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Everything posted by dafruk

  1. Now finished off copellius to complete the crew And the happy family shot Plus Zoraida's crew all done together
  2. You mean the same one I used for the dreamers blanket. Realised I wanted something common between the two of them for a hint of a visual linkage. It's hawk turquoise with Ice blue highlights and green & blue washes
  3. Ohh where'd the dreamer go? OMG where the hell did that come from! That's right people it's chompy time.
  4. I generally take 2 types of photos: 1. Shonky phone pics with my old Iphone camera, it's one of the older versions with the crap camera and no light. 2. Ultra pro uber photos of awee-shome. Ok maybe not quite but I've got a simple setup that seems to work pretty well. It does require a few somewhat complex items though, to wit: 1 camera - mine's about 5 yrs old and have a macro mode (sounds familiar), 1 desk lamp - anglepoise is good but not essential, 1 overhead lightbulb as it happens the room I usually paint in has 4 led spot lights which are pretty good because I could probably point them in the right direction if I could be bothered, 1 sheet of white paper - actually I prefer to have a couple as I buy the super cheap stuff that a single sheet is actually rather see through. and finally the most important thing, a box to stand my figure on so it's at the same height as my camera lense. Oh and a desk to lay all this stuff on. An artists impression of my setup. And basically that should give you enough light and as long as your camera is set to the right mode you can take decent pics with it (note that the lamp isn't in front of the camera, basically as close to the front of the model as possible but not appearing in your shot!). My other trick is to use the timer mode on the camera so I'm not actually touching it when I take the picture, that prevents me from shaking it all up for those lovely 'action' shots you'll often see. Here's an example (you'll notice that in my example I've already broken my own advice, my box is in fact a paint pot but it achieves the same thing). Pew pew, doesn't he look mean and moody (but in focus)
  5. Umm started with a grey/brown basecoat then washed all over with devlan mud to darken all the recesses. From there it was consecutive highlights with knarloc green and then mixing in some white to give lighter tones. Once that got light enough I took some scorpion green and added a dab of knarlock just to take some of the brightness out of it and applied to the top highlights to give a bit brighter green to the colour and then added some white to that for a final highlight. to add some depth to some of the recesses I then went into them with asuramen blue to deepen them but being quite careful to keep it to the deepest areas only. All paints were GW other than the original brown/grey colour which was C'DA but I can't remember the name. Stomach was basecoated the same way and then the exposed intestines were painted with dark flesh then a brighter red with an extreme highlight mixing in some white. I then went over the lot with Tamiya clear red to get the gribby wet look. Adding in a little black for the deepest recesses. Metals are just bolt gun with a blue wash and then silver highlights on the edges.
  6. The stiched from the dreamer box
  7. That's not entirely true, one of them also has a gun.
  8. Is this another of those amazing paint blogs which next to never actually include any painting? I love them, always much better than those brilliant people who paint things non-stop and show off their endless fantastic ability! My tip for the day get 2 boxes for your stuff put 90% of your paints, supplies etc that you don't need for your current project in that big box and keep 10-20 paints you're commonly using on your current crew along with a waterpot, couple of brushes and handful of figures you are currently painting in another much smaller box which you can get out and put on the table without your wife rolling her eyes at you/calling you a ponce! In no way at all is this something learned through experience...
  9. And this Wyrd lady likes to hang out with small boys...
  10. Cheat high, burn stones and the threat of riposte will often keep people from going for Melee so you've just got to avoid exposing her to getting gunned down by too many people and you should keep her alive.
  11. Sound, and in no way biased, advice from the gremlins player! With you not wanting Miss Burninator I'd probably try out J and Lucius. I've not picked up book 3 for the new stuff so working from the first couple of books Lucius offers the best movement trickage and general support stuff. (imagine without the crew might feel a little straightforwards compared to what you're used to). J gives beatstick and buffage.
  12. 90% of my games with sonnia, rest with lady J. I only play with painted figs so these are the only options I have for now though I've just finished painting up Zoraida so she'll get a run out soon but I've only got her starter box painted so still quite limited.
