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Posts posted by sephiroa

  1. ^wht malsqueek said. 


    also and this may seem "dumb" to say but. Malifaux is a TTG, a skirmish game, TTB is an RPG, in the skirlish game everything is in general well balanced (in general okay, no discussions on this) in the RPG its foremost a story telling setting and some combat can happen. 


    the players are fated, strong, powerfull and can cheat fate! 


    i had a battle.. that involved a 96x72 table, FULL with scenery. the nephilim invaded innocence. i had the setting they used on innocence but my players wanted a fully fledged battle/siege/invasion the players could easily manage 1 mature, 2 youngs and 3 terror tots.. they however, could not take 8 matures, 25 youngs and 50 terror tots in 1 stroke. this battle required cunning, scheming and a LOT of recources that they spend to deal with this. they managed to win, and they won good. and it was mostly because they where so strong and they have one of the strongest coherent parties i have ever seen. but this battle is something they still talk about and chat about. on how they managed to win this awesome battle. 


    for me, combat is something for the players to calm their minds, to have this feeling of godlike status, to prove they are strong, so they don't have al the narrative, because only talking. is "boring" its a good thing to glue everything together. and if you really want to challenge the players. chellange them in something that can really kill them, a horde of gremlins, a horde of undead. a chase wich requires other skillchecks.


    i do not neglect however, that the combat is highly in favor of the fated. especially with all the amor :) 


    but eventually.. if you want a fated dead.. its not hard to kill

  2. I think a stairway to heaven built on a 1SS budget will mostly be made out of blood, sweat, and tears.  Oh, and maybe a single 2x4.


    I do like that you can make a cheap construct, and thus characters have the potential to start with one, but I might enforce a minimum skill allotment or multiply Height by the cost of a watch (3SS) to get base costs and prevent absurdity.


    Then again, I let my group kill a Watcher so that they could build something, and then reviewing the construction rules I found out that they are now rich beyond their wildest dreams (but they'll never know...)


    check the advanced pursuit steamfitter. and the construction rules are there for the players, and not for an NPC ;) a watcher is nearly not as expensive as you might think. 1 of my players just created a construct with AV 10 on its fighting skills and has 8 wounds etc. and it was not as expensive since he had a lot of materials at hand etc.

  3. I think people vastly underestimate the help that new players can be. The adventures and books have to be good for both veterans and new players. Its not a good testing process if the book only works because every playtester memorized the first book.

    ^what he said

    i helped with the beta in the first book. and i was a new players (FM) and in my group there where new players and "veteran" players. 


    just reading and testing once a month sometimes is all we need, if we have 20 group with aprox 4-5 people, thats a lot of data and feedbak :P

  4. ^what they said


    + make sure everyone has their moment to shine, even in a session not for their abilities, like a social character in a more combat orientated session. its what i do. and players love it. 


    also make sure that players have some things to discuss about. give them information that has NOTHING to do with the current setting. but may be used later on.

    stopping on a moment where the players know "oh next session, sh*t is going down!" gives them the chance to make strategies outside the gaming room. thus strenghtening the bond of your party.

    right now my party calls themself the fAte- team (pun intended) because of recent development in the story. they just finished the innocence penny dreadfull and the last chapter, we did a full town on a big table an they got a siege from everywhere. it was a lot of fun :) this is what my players wanted, and i provide :)



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  5. the vague one just got mentioned, early summer.


    i still got one question about future penny dreadfulls and future books. people that did the KS. will they receive all penny dreadfulls (pdf version)? if i remember correctly they will. but what about future books? do they also receive the pdf version? or do we just buy the new book? does somebody know?

