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Posts posted by sephiroa

  1. Sure. You could, for example, flip the Red Joker. It's also possible that my Hollow Waif will survive an attack by Lady Justice when I have no hand... it just seems unlikely :-P

    But yes, you're right on all counts above. But -3 is way worse than even -2. Honestly, I feel like limiting it to a - flip is a way to easily cuddle without really changing anything.

    about waif, wp9, you need a 3, some models, with a bit o luck can survive,, a master can burn the ss,,

    I'm not saying alp bomb is a fair thing, but there are some models who can survive it with some luck,

  2. If I were to propose changes, it would be thus:

    -Alps Smother ability changed so that you can only get one negative twist from it, as opposed to a ton. This is still very potent, but helps models with a decent Wp still have a decent chance of passing.

    -Dreamer's All My Friends trigger requires you to discard a control card for each model after the second. You can still dump your entire crew in one go, but you can't then activate and use up high cards (which you might have been saving up because you only have on model on the table).

    Nothing at all changes in gameplay functionality.

    isn't there a rule you can go to a max of 3:-fate or 3 :+fate, similar like you can only get 1 +1 fast or -1 slow.

    so you could only get 3 :-fate on smother, sometimes, you can survive this :)

  3. See, I don't necessarily agree. Sonnia has a solid avatar, but she is one of the few. I reason that you will only see ~5-6 of the avatars ever used in the competitive setting with any degree of regularity. I agree that the avatars are an attempt to balance the game, but it really only helped a few of them.

    sonnia, marcus, nicodem, ramos, (maybe) rasputina, those are all very strong avatars,

    my favorite, ramos, he became realy strong, in a tourny i will use him,

  4. I'm one of the few fans of the Golem around here. I think he hits hard, and with some minor support - the Essence casting December's Touch - he becomes one pretty tough target. It's expensive, but combining him with Snowstorm gives some incredible mobility, which is always his main weakness.

    I don't personally use two Silent Ones - I prefer them as utility rather than offense, and find you don't get enough benefit out of the second one.

    thats what i do, snow storm and golem, but not always,

  5. Yeah, I tend to think of it as:

    War = Hooded

    Death = Dead

    Conquest = Pale

    Famine = Mechanical (this mostly based on the black horse artwork)

    Also, on the terms of balance, the Mechanical Rider is holding both the axe-like weapon and a sword, so the rider is having to balance on the horse without using their hands. LOL, I know, it's a stretch. :P

    i agree on the mechanical and famine part :D

  6. the one thing we are very sure of is that war is the hooded rider

    death,, how he looks and how death is discribed, its more pale (death sometimes has a scyte, not always, but always is a "pale" rider), from faction, its dead rider.

    conquest, how he looks and is discribed, could be pale, or mechanical, faction, pale

    famine: well, I don't know any of them, but i think mechanical could be it,

  7. I've got the Collodi box on order and plan on taking him as a master so I'm just wondering how many wicked doll miniatures I should look at getting. Obviously I'll be using the ones that come in the box but then I'll probably sculpt any extra ones...

    whoa! 50 views and no replies! i would've thought Collodi players would've chimed in on this one already!

    I will anwser this :D although I'm not a collidi player, but my brother is :)

    he has 6 wicked dolls, and he uses 4-5 of them,

    so buying an extra pack of wickeds is not such a bad idee :) especially if you combine Collodi with zoraida, they are sick together,, i saw my brother do a destroy the evidence in turn 2, complete 4VP,

  8. So, perhaps a list like this?...

    Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

    Rasputina -- 5 Pool

    + Rasputina, Avatar of Famine [2ss]

    Essence of Power [2ss]

    Kaeris [8ss]

    Essence of Power [2ss]

    Fire Gamin [4ss]

    Fire Gamin [4ss]

    Ice Gamin [4ss]

    Ice Gamin [4ss]

    Ice Gamin [4ss]

    sorry for the late reply :D

    first, why the second essence? only take the essence in kaeris and link it first to raspy and after that to kaeris

    switch it, 3 fire gamin and 2 ice gamin, you can summon 1 or 2 ice gamin midgame. you will need more fire gamins, since they are they working machine for your kaeris, AND don't forget, ice queen: friendly models within 4" in think receive frozen heart, use the ice gamin as a shield and buff kaeris, fire gamin and raspy for the extra damage,

    turn 1/2 shoot with the gamins, the blasts are realy usefull to hand out burning counters and +1 damage is always a good thing, and I'm not sure, but I'm quite sure accelerant receives a +1dg too since it is a damage flip.

