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Posts posted by sephiroa

  1. I'm finding myself at a bit of a loss with Kaeris in some games. It seems difficult to spread enough burning tokens around to get a really nasty bomb out of accelerant. What are some ways others have used to load up models with burning tokens? Also when using her ignite attack on severe, does it also give tokens to models hit by the blast or just the initial target?

    use the ranged or melee attacks from a lot of fire gamins, that shoud do the trick.

    jup, models hit by the blast also receive a token

  2. Masters people sometimes call OP: Dreamer, Hamlin, Pandora, Kirai, Collette

    Masters that are concidered good: Sonnia, Lady J, Perdita, Hoffman, Mcmourning, Seamus, Lilith, Zoraida, Vickies

    Masters some consider lack luster: Nicodem, Marcus, Ramos, Rasputina, Leveticus, Som'er,

    and even this is not true :) tiering is hard,,

    I have Ramos, Nicodem and Rasputina, and in my gaming community they say I'm that guy with all his OP crews.

    my girlfriend has lilith, pandora and dreamer, and she wins 50/50.

    to make a tier list that is okay isn't possible, if you want a tiering list

    Tier 1: OP lists: Dreamer, Hamlin, Kirai, Collette (Pandora)

    Tier 2: no OP list: everybody else :D

  3. i really want to see how you will proxy/make your exorcist

    great stuff, i have dead justice myself, and i want to make some undead guild models as well. but in a way i can use them in my nico crew as well

    how about flesh construct or the fat mindless zombie to create a guild captain? especially alternate flesh construct will be a nice one to do, give him a gun and a bit of modelling will do the trick i think.

    guild hounds,, well, model some canines/guild hounds together with nix, he is a big undead dog himself right?

    and i have to agree, your austringer is superb!!

  4. Tier list is so off it makes my head spin! A lot of people's tier lists are coloured by local players rather than the actuality of the situation. For example, I gather there's some good players playing Perdita in the US, against players a lot less skilled than themselves. It doesn't mean Perdita is good.

    Also, Tier lists that go beyond 3 'real' Tiers have too much granularity. In reality the game is balanced enough, with enough luck and enough variance based on terrain and objectives, that you're either:

    Tier 1) The best crews

    Tier 1.5) Will have an easier time against Tier 2 crews, but still struggle just as much with Tier 1 crews

    Tier 2) Crews that can beat eachother, but will always have a hard time against Tier 1

    Tier 3) Crews that will almost always lose to crews not in Tier 3

    Tier Dreamer: The Dreamer

    Tier 1: Hamelin, Kirai, Colette

    Tier 1.5: Pandora, [Collodi] (arguably Zoraida)

    Tier 2: Everything else

    Tier 3: Nicodem, Rasputina, Ramos, Som'er, [Molly, Lucius]

    Note that these are definitely going to change as Avatars become more widespread. At a guess, Ramos will shoot up to tier 1.5, Sonnia to 1.5, Zoraida to 1.5, McMourning possibly up to 1.5.

    jup, i agree with everyhting, I'm not sure wether rasputina is tier 3, she is more a tier 2 IMO (general) when i play with her, she becomes 1.5, i "CAN" defeat hamelin with her and kirai as well. but to do a tie against lucius or loose against sonnia is possible as well, so i would say 2,

    i believe sometimes collodi is a very close tier 1 at some points, destroy the evidence,,

  5. So I just picked up Malifaux and I want a second crew (my first being Hoffman). I really really like the union miners, and it seems like Kaeris is the go-to lady for them, so I worked this up for a 25ss list:






    Fire Gamin

    Fire Gamin

    that leaves me with a cache of 4. The list has some ranged attacks and some melee, deals well with WP-based enemies (all the Smoldering Heart), and I can use the Miners' File False Claim to hit and run, grab objectives, and do other such business. The Miners can also heal themselves to fuel Resource Management.

    Also, let's face it: running a union is totally awesome. At 30ss (the standard game size at my LGS) I am seriously considering just getting two more miners and leaving my cache at 6.

    don't forget, the cache of kaeris can only be a max of 5, so no cache of 6 :)

    but the list could work, never tried it, and I'm not that fond of the miners :)

  6. I have the boxed set and 3 molemen, and I am wondering where to go from here. I have a few questions as follows,

    1) Is the snake worth taking? his threat range seems incredible(18") and he also brings some ranged firepower to my side(something I lack at the moment)

    2) Is it viable to play all-beast marcus up to 45 ss or so? or do I really need to snag some other models?

    3) I have heard Marcus is one of the weaker masters, that seems odd to me as he seems to have one of the largest model selections and some of the best buffs/debuffs in the game...

    4) What should I be looking to pick up next?


    1) he is not for ranged, and I'm a huge fan of the razorspine, if you want ranged, desperate merc is good, and convict gunslinger are good.

    2) like i said, sometimes you use gunslingers or something else.

    3) it is said, but you can make some nasty crews with him, winner of my last tourney was Marcus, 19 players and he was the only Marcus player, and he won big time. he is easy to learn, but difficult to make him work perfect with his crew.

    4) shikome is a good addition. silurid are used as well.

  7. With Hamelin. He can let her hire height 1 models. The Essence of power counts.

    ooh right,

    i started reading this, and when i saw sonnia + essence, i stoped and this red light in my head started shouting "ey this ain't right!"

    but now i see :D

  8. Sorry, don't mean to raise an old thread, but I had a question on a similar issue.

    Do ranged Abilities count as ranged Spells insofar as they cannot be used while a model is engaged?

    I'm new to playing and I had a game against a Dreamer crew. A Stitched Together was Engaged in Melee but still using it's ranged Abilities on models other than the one it was Engaged with.

    So, do Abilities ignore the Engaged rule that applies to ranged attacks and spells?

    only spells and strikes with the :ranged counts as ranged

    others not, so gambler and gamble your life can be done when the stiched is in melee

    edit: ninja'd by adran :D

  9. Unfortunately, building a crew and spending a turn worth of actions just to manifest an avatar isn't going to win you many games, regardless of how cool the tactic is :)

    true :) altough some avatrs are worth it, because most of the time, you will do the thing they require for manifesting,

  10. Guys, Do we really need to scream for a Rule Marshal for this one.

    He has both abilities on his card, its clear from that he was suppose to be able to use his evasive. Based on Ratty's previous comment on this page its clear that Lazarus can not gain armor from any other source but his own already printed abilities.

    yeah, that's what i was thinking, but it still is weird because evasive and stuff give extra armor

  11. yep it's says ignored or modified.

    his armor cannot be modified,

    so magic resistant and bulletproof won't stack with his armor?

    so, the evasive 2 on lazarus his stat card is acctually something that will never work?

    i think they mean that rasputina or some other model can't give him extra armor, but bulletproof, magic resistant and evasive will still stack, because they are other abilities

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