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Everything posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. *lollypop lollypop ohh lollylollylolly lollypop*
  2. good luck people for tomorrow! im sad that i cant come and play too.
  3. *is lost* whats going on? about bases and malifaux irc! :s
  4. As she walked through the forest, the blood had dried into the cloth on her shoes and dress, she began to get cold. Gooseflesh running along the skin of her arms and legs she shivered and sat exhausted on a fallen tree. She noticed that the sun was setting and soon it would be dark, her shadow already extending. Smiling to herself she began to hum a tune, dancing forward, and time melted away until she ran out of breath and realised it was after midnight. The dark forest had turned from the protective shield into the danger she hadn’t foreseen. Sitting in the recess of a nearby oak, she collected some leaves off the floor and using the thin vines to bind the leaves together, created a little doll like the one she left in her room. Hugging the Leaf-Teddy, she drifted into a deep sleep. A little boy walked closer to the pretty lady who seemed to be clutching a bunch of leaves, and with a quizzical look upon his face studied the sight before him. The tattered dress, the bloody shoes, the jet black hair, the angelic face, she reminded him of someone. Footsteps behind him came beating up the forest path, and when they closed in on the boy and the woman on the floor, they slowed to a standstill. A 7ft teddy stood behind the child and lifted him onto its shoulders and growled softly thankful that no one was hurt. It looked at the woman without curiosity and turned on its heels. “Teddy! Look!” whispered the child, his eyes widening as he smiled at the woman still asleep unable to take his eyes off her. Her hand was twitching, and the leaf teddy in her hand broke free. As if it had a will of its own it grew at an alarming rate, one second the size of a small fist, the next the size of a human. It growled a deep growl at the child and the bear as if sensing a threat to the woman. When the little boy just laughed and clapped, it shrank at the same rate it grew then fell lifeless into the lady’s hand. “Teddy! I think Aunty Pandy would want to see that!” giggled the boy, to the Teddy’s annoyance. It was true the young girl did have a familiar appearance, and indeed Pandora would be very interested in the powers this woman had. As the teddy bent down to lift her, she woke up and let out a blood curdling scream. Teddy threw his paws to his ears and tried to block out the noise which didn’t seem to be affecting the child whatsoever, who coincidentally had to hold onto the stumbling bear with all his might. The girl flung her arms in the air and her head back, still screaming, she levitated high up, so her head was the same height as the teddy. Her eyes were jet black and her hair had turned golden. “Let go of the poor child!” came the hiss from the blood red lips of the woman. Teddy gaining stability on his feet now the screaming had stopped and growled at her, to which the boy giggled. Lifting the child onto a thick branch, teddy braced himself then hurtled towards the woman. As if knowing his move she flew over him and hissed readying for another attack. The teddy turned and charged again swiping at her, but she was too quick, and he ran into a massive pine with such force and speed he knocked himself out, much to the amusement of the baby. Hearing the laughter of the boy Aveline spun round and saw him clapping. Her hair haloed her face, giving off an ethereal look, then flew up to him and perched on the edge of the branch, in a cat like crouch. “Are you hurt child?” came her soft voice, as she regained control, her hair turning black again, and the warm gold colour returning to her eyes. She looked at him with concern that only a mother could have for a baby. “No! That was fun, can you do that again?!” hiccupped the boy in between laughter, looking down seeing Teddy still knocked out laid spread eagled on the floor. “I’m Aveline, what is your name?” came the melodic tone of her voice as she had regained full control of her gift. “I’m Kade and that’s my teddy you were playing with. Isn’t he fun?” he said clapping. “So he wasn’t hurting you?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowing. This time it was the boys turn to be confused. “Why would he hurt me? He is my teddy, and even though I’m big enough, and tough enough to go out on my own, Aunty Pandy makes me take him everywhere I go. I spose he is fun to have around. But Candy doesn’t have to take a Teddy, and neither does Dreamer. But then Dreamer does have Chompy and Candy is a bit vicious with her scissors.” He babbled on then sat quietly with a puzzled look on his face that only a child could have as he thought of his words. Aveline lifted him down and set him on his feet, began to take a few steps back and heard rustling behind them. Kade looked at the place that the sound came from then looked at Teddy who was still unconscious. His little face grinned as he knew what was coming. Kade toddled over to the rustling his little pudgy fist gripping his knife and out came a group of about fifteen Guild Guards, one particularly large and balding man stood right at the front. He stank of stale cigar smoke, and his yellowed toothy grin repulsed Aveline. He lifted Kade, ripping the knife off him, and held it to his face. “Ah! Here you are we have been looking all over for you! Don’t worry you little reject, this won’t hurt a bit” came the wheezy voice of the Guild Guard. “I think you should let go of me if I was you” giggled Kade looking at Aveline, seeing that her eyes had turned black. The Guild Guard looked at Aveline and chuckled to himself, licking his lips as he mentally undressed what