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Posts posted by sephiroa

  1. well who would have tought that,

    i started with my limit of 20 people, now i have to raise it to 30 (cannot raise any more after this) and we already have 18 people.

    When i reach 20 players, its possible there will be 4 trophies, 1st place, 2nd place 3th place and painting contest :)


  2. I'm with Tuesday: Sonya Creed. Three syllables. As for my understanding of the English language, two consecutive vowels lengthens that vowel's sound. Only in this case, slightly altering the sound too.

    well, if i would pronounce this in my language i would say "cried" i pronounce "ie" as english pronounce them "ee" so sonya creed would be my answer as well :D

  3. Acolyte and Trapper was just for variety...personally prefer the Trapper myself. I had thought of putting in a second Silent One, but I worry about running into a Sonnia list, and just being absolutely shutdown, while at least by taking the Trapper I have something I can do to mitigate it. What about trading the Acolyte for a pair of Gamin? Drops me down to a cache of 5, but that doesn't seem like too much of an issue...I think.

    pair of gamins would be better i think :)

    cache of 5 is not a big problem,

    since raspy is squishy, i believe agressive play with her works realy good :D

    spam them with strong melee monsters, gamin, golem, snow storm, and when they get in combat, just cast decembers curse, if its on your enemy, good, if its on your own model, cheat high for blasts (make sure you give your model armor 2+ with essence) i love to use that on snow storm :D only 1 damage from the spell :) and snow storm can finish it an use eat your fill,

  4. I'm reviewing the marionette cards and I have a couple questions on them

    1) Pull strings: says This action can only be taken once per turn. Is this the same as Ice Pillars where is once per turn per crew, or is it once per turn per marionette?

    once per marionette :)

    2)Collodi' dolls: If they start activation outside of 8 inches, they get pushed within 8 inches. Now does this need to be the Closest point within 8 inches, or can we push around to the far side of Collodi with this. I don't recall he ruling on toward. The wording is more than Push less than Push directly.

    good question,, i think pushed directly to him, and not around the board to get to the other side of collidi, because this would be like he pulls them back to him, he is not swinging them to the other side of the board :)

  5. wow, weird, the other day i was playing against a friend. he summoned 5-6 punk zombies and 1 rouge necromancy in the game, you almost always use his soulstones to raise his small crow (5-8:crows) when you have a 1-4:crows don't try it,, it can miss,,

    and using 1 ss to summon somthing like a rouge necromancy or a flesh construct is okay, and don't forget that you get a card for each counter discarded,, my friend had 10 cards in his hand.

  6. So, I've got my first Malifaux tournament coming up the 20th, and was looking for some list advice. As of this moment, I have no idea the format, but I'm starting to get the suspicion that it'll be a single list (less than thrilled, hoping it won't be the case). I wanted to use Rasputina, and was thinking of bringing the following:


    Essence of Power 2

    Snowstorm 11

    Silent One 6

    Freikorps Trapper 7

    December Acolyte 6

    I think the Acolyte and the Trapper will be useful, giving me some ranged ability. Snowstorm will give me a melee monster, and some spell casting. Essence and Silent One are there for the obvious reasons. What do you guys think?

    december acolyte and trapper,, why?

    my list that is very good in killing stuff is


    Essence of Power 2

    Snowstorm 11

    Silent One 6

    golem 9

    gamin 4


    objective list


    Essence of Power 2

    Snowstorm 11

    Silent One 6

    3 gamin 12


    they work good, and snow storm is very good in my opinion :) but be carefull with him.

    but if you want some ranged attacks, gunslinger.

  7. Her crew might well be faster but it's a ton, and i mean a ton, less flexible/adaptable. Especially in terms of crw building. Add into that that when I played shared destroy the evidence vs collette at a tournament, I managed to destroy the centre evidence on my first activation, before the Collette player. Speed ftw.

    He isn't a top tier, but I also think that he's miles ahead of Ramos, Tina, Som'er, Hoff, Nicodem and quite a few others. I would say he's middle tier as opposed to bottom.

    I do often live in my own world when it comes to wargaming, as I often manage to find ways to make the 'lower tier' become very good indeed, often in tournament settings.

    I do deny marcus is a bottom tier master, as I have had next to no bad experiences with him.

    i don't like the idee of tier masters, i can beat lilith with marcus, and i can play realy good with my nicodem crew and raspy crew.

    but i have to agree with the part about finding ways to make "lower" crews/armies better and even annoyingly strong

    here again i make my point about just having some fun, painting models you like, and not because they are strong.

