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mr pokey

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Everything posted by mr pokey

  1. Playing with the crew creator. Has anyone ever taken, or heard of someone taking Lucius with 13 guild hounds in a 35ss game? It sounds like fun to me but a little expensive unless I proxy them.
  2. Thanks for all the advice! I got 2 more games under my belt last week. (I dont get to game nearly as often as I would like) and learned a lot more about how my crew, and the game works. One of my biggest misconceptions coming from a warhammer 40k background was that this is a war game, and its really not. Some of the schemes and strategies require that you try and kill models, but most of them require you achieve other objectives while trying not to get killed in the process (from my guild point of view anyway...) So now that I am not trying to do an anihilation style strategy the whole time I had a lot more fun with the game and was a lot more successful with the models I had. I decided to stick with 20 soul stone games while I still try to wrap my head around the rules, and I took Lucius, the guild guard captain, Ryle, and 2 dogs. I tended to take the bodyguard schemes for Lucius, and the schemes that required me to keep the enemy out of my deployment zone. I won the first game, and lost the second. I have found the dogs to be super helpful in activating objective markers. I may look into getting some more dogs to add to the crew if the right strategy came up. The guild guard captain is pretty awesome and durable but is probably more of a support character as his short shooting range is really frustrating. He is an awesome character to re-activate though by having Lucius saccrafice a wounded dog. once he has some guild guard at his side I'm sure I'll figure out how to use him more efficiently. Ryle is realy 50/50 to me. On one hand he is amazing because he ignores all the will power shinanigans. on the other side, he does not benifit from Lucius's support abilities at all. I generally used him to walk to an objective, and stand there with a look of "You want it? come get it." look on his face. which generally worked. Ryle never died. I like the idea of running lucius, or the captain right behind Ryle, as they both walk slow, and letting Ryle run 4" further every turn. Lucius is absolutely a support character, and Ive found he needs all his soul stones to deffend himself. Might just be the crews I was facing, but Lucius had to make a ton of willpower checks, and He was not good at passing them without using stones. He is however a very tricky guy, and is far more dangerous as a support to other models than he is himself. I'm still getting to know him, and while I think there's a lot of masters out there way easier to use, and are possibly more effective, he is starting to grow on me. Going to try and get a few of my guys painted and get some more games in soon. I'll post pics of the crew once I've made some progress. many people have suggested that I take Austringers with Lucius. Whats the strategy of using these two together? thanks,
  3. Hi there, I'm new to Malifaux (only 2 learning games under my belt) and am currently building up a Guild crew. I bought the Lucius box set because I liked the look of the models. In my head I thought running this elite guardsmen style force with a bunch of attack dogs would be awesome, but then reading the rules, and finding out Lucius is a henchman, and not a 'proper' master, Ive been forced to re-think my crew building plans... In my first 2 games I got totally stomped. One big element of this is that I was trying to protect Lucius, when in reality, he should probably be leading the charge. I have played against a Seamus crew, and a Lillith crew, and both times I suffered badly for having living models. I'm still wrapping my head around the rules and strategies, but I think its clear that I need to expand my model selection outside of the Lucius crew box. I settled on the Ortegas as my next box to pick up. I like the gunslinger feel to them, I think Perdita and Lucius will mesh well together in 35ss games, and using Lucius's re-enforcements power to teleport papa loco where I want him, and then sacrifice him, sounds pretty good to me! I will be updating with my battle reports, and painting progress etc here. So if you have any suggestions for my on what to add to my crew, or what works well with Lucius let me know. I know a lot of people say to bring austringers with Lucius, but last time I tried they were not an option in the crew creator. Can you bring them if he is acting as master? or does Perdita have to come along as well? anyway, looking forward to getting some more games in next week, Ill let you all know how they go and ask for advice on how not to get stomped so badly. :-P
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