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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I see, you don't what it is but are saying it's not that. Why not have a look at Django and then decide?
  2. Did anybody mention that Death Marshalls are Django?
  3. That depends on how they'll look in avatar form.
  4. When an Ice Gamin or Golem goes into statue, how long do the effects last? V1 used to say "until end closing phase" but the V2 cards omit this line. Is it till the end of the current turn? End of next turn? Forever? And can I choose to end it if it is a permanent effect that lasts the rest of the game? Cheers
  5. Man of Kent or Kentishman? I'm a dislocated Kentishman. Many would swap that "e" for something else.
  6. Aaah, just complain'. When the next thing comes out, the focus will shift to how broken that one is. Good interviews on the 'cast though and the next episode sounds interesting too.
  7. Might be free to attend, but I'll wait to see the rules and other details first.
  8. Seemed like an aggressive, rather than awesome, answer to me.
  9. Is it going to be ranked? I was considering it.
  10. We'll have to agree to differ. I don't care if I win or lose as long as it was a good, enjoyable, game.
  11. How about "to have a good time, to enjoy the background & game itself and to meet other like minded people"?
  12. I'm interest to know how Malifaux being on Rankings HQ is going to bring in more players? I assume its because of the traffic the site gets and people deciding to try and get onto the rankings for a different game? In which case, would it not be attracting the very people who are likely to be interested in getting highly placed on the board and will be taking power crews/playing hardcore style games to achieve this?
  13. I believe its to make it an "official" wyrd tournament.
  14. Fair enough. I don't think rankings will ruin Malifaux, only that the tournament scene will stagnate and push out the more casual players ala WFB tournaments. Labouring a point now though, so think I've said enough. I'll not be at any ranked events. Unranked ones? Yep.
  15. Thats a shame, a club challenge event would have been superb on the calendar.
  16. I suspect it already has started to. There are now people who will not go to certain events due to not wanting to be part of the rankings system, and people who will not go to an event if it isn't ranked. As somebody said above - its going to be a two tier system.
  17. Without a doubt! (aside from the winning is great bit, I find close fought draws to to be the best games) Its also the reason I avoid ranking events, as it promotes and rewards the WAAC style of play.
  18. Seems like a reasonable way to go about it. Others will just want to move up the rankings charts with an easy victory and try to hit the top ten. Horses for courses and all that.
  19. Yep. Lovely, eh? You get the ranking points based on final placement at the event, so theres no point in playing softly - crush them for the most amount of VP's possible and boost yer ranking points score. Getting a new player is great as it's easy points. If it's a ranked event, you have to be on your top game or face losing places on the rankings chart.
  20. I don't think the opt out numbers will show a true picture, as there will be a lot of people who just won't bother with ranked events as they don't want to be part of it. If something is flagged as a ranking points event, I think I'll probably skip it. You could end up with a divide where ranked events will be seen as WAAC events. The community nervousness comes from seeing the effect of he system on the fantasy scene. Still, looks like the points system is coming in regardless, so academic really.
  21. In the fantasy scene, it was noticeable that people dropped out of the smaller tournaments in order to attend an event, any event, with ranking points.
  22. I found it had the total opposite effect. Made gamey types far more gamey and the casuals dropped out of fantasy tournaments due to the ultra competitive nature that ranking points brought.
  23. Peter Cushing as Ramos. And I'd have Schifrin on the music.
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