  8. you know, i don't know why you are crying like this, if you think marcus is weak, than stop playing with him,

    I love marcus, he is not this strong, but that's funny, this means i have to work hard an think realy hard to win with him, but i don't find that a problem.

    you might be suprised how much i won with marcus, more than i lost,

    i don't know what the stats from his avatar are, but i think i will find a way to use him

    rasputina, same thing, if you think that summoning a gamins sucks, or give a golem +1wk, than you are an idiot (no hard feelings)

    1 gamin, can do a lot, +1 wk with golem? after 2 turns, he walks 4" farther. never underestimate 1"

    and besides, if you only play to win tournaments, then you don't understand the value of a good and nice game with a friend, just to try a stupid crazy list.

    i did a demo with a friend, he had nicodem, i had marcus, i had slaugther, he had claim jump,

    i won, big time, but he had so much fun, always resseructing punk zombies so that i have to kill them again, he didn't care that he lost, ha had a good time ;)

    avatars aren't made so you are sure to win a game, they are made, to give you this extra fun in your game :)

    edit: raspy avatar is melee spell based, so the decembers curse gone, not a big deal

  9. very simple: NO,

    an avatar is not overpowered, they are only slightly better at some stats, but they are still balanced, and don't forget that you have to do some things before they can manifest.

    and if you are going to play a game, and let's say you have an avatar but your oponnent not,, then at least play fair and don't use an avatar,

    i believe that an avatar is only slightly better, but i don't think that an avatar can take down a complete crew,,

  10. like they said,

    when using ophelia, you can only get gremlins and kin, easy, and if you use only somer, you can take only 2 kin models, but when taking ophelian you can take every kin model :)

    and you cannot take pigs in scraps when you lead with ophelia, but you can take pigs if you lead with somer

  11. well, it's still a game :D and sometimes you need some luck, snow storm died only 1 time with me, and that was because teddy had :-fate with his bite and flipped 2 severe's, did a 5 wd's, and my brother had cheated his red joker when i flurried with snow storm, note: my highest card was 11, his cards where 4 11+ and red joker.

    the tactics, cards, luck and skill from the player are important.

    some models can suck one battle, and in the next battle they whipe your enemy from the table,,

    but still :) i love snow storm :) hard to take down, and at some point,, they always want to try and kill the big juicy thingy :D

  12. i played snow storm against lilith the other day, he was fighting nekima, and even with the spirit I was getting smashed, lucky 4 me, snow storm has eat your fill :D it's one of those tiny little notes i just love, use flurry, and try to cheat as high as you can, nekima can't do nothing, and if you have bite of winter active, nekima went down, and hard, and I got my snow storm back with 8wd :D

    even taelor and johan (altough they have some annoying abilities) can take some serious damage from snow storm if they couldn't take it down in 2 strikes. and crews like the ortegas can outshoot him, but these are things you know your oppononent can do, I won't be so stupid to let them do these tings ;) ice pillars, dec touch, dec curse, biting chill, snow storm isn't the only model standing on the field ;)

  13. I've got a question!

    Within the Collodi fluff (he seems to have been overlooked too much in Rising Powers, shame!) it seems to hint that he abducts children, and that they become dolls. I know fluff != rules probably holds up, but it says that the dolls look eerily similar to the missing children. In game though, you don't make the dolls from corpses, but rather from scavenged constructs and the likes.

    Is he turning the children into dolls, hollowing them out in a, your children are mine now style? Does he just get rid of the children, and make new dolls in their likeness in a sort of trophy thing, as a remembrance of what he has done? Is he deconstructing the children, attempting to make more human dolls based on their internal structures? Has he been keeping them locked up in rooms to playtest Puppet Wars? Or is it something more devious entirely?

    P.S. MORE COLLODI! Is there more to him in RP or the first book's fluff, or somewhere else? It seems like outside of his character blurb there really isn't anything else unfortunately.

    well, he abducts them, and changes them in puppets or dolls, it takes time, on the battlefield he uses scrap counters to create them, because he just hasn't got any time :)

    to make a stupid example, in the naruto series, sasori from the red sands sometimes uses people to create his puppets. but in the battle himself he uses broken puppets to quickly create new one.

    stupid example i know, it just popped up into my head.

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