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Vlad the Mad

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Everything posted by Vlad the Mad

  1. I WAS actually implying that it works like that. It came up during one of our earlier games and I thought I've found the answer in this post: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10258&highlight=Riposte+trigger However, searching through the forums now, I see that most people play it differently - since when did this change?
  2. I play LadyJ as my primary master and I do find that Df 6 (and not one point more) would have been nice. However, I understand those who say that it might be overpowered as high Df combined with Riposte (eventually followed up by Onslaught) can be really nasty. She would still go down to shooting and spells, one point Df more or not. Maybe there would be some other way of making here tougher without increasing her Df, like giving her some other extra rule (HtW, Armor, Bulletproof or something else)?
  3. Unless the Waif has been updated as well, I have to agree with this quote. He has less freedom of movement, therefore a higher chance of him getting permanently killed. Unless of course he sacrifices his actions every turn to make himself "immortal", drastically reducing his offensive capabilities. But with his Df and Wd, I can see him dying much more often.
  4. I've only played Leveticus a few times so far, but on top of the cheap minions Rathnard mentioned, you might want to look into Killjoy and Bette Noir as well for some high cost minion options. You can sacrifice Levi to summon Killjoy "for free", and Bette will come out every time Levi (or anybody else for that matter) is killed/sacrificed. I've only played 25~30SS games with him so far, but six SPAs was enough in a SPA/Desolation Engine list, and I never needed more than four in a non-SPA/DE list at that size. I do believe however that you might actually need eight SPAs if you play 35SS and over.
  5. I'm not a Ramos player, nor have I played against him yet, so I will skip any Ramos advice as there are other people who can help you better with that. However, from the three games you described above, I can tell you that you do need to know a bit more about you opponents. "Know thy enemy." - it is true for Malifaux as it for all other completive games. You don't necessarily need to know all their cards by heart to play better games, but knowing some of the key mechanisms of their crews and models will radically improve your chances of winning.
  6. Stiched Together has 7 wounds. He just has an ability called "Does Not Die!" that lets him stay on the board a bit longer than usually.
  7. Thanks for the advice. I guess I'll be getting one pack of Stitched Together and two packs of Alps, as well as an additional Teddy (it's one of my favorite miniatures anyway!). Although I do actually have a Lilith crew, I'm probably going to hold back on a second Lelu-Lilitu pair for the time being, and I'll wait for Wyrd to bring out their own Madness 'till I decide whether or not to get it. Can't wait for Wyrd to get the November releases to the distributors...
  8. As somebody said, "The objective is to win, the point is to have fun." Puts me in the semi-casual group I guess. Mostly casual and semi-casual players around me so far.
  9. So, October has passed, and soon (or so I hope) we'll get to see the pictures of the nice new things that Wyrd has in store for the Dreamer. Well OK, only the Alps and the Daydreams, the other ones we've already seen... Anyway, I have a Nightmare version of the Dreamer and am wondering how to expand from here on. I have a Teddy, a Lelu and a Lilitu, as well as a lot of Nephilims. While I'll be getting at least a pack of Coppelius, Stitched Together, Alps and Daydreams, I am wondering if it wouldn't be prudent getting a pack more of Stitched Together and Alps. They are not really cheap, but the local shop has a 20% discount on Malifaux pre-orders. The question that really bothers me is, do I really need more than 2 Stitched Togethers, and more than 3 Alps?? Any advice appreciated!
  10. Thanks a lot for the all the advice - the Waldgeist discussion was particularly helpful. For the time being I'll just go with the Lilith box and a blister of Young Nephs and a Cherub. A Waldgeist will probably follow later on and I'll decide what to with Lord Chompy Bits when the box is released and I get my hands on the Rising Powers book. Once again, thanks for all the comments!
  11. Thanks for the advice - I followed your it and ordered both boxes, the executioner, gov. proxy and a convict gunslinger. Can't wait for it to arrive so I can start playing painting!!
  12. Hi everyone, I've been reading the forums for a while now, and finally decided to join the community as I'm about to go on a Malifaux shopping spree. I'm a beginner, and I'll probably start with the Guild and the Neverborn. As for the Neverborn, I was hooked on Lilith from the start, but also couldn't resist getting the Dreamer. I was wondering if you would suggest anything else to round up the selection for the start. I am currently contemplating the two totem options for Lilith, a pair or two of Young Nephs, and maybe a Teddy to use with the Dreamer in the future. I'll play Lilith only for the start, but after I get accustomed to the game I plan on playing the Dreamer as well. So, with that background, what would be your shopping list in addition to the Lilith Box? All advice is welcome!
  13. Hi everyone, I've been reading the forums for a while now, and finally decided to join the community as I'm about to go on a Malifaux shopping spree. I'm a beginner, and I'll probably start with the Guild and the Neverborn. As for the Guild, for the start I was thinking of getting the LadyJ and Sonnia boxes, and was wondering if you would suggest anything else to round up the selection for the start. I am currently contemplating the respective totems, the Executioner and the Peacekeeper. I'll play LadyJ for the start, but after I get accustomed to the game I'd give Sonnia a try as well. All advice is welcome!
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