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Everything posted by Carcosannoble

  1. Sure thing. I'll probably be using the quick and easy method.
  2. The stairways would be more realistic...if the models didn't have big honking bases to move around on. Alas poor stairways, how the minions of Malifaux will trample upon you now!
  3. I feel like I should be taking notes, some of this is damn fine advice. I played GW Fantasy and Mordheim for over ten years, and my interest in them has been waining every since seventh edition. They just kept poking whole in my little Warhammer dirigible until it crashed to the ground in a broken heap. Then a friend bothered me to take another look (a good long one) at Malifaux, and now I'm turning my skills at building the grandest clock tower/workshop in the city (I used to get paid for this sort of stuff). Anyway, GW never impressed me enough to make a miniature city block pro bono while I was playing their hobby. I have a plastic box under my bed filled to the brink with Beastmen and Undead, and I doubt they'll ever see the light of day again.
  4. Peace of mind is probably the nicest thing around. In the hand it stays for me too.
  5. Next up is the first story staircase in the clock tower, then the stairway in the garage, and then I get to start cutting doorways in both.
  6. A fine first step. Welcome to the club.
  7. What good is a book you can't brain somebody with? Get your priorities straight.
  8. Arcanists will be pretty damn shooty once the M&SU Assets box is released.
  9. The Desperate Merc would definitely work in a Hoffman/Coppelius scenario though. Excellent! Also, wouldn't it just be easier to Unhinge the DM and then go to town on him?
  10. You're cooking with orphan souls now! Yeehaw!
  11. Heheheheh. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aTvELXNXNU[/ame]
  12. Yeah, that was on purpose, though, as you can see from the new (easier to see) pictures, Coppelius' coat is now black. However, I'll probably be changing the Lawyer to match soon.
  13. Here's some lemon juice to rub that in with, please feel free to use as much as you'd like.
  14. Alright, I concede my point, but I still don't like it.
  15. You can't redeem a Neverborn from its natural inclination Riddler.
  16. That sucks. That doesn't sit right with me. My logic is that you've got him one your force, so you've got access to all of his abilities, one of which is hiring as many M&SU Assets as I like. Point in fact, how is it that you can hire Leveticus out of faction and then be restricted in your options because of him. I thought it was obvious that I was picking Guild as the faction when I said Hoffman was my primary. Since Hoffman is a guild model and all that. Usually that would certainly be the case, what's in question here is Ramos' ability. I do not please to have Miners and Large Arachnids. Mate, looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way.
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