  6. i would recomend playing this :)
    its really fun to do, especially for new FM. it "teaches" you all kind of extra tricks in plotweaving, plotmaking and extra plots you can just add at ANY moment in the game. 


    players get cocky: add this 

    players loves arcanists: add this

    players HATE ressers or neverborn: HOHO! add this!!

    tonight i will be playing part 2 (act 2) of this penny dreadfull. i'm so excited about what my players will do tonight :D 

  7. Ancient nephilim, Living, 2AP


    Might 5, Grace 0, Speed 2 Resilience 5


    Charm -2 Int 0 Cun 2 Ten -3      (just leaves these out of them afterwards)


    Df 5  (15) WP 4 (14)  Wounds 14 Walk 7 Charge 10 

    initiative: 4 (14)


    armor 1  (his hide is as tough as steel)

    hard to kill

    hard to wound




    Melee (5) Toughness (4) survival (3)  wilderniss (4)  track (3) notice (4)



    nephilim rage: this model always attacks the enemy model that is closest to it  ( is closest a word i'm not sure but you get the point ^^)


    blood regeneration: when wounding an opponent this model heals 1/2/4 damage  


    black blood: (no explanation here)


    "thats a lot of blood": when this model has 7 or fewer wounds left, his black blood ability does 1 extra damage and the range is increased to 2


    terrifying (living) 14




    +1 melee expert 


    (1) enormous claws

    Av 7 (17) Rng  :melee 3  dmg 5/6/8    rst def

    this attack has  :+fate  on the attack flip


    (2) wind cyclone

    :pulse all models make a TN 13 toughness duel, if they fail they are pushed in base contact with this model



    allright so this is my big nephilim i'm gonna use, players will have a hard time fighting it. its henchman potential and near master potential, why isn't it a master? well i also wrote a bit of lore for them :)


    these ancient nephilim are so bloodlusted and full of rage, they can't think straight and always need a stronger will beside them to guide them and give them directions. they will always listen to the weaker but respected blood shamans and to stronger neverborn such as nekima, pandora, lilith, etc

    how ever when they see an enemy they will rush forward with the power of a steam train and won't stop until their target is dead. because their body has a greater affinity than the other nephilims (yeah it is possible) they heal when human blood touches their skin, immediatly absorbing the blood and their body regenerates instantly.


    it takes a very good nephilim hunter to take something like this head on. Even the Ortega's has seen only 2 of these in their hunt, always ending in a bloody battle and a lot of casualties.


    have fun and you can always use this model if you like :) you can tweak a bit to the level of your party, i made this because my party is a heavy combat party. they will take him down, altough i think someone will collapse or lose an arm or leg. 

  8. I just ran an adventure with a giant multi-hit location beastie that worked pretty well.


    Did a great job of evening out the social-focused players with the combat monsters in terms of contribution to a fight.


    can you post the stats of that beastie? i would be happy to use that :) i can always learn more since i'm a starting FM :)

  9. He's not actually made out of bits of things, but I get what you're saying. Interesting rewrite, I like it. I'm not sure armor would have helped him any as the player who did pretty much all the damage ignores armor.


    he orders the bits and things, so there may be some on him :) or give him a hard to wound.

    the player who did al the damage: look at "ooh shiny things" this basicly requires them to take an alternate approach, if off course the one who did al the damage is a mage, give him a kind of magic resist/counterspell ability 

    i happen to find that a party who can defeat a master that is really tough to battle and they nearly died themself, love that battle much more than if they defeat said master in like 2 turns.. 

    for the defence of innocence penny dreaffull, i'm going to create my own special nephilim in the final battle. why? because :D

    no serious, i have 3 dedicated fighters and they all have the ability to kill a mature in 1 activation, i think i'm going to put something like a mature on steroids in there (or a mature with a high dosage of blood in his body) like a veteran that is ht 4 has 14 wd's and can punch holes right through the party. to give them something extra in the final battle


  10. There is nothing about being the mayor in the Penny Dreadful. Essentially, there just wasn't enough room to go into all the details about what it means to be mayor when it's not core to the story or even something that's super easy to achieve.


