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Posts posted by sephiroa

  1. okay how about some changes:

    first game:

    25ss list, at least 15 ss has to be from the starterbox

    see this game as a patrol, or small quest you have to do, flipping for strategies individually from core strategies

    second game:

    30ss list, after the last patrol/ small mission, you are send on a bigger mission here only at least 10ss has to be from the starterbox

    flip for strategies on the individual encounter chart

    thirth game:

    35ss list, now, you are at war, and you go all out against your opponont, 35ss list how you want it, flip on the shared encounter chart (when shared slaughter reflip)

    forth game:

    20ss list (i want comments in this)

    this is after the big battle, your master has suffered some injuries and his/her armie has got some beating and you want to finish this last encounter, it ends here

    no more than 2 of the same minions (this so spamming is not an option and yes even hamelin has to do this), maximum 1 unique, maximum 1 rare, totems are allowed and do not count towards the maximum unique.

    shared slaughter, chose schemes

    any thoughts about this?

  2. Well for Starters i´d like to say that Marcus, Victorias, McMourning are not that competatentive... (is it how you spell it?)

    Then there are the Boxes that are missing some important stuff to work:

    Nicodem, again McMourning, Leveticus

    And Boxes that are worth more than 25 Points (Perdita)

    thats why the 75% and 50% so you can add the missing piece

    its a pretty solid idea to start

    but people dont like being told what to play with. the starter boxes are not balanced at all for starters (like some have said), and there are a couple that are more than 25 pts.

    the way that I encouraged people to take certain models in my story encounter tourney was to make strategies that gave them VP for accomplishing certain things with those models, and had the same number of points tied to those model for the opponent. that way if the player chose not to take the model, it would deny himself the same amount of VP that it denied his opponent, but he wasn't ever forced to take anything.

    there not told what to play with, they only have a limitid number of minions to choose from ;) again thats why the 75% and 50% in the games give you the chance to choose the minions you want from the box, and add stuff,

    i could change it to 50% and 25%, what do you think about that?

  3. McMourning's and Marcus's starter boxes are pants.

    I like the idea though, I'd love for there to be more story based tournaments about. Will the story feed into the strategies though or is it just driving game size and restricting crew selection?


    mc mourning, that will be because of nurses, marcus, depends, rattler is good, cerb is good, and myranada is good. but not always.

    you can think for a story (like i did in the first post)

    and the restrictions are story based,

    like game 4, the restrictions are there because your army fought hard, your minions are in the hospital, and you have a few minions left.

    game 1: your master is relative new to Malifaux, and has only a few minions available, (starterboxes are fluffwise what they standard have, mc mourning has sebastian, a flesh construct and 2 nurses, storywise :) every box is)

    game 2: your master has completed some missions, and now has some minions available, but still needs some of his core to use.

    game 3: your master is a veteran in Malifaux, and has a solid army of minions,

  4. Sounds like a good idea, but the actual detail will take some care and trial & error I think.

    Other alternative would be to use the 4 linked strategies used at Gencon.

    and why some trial and error? starterboxes are good, i can't think of any master who will perform bad with his/her starterbox.

    and using the 75% and 50% will be alright, i could change it to 50% and 25%, but i don't think that could work.

    i could change it, to the number of models, but some boxes have only 3 minions. so i think the 75% and 50% will be good

    i was thinkin about that, but the carver will be a problem, don't you think?

  5. I'm sorry to point this one out, but if you control them, they don't become friendly, but they aren't enemy either... Its weird, I know :P But otherwise you could Alfa an opposing master and let him sacrifice himself for a soulstone...

    Also, dominance gives :-fate flips to resist duels... So it is less powerfull than Staredown ;)

    hmm, RM: a model is friendly when you control them, seems straightforward to me ;)

  6. I actually just considered that as I was typing up my previous post. :)

    I think its potentially a very solid play. In the games I played, I didn't run into a situation where it would have been beneficial to try for it, but I can definitely see where it could work out well.

    - Feral or Give Into It to turn them into a Beast.

    - Stare Down to give them :-fate on the resist for Instinctive Behavior (and for the follow up beatdown.)

    - Cast Instinctive Behavior on them, taking advantage of the (1) action or Charge to potentially soften something else up. [Question here: since it becomes a model under your control, would it still suffer from Stare Down during the action?]

    - Follow up with any beasts you have nearby (who can activate thanks to Rise of the Beasts.) In this case, the defender would be at -2 Df and :-fate on their defense flips, making it very hard for them to not get clobbered.

    Even if its a bit situational (need that :rams to get Instinctive Behavior off,) its definitely a powerful tool for taking down a strong enemy model.

    Heck, with some luck you could affect several models with Give Into It, Instinctive Behavior twice to have them beat each other up, and then send in your beasts to clean up!

    Damn that'd be fun. I now have a new mini-scheme. ;)

    jep something like that :D

    and don't forget, when the enemy model resists he has :-fate because of enemy, when you control it, it becomes friendly, thus no :-fate. BUT, look at aMArcus his other talent :D friendly beasts get +1cb and -1wp. so the enemy model you are controlling, has +1 cb, +2cg and :+fate on damage flip.

    but i don't know if you can do it twice, i think its like obey, only one time per activation (don't have book 3 with me)

    agree you need the :rams but with a :-fate for the enemy, you only need a 8-ish :rams :)

  7. sounds like fun...

    But i think the starterboxes are very difficult to include in such Tournamentbased things because some of them are realy weak compaered with others...