  13. I generally get 1-2 wargames in a week down at my local club, that is across all the systems I play. So tournaments is an opportunity to get a load more games in and when they're 2 day events there is usually a great social event to attend in between the two. Getting to play against a wider range of players is also good as it's always nice to meet new people with a shared interest and see their take on the game.
  14. I blame Rathnard for this one. I had happily been buying guild models and playing my nice slow moving and shooting games and then I listened to the Aethervox podcast where he talks about her virtues. After that it was only a matter of time until I bought her, the flexibility to take minions from all of the different factions has it's appeal so I bought her box to get me started.
  15. Basically it's hugely subjective, some people enjoy taking a non optimised list and working through the challenge of how to beat something tailored to the max. Others find the overly tailored list an affront as it typically relies upon some mechanic/gimic that makes the game not fun in the eyes of their opponent. Bill/Nix has stated his standpoint on 'negative play experiences' which I largely agree with but there is sometimes some fun in trying to work out the 'key' to unlocking such a list. The real issue comes when the filth list is hugely flexible and works versus most crews where the ones that can counter it are rather specialised and will end up struggling vs most 'normal' crews so it is a penalty if you take a list to counter it and your opponent selects something else but the filth itself is quite flexible so doesn't have to worry as much.
  16. Zorida's looking really nice, I've just started painting her myself recently and I've also gone for the purple skirt, just seems to suit the model nicely
  17. I took me half a dozen games with Sonnia to get used to her abilities to start getting the best out of her prior to that I found I kept over extending to get her into range and then she'd end up dying rather cheaply. I still have problems with Samael as he tends to get 1 round of shots then gets gunned down in return.
  18. Craig, not to put a downer on Marcus but haven't you won virtually every tournament you've played in with every master/henchman you've used? Perhaps a little bit of player skill involved but it still shows that he can be competitive in the right hands.
  19. Think he's out the country at the Warhammer/40k ETC or packing to go if he's not already left. Wouldn't expect any action until next week.
  20. I've got a pretty common name, if I didn't want my profile I'd not bother removing it from the list. I guess it might be an issue if you've got a particularly unique name but otherwise unlikely to matter.
  21. There is a tick box under your profile now to never show your ranking. That should circumvent the possible problem of getting re-added
  22. An interesting approach, was it some fundamental disagreement with what Rankings HQ represents that made people pull out as I don't really see how some random website tracking how people have performed makes a difference to me. I currently have a profile from my WFB tournaments which places me safely around 200th place so clearly up there with the big boys... I've got 4 results to my name 2 of which were with very unusual builds that I took for a laugh. Tracking my results doesn't make me suddenly want to use the 'cookie cutter' builds just to better my placing. So I'm not sure why the top players felt the need to boycot something that only confirms what everyone already knew in that x,y and z are the better players in the country.
  23. I first and foremost am a warhammer fantasy player. Mass combat games of non skirmish armies have the biggest appeal to me and of those Ive heard of WFB is the one I can get a game of virtually any week of the year. I've currently got 4 fully painted 8th ed armies and am working on more, ultimately I'd like to have all 15. But I also like to play different games. I've got a couple of 40k armies, a fully painted company of marines and a virtually unpainted eldar army. I also have most necromunda gangs, a couple of bloodbowl teams and an epic army. Then outside of GW I've played uncharted seas and the space one. I've also got some infinity figs but I really only got them as they looked cool. Finally I'd say my other game is now going to be malifaux, h&wm is quite popular at my local club but it isn't skirmish and isn't mass battle, the mid game size whilst being individual models doesn't really work for me (also why I generally find 50k dull). Malifaux uses a small model count and focuses on objectives and strategies to make the games fun and gives a lot more variety to the gaming experience, plus not being dice based mechanic is refreshing. But ultimately it depends on uptake, if I can't get regualr games then it's likely to fade away as anima tactics did in my area.
  24. People still seem to be referring back to the grainy original picture in critiquing the sculpt despite the original sculptor posting up pics of the green from a couple of different angles where the detail can be seen far more clearly. While the posing may not be entirely to my tastes the quality of the sculpt is obviously far better than the poor original pic suggested. What I think the figure misses out on is that she's not packing any heat, most unusual to see her without the addition of a whacking great big pair of scissors to stab someone with!
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