    There is a chance that the next Innocence Penny Dreadful will go into it some, but I can't say at this time. My suggestion to you is to make it up! If a Fated becomes mayor, it won't matter much until Innocence is saved. At that point, life in the town will probably change dramatically... so just make it up on the fly based on the level of outcome achieved.


    allright thank you very much :) i will post here what i did after our sessions, next up is "The Vote" after that will be the defence set up and after that the battle :) 

  11. what i would have done


    Bitsy Pieces: level 10 Neverborn, Living 3AP


    Might 2, Grace 0, Speed -1 Resilience 3


    Charm 2 Int -1 Cun 2 Ten 3      (just leaves these out of them afterwards)


    Df 5  (15-17) WP 5 (15)  Wounds 12 Walk 5 Charge 5 


    armor 2  (he is made out of bits and things anyway)




    Melee (2) Toughness (3) Whatevercontrollingknicknackswouldbe (3)


    (1)Swarm of Knick-knacks 

    Av 5 (15) Rng :ranged 12  dmg 2/4/6  rst def


    (2) "Got your nose" 

    Av 5 (15) Rng :melee 2 dmg 4/5/8    rst def


    (1) "oooh! shiny things!"

    Av 7 (17)   rng 10      rst wp   target of this attack gets the following condition: disarmed: this character loses the weapon he was using when he got this condition.

    this attack can be done once per activation

    (and afterwards when they kill bitsy pieces they can retreive their weapons)


    DF Trigger (M) Shild of things -Knick Knacks absorb 1/2/3 damage. 


    also let this master be accompannied by at least 5-6 "spiders" (just use spider stats but they are creations of this lord) so this will be a much bigger threat :)

  12. Aaron, i don't think i saw this in the pd version or so.


    but i'm running this in my current campaign (the players absolutely love this!) because this whole nephilim attack thingy is exactly what i was doing in my current campaign.


    now since the party in my campaign has a very dedicated political player (so guess what..) he is running for mayor and probably will be able to become mayor (a wastrel pursuit and high convince stat and he is able to talk his wway out of almost everything and he wwas able to talk some sense into the drunk Gustavo Ortega)

    in the pdf there is something about the reaction of the people of innocence but there is nothing about "benefits and gains" when a players becomes the mayor, what he has to do if he becomes mayor, what he gets etc. maybe i just missed it somewhere in between the lines (its a big pdf) but can you help me with this?



  13. hi all


    whith the standard Advanced Pursuits in the FM almanac and additional AP's in the penny dreadfull and chronicles i came to 1 conclussion.

    where is the supportive/non combat Advanced pursuit?


    i mean like a performer, lawyer, or other pursuits that can help in narrative or can be a support in certain ways.

    i'm thinking of creating a lawyer, but i'm not sure where to start. 


    how would you do this?



  14. first empressions:

    i really like how this is such a big campaign like story, not something to be done in a single adventure

    really like the fates at the start of each chapter that can be "solved" its really good to have somthing like this
    the extra complication chapter with additional things that can be used is really really good for a new FM like myself and these are things that can alway come back in a certain of way in later adventures.



    its a lot! thats it. not sure if this is a con tough :P


    great job Wyrd! this really is a nice penny dreadfull

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  15. hi guys i am thinkin of adding an advanced pursuit the guild gaurd (i'm just writing this down now without having the book next to me)


    step 1: drill training

    as a rookie you started training under a drill sergeant,

    you gain armor training talent, and have acces to all armor for free except heavy armor, dukes of york and kite shield and gain the gaurdsmen characteristic


    step 2: out in the field

    surviving in Malifaux is something not easily done, especially as a guild gaurd

    gain hard to wound talent and gain a custom melee weapon and next trigger on one of your melee skills
    :mask arrest: if the target has been damaged by this attack, he can't take any movement actions unless he suffers 1 wd


    step 3: partner training

    training for a partner pet
    gain the husbandry skill on rating 1 (if you have the skill you gain 1 xp) and have acces to a guild hound or a Malifaux raptor (that will be your pet) for free


    step 4: construct protection

    gaining acces to 1 hunter, 1 gaurdian, 1 watcher, 1 riotbreaker or 1 warden to help you at a price

    gain the leadership skill (if you have the skill already you gain 1 xp)

    gain the gaurd authority talent: gaurd authority: you can command 1 construct and 1 pet under your command at the msame time


    step 5: sergeant promotion

    gain acces to the armory of the guild and all the constructs (for a small price) and have some serious influence in the guild. (FM discretion)

    gain next talent: Attennn-Hut!: Other friendly Guardsmen within 6 yards of this character are immune to the Slow Condition. 

    all friendly characters that fight aside this character is treated as a gaurdsmen



    these are some things i'm working with



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