora’s that prevent friendly models from having to take the tests. As a note though, unless I missed it, remember it’s not an opposed duel, so you can’t relent a shockwave test. So if you want your model to fail, it actually has to fail the duel.

  11. Because the status of Deadman’s hand masters is going to be up to the personal whim of the individual TOs and disallowed, currently, from major Wyrd run tournaments as a stated matter of policy. So with that combo you get the worst of all worlds. If it turns out to be a significantly powerful combo, top tier, you’re that guy for playing it in casual play unless the opponent gives permission, and you’re not going to be able to reliably use the OP combo, if it is, in tournaments so there really isn’t a real incentive to try to push, discuss or practice the combo since you’ll be using it solely based on TO whim. If it’s not a significantly top tier combo, then casual play for fun is all it will see and there really isn’t a good deal of point discussing it, and it’s value in competitive play is moot.

  12. One of the strongest resser keywords. Can easily get McMorning to effectively regen 5 on 1st turn. His entire crew, if you hire experimental models, will be excessively hard to put down because the whol crew will be constantly healing from perverse metabolism, and catalyst. Super mobile with reckless on the flesh constructs, doctor’s orders on McMorning and ride with me on the kentauri. I like charging in with a kentauri, ride with me out of combat, and then charging the same model, or something more fragile further in, since they have the ability to charge more than once.

    I haven’t found my optimal mix of a crew yet, but I like bubbling at the start to pulse poison on all my models with the chihuahua and rafkin, so the whole crew can start with poison 5. That’s effectively regen 2 for the whole crew for the first 2 turns, as well as having threatening stacks of poison for transfusion if needed.

    • Agree 2
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