    In this last scenario what did you do about Summoners like Kirai oder Nicodem...?

    could be, tell me, wich starterbox would you say is weak?

    and what do you mean with the last scenario? summoned models do not count towards the limit, so yes, you can summon a 3th punk zombie or a 3th onryo :)

    Love the idea, agree that the starter box limitation might cause some issues, especially since some are higher then 25 points (I think? could be wrong)

    Might be better off going with 50% of the starterbox must be present in game 1, 25% in game 2.

    i don't know, i know zoraida is exactly 25,,

    maybe i should say at least 75% of the starterbox have to be in the list (rounding up)

    and game 2, 50% of the startbox has to be in the list

    Some people just don't have the starters. I know federal players who bought Pandora or the viks or mcmourning solo.

    everyone i know who competes in tourneys here in Belgium bought the starters :) so no problems here

  8. after I finished my first tourney, i really want to organize some more, but now I want a special one.

    what would you guys think about a kind of story tournemant.

    for instance

    accumulation format from gaining grounds.

    choose 1 master to play with (since it IS a story about your master)

    first game:

    25ss list, the starterbox has to be in the list.

    see this game as a patrol, or small quest you have to do, flipping for strategies individually from core strategies

    second game:

    30ss list, after the last patrol/ small mission, you are send on a bigger mission here only 75% from the starterbox has to be in the list. (21ss starterbox, 16ss has to be in the list)

    flip for strategies on the individual encounter chart

    thirth game:

    35ss list, now, you are at war, and you go all out against your opponont, 35ss list how you want it, flip on the shared encounter chart (when shared slaughter reflip)

    forth game:

    20ss list (i want comments in this)

    this is after the big battle, your master has suffered some injuries and his/her armie has got some beating and you want to finish this last encounter, it ends here

    no more than 2 of the same minions (this so spamming is not an option and yes even hamelin has to do this), maximum 1 unique, maximum 1 rare, totems are allowed and do not count towards the maximum unique.

    shared slaughter, chose schemes

    well, this is what i have in mind i made this so cheesy lists can only be used once or twice (30ss and 35ss), but not the complete tourney, so you can't win the tourney with an OP or broken list, you need some skill as well :)

    tell me what you think of this and what you think can be better :)



  9. hey nephalumps, you ever thought about instinctive behavior to cast on an enemy model? you control them, lower their df and can kick the enemies butt, this is acctually an obay, but so annoying for the enemy, since you lower the df, and you have the pulse to make everything in a beast, and you have feral.

    try that on something like a mature neph, or nekima. or some other heavy hitter. (do this when it has already activated though)

  10. I think the Sacrifice and Wd loss qualify as Additional Requirements of the spell. Either way, they would be resolved one at a time from first to last I would think since that is the order they are written in.

    Remember, you have to resolve each sentace of a ability/action before moving onto the next one. So you don't do everything all at once, but perform it in written order I would think, otherwise the rules get a bit crazy.

    okay, wasn't to sure about that :) thanks for clarifying that one for me :)

    so in fact you first heal 2wd and than you suffer 2wd, so this can be done when kirai has 1 wd left, nasty :)

  11. 1: Not sure, what is the exact wording on the spell? If the "Sacrifice a Spirit" comes first, I would think you resolve the Sacrifice (including all effects generated from it like the heal) before moving on to suffering the 2 Wds.

    sacrifice comes first, but arn't you supposed to do everything together? first do the spell, and than the sacrificing?

  12. even if 1 of them survives, levi lives, i don't know how you acctually manage to get 2 waifs and levi killed in 1 turn,,

    perdita crews can be a pain, try to ingore dita and go for nina and papa, they have to die, after that santiago and fransisco,

    dreamer, well, kill him, and don't get near alps (if he has them)

    coryphee, is 1 model, keep 1 of them protected and you should be allright :)

  13. same here :) I'm kinda to lazy to study hard (i DO study though) and i love Malifaux from the beginning i saw the game. so now I am henchman, and i convinced 15 people to play Malifaux (including my girlfriend) and the partner from my game club also sells Malifaux at a superb price, and because it is the partner we get 5% discount :) i already spent a fortune on Malifaux :)

    good luck on becoming henchman :)

  14. 1. i think after, but I'm not sure, you do the spell, sacrifice the spirit AND suffer 2wds. after that the rule from ikiryo comes in play, and thus healing 2wd

    2.yeah, public information, you can ALWAYS check your opponont his stat cards.

    3. moderate, severe, with a malifaux rat (dg 1/2/2) you can never destroy an ice pillar hardness 3. and hardness 3 means you need to do 4 damage before it is destroyed.

    4a.you can push how you want (don't go and push yourself half the board) but you have to end within 3" so i think you can go to place X, however, when it says push directly it has to be done in 1 line.

    4b. look 4a above

    4c. kinda slides along the wall (lets say the **** are a big rock)

    5. losing model may cheat, if you doesn't want to, the winning model can always cheat, if he wants to,

    the chain does not stop, even when the losing model does not want to cheat,

    i think that's about it,

    if i made some wrong assumptions, you will hear about it from others :D

  15. Weaver Widow can summon Teddies and Wicked Dolls. It's the Wicked Dolls that might "break" a rule possibly.

    weaver widow can summon teddies,

    weaver widow can be hired by collidi,

    teddies aren't allowed in a collidi crew because it's not a doll or has affinity(collidi) what about that?

    it's the same thing,,

    i think it can be allowed because they are summoned, created, it would be weird that you want to create/summon something but you cannot, simply because there is a rule that says that collidi (or zoraida) can only hire dolls (or 1 special forces)

    but that would be my opinion :)

  16. Optional extras:

    Add Nurse

    Add Ophelia and Rami (toshoot him in a compaanion chain for the last boom)

    Also, the thread title made me think of something else that Z is infamous for :hmmmm:

    yeah i know :P i reread the post and i thought the same thing :)

    and what should that be??

    cmon black, are you kiddin me?

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