    that's what i would have in mind :)


    Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

    Rasputina -- 7 Pool

    + Rasputina, Avatar of Famine [2ss]

    Kaeris [8ss]

    Essence of Power [2ss]

    Fire Gamin [4ss]

    Fire Gamin [4ss]

    fire Gamin [4ss]

    Ice Gamin [4ss]

    Ice Gamin [4ss]

    you have your ss, and the second essence on kaeris is really important to link on raspy first turn, she needs it for her manifest requirement :)

  9. Yeah, we'll see if Kaeris' card gets updated at all on Overpower. Right now, it's freakin awesome with either the Fire Gamin or the Ice Gamin, because it 'kills' the target model, allowing stuff like Shatter to still work.

    I really like the Raspy/Kaeris combo for board control though. Ice Pillars + Fire Pillars = CRAZY board control. IMO, they are nearly broken if the opponent has Supply Wagon. Good luck getting your Wagon to the middle, LOL.

    yeah, ice pillars + fire pillars, bottleneck effect, funnel them right where you want them to nuke the hell out of them :D

  10. I've heard that Kaeris and Rasputina have a good amount of synergy together, and both their models look (I think) amazing.

    I still want a FireFrost crew (As I call them), but how has the tactica for a Kaeris/Raspy joint crew changed since the new book?


    you can spam gamins, use your ice gamins to buff raspy and for some melee protection, and use fire gamins as walking bombs to rush forward and to give some burning counters to enemy models,

    raspy nukes them, and kaeris helps the nuking,

    and don't forget, kaeris can overload an ice gamin and still get the shatter. dealing damage and giving burning tokens (kinda the same as a fire gamin)

  11. I hate to stir this pot again because I've been down this road before. But....

    How do you reconcile this walkthrough with this thread and this post:

    This ruling would seem to indicate that the first executioner would die before using LTJ. I personally agree with the way its walked through in this thread, but Zee seemed to think differently.

    yep, bee on the same thread,, thats why this ruling kinda makes my head spin, because its totally different, how can you hit something, if it has 0 wounds?

  12. What stops the executioner from rewacking snowstorm causing another interrupt...


    Exec wacks SS, SS dies

    (Interrupt begin) SS shatters killing Exec

    (2nd Interrupt begin) Exec STD strike rehits SS

    (2nd Interrupt cont.) Finish with STD strike, check for killed on target

    (2nd Interrupt cont.) SS removed from game, LTJ heals Exec

    (2nd Interrupt finish)

    (Interrupt cont.) Check status on Exec, at full life, so proceeds

    (Interrupt finish)

    Resolve status of initiat strike (SS already removed so nothing to check anymore) action complete.

    Add string of questionmarks....actually this thread prolly needs to go to rules forum.

    wrong the red never happens

    Ex hits SS

    SS dies and shatters

    killing Ex,

    Slow to die

    nothing to hit Ex removed from the game

    SS removed from the game

    no love the job

  13. I had a similar question but with the Snow Storm.

    The Executioner hit and killed the snow storm.

    The Snow Storm shattered and killed the Executioner.

    Is the executioner then able to use love the job to heal his wounds because he killed the snow storm even though it was the snow storm shattering that killed him?

    executioner dies

    Ex hits Snow

    Snow dies

    snow shatters and kills Ex

    Ex uses slow to die

    cannot do anything is removed from play

    snow is removed from play

    No love the job

  14. Joss is also an M&SU Member. He doesn't seem to be getting any love in this thread though, and having both of them in a crew might be redundant, especially since Johan would need to stick close to Joss for best effect.

    because joss is a glasscannon, he's not bad, but i wouldn't field him in a kaeris crew i think.

  15. Painkillers and Speed are the anti-combo. It dies at the end of its next activation, so it won't ever get to use the reactivate.

    i just noticed the painkillers is at the end of its activation,

    without the painkillers,, he can be killed, it still can work, and you can kill your own DM to get the healing flip, i think I'm going to have a look at that and test it

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