seemed to him as a defenceless woman. Throwing Kade to his companion, he waddled up to Aveline, whose hands were clenched in tight little fists. “Ello lovely, a bit lost are you? Don’t worry, we are ‘ere to look after you lass. Was Kade here causing you grief? Shall we gut him in front of you so’s you can see what we do to the filthy Neverborns?” he said breathing that stale smoky breath all over her. “Don’t touch him” she whispered. The men were surrounding them, Kade had been gagged and bound, and Teddy was drugged so he wouldn’t wake up until they wanted him too. She was furious! How DARE they do this to them! To a child! Lowering her head, and then using just her eyes she looked at the guard closest to Wheezy, and smiled a menacing smile at him. He took his pistol and aimed it at her, his aim shaky. Raising her hand she clicked her fingers and he bent backwards in half, snapping his spine and everyone watched his body fall to the floor. Uproar flew through the group; they all aimed their weapons at her and watched her transformation continue. The Guards watched in horror as the woman flew up into the air, her golden hair billowing out behind her. Giggling to herself as she enjoyed the transformation this time, she spun around on the spot in the air, a perfect pirouette her bloodied tattered dress whipping around. As she played with the Guards, causing their hands to explode, and their eyes to melt, she didn’t notice a masked figure watching her from behind a tree. Only felt the dart that hit her in the neck. Her head going fuzzy immediately, she fell from the air into a heap on the forest floor, her eyes feeling heavy she looked up and saw the masked man, and the most intense eyes she had ever seen. Her head hit the floor as the tranquiliser took effect, and her hand laid out, still clutching the leafy teddy.
  5. yay! info on Lydia!! how old is she in this??
  6. hes lovely! i just want to give the stitched up a cuddle!!
  7. *blushes* Yes we will be seeing more of Aveline, and apologies for no paragraphs, there were some in my draft, but obviously forgot to add them in here! I have already started on the continuance and will post as soon as i think its ready
  8. TEDDY! hes BEAUTIFUL! *wants one of those free hugs...*
  9. She looked out her window staring blankly into the hazy woods ahead of her, watching the mist swirl around the trees like snakes wrapping themselves around their prey. The leaves had fallen many years ago, and never grew back. That was back when life and joy was in the world. As the young girl sat at the window, a tear slid from her wide golden eyes onto her rosy cheek and fell onto her lap, with many more to follow. No one wiped the tears from the childs face. No one sat her on their lap to comfort her. No hugs were there to soothe the little ones fears. She had to just take the punishment that was waiting for her, but she never grew used to it like the man had told her she would. Her head jerked around as she heard the footsteps approaching her room, and closing her eyes she took a deep breath and waited for the cruelty to continue like it had done countless times before. It wasn’t her fault she was naughty. She couldnt help the fact that she was different from the other children. Her hands shook as her wide eyes enlarged with horror as the door knob turned as if caught in slow motion. She turned her little head, her long raven ringlets flowed with every movement, as she began to quake. Looking out onto the forest, she closed her eyes once again pleading that this time that he would not come for her, but as the weatherbeaten hand clamped down on her little shoulder, the sinking feeling came as it always had done. “Come Aveline. Its time.” Came the same rough voice. Without opening her eyes, she got off the white wooden window sill and stood next to the man. He held out his hand and she took it, as she usually did. As they began to walk out of the pretty room her eyes flickered open and she looked back just in time to see the tops of the trees disappear as she turned down the hall. Her thoughts drifted off into the safe shadowy embrace of the mist and fog out there where the trees stood in silence. The man led her into the bright room where everyones faces seemed distorted where her eyes couldnt get adjusted to the intensity of the light. The other children gasped in fear as she walked by, her dainty features scared them as if she were a ghoul. The man let go of her hand and lifted her up onto the wooden platform, pushing her into the centre of the stage. “Now dance!” He growled, his filthy nails digging into her ribs.The dreadful light shone out at her, the audience’s hushed voices rang loud in her ears, louder than the start of the music. Breathing deeply, her concentration motioned towards the soft melody of the music, closing her eyes she began to move. Without having been taught, her dance mesmerised the entire audience. As she moved the crowd became more and more entranced with her. The fluidity of the music betrayed her as it had her captivated and made her move with such grace and beauty, that no one could understand how a 7 year old could move like this. One by one the crowd were so entranced by the little beauty they didn’t notice that their children were being taken from them. Even when the dance had ended, they cheered and left. They had forgotten about their own children. When the last person had left, the man lifted Aveline off the stage and winked at her. “We had a good haul tonight hon” He would say, a smile stretching the decrepit old mans face as he squeezed the shoulder of the child. “Yes daddy” came her deadend reply, breathing a sigh of relief. She had made him happy tonight, she thought. Then realising what she had done her heart went out to the children, and the parents who would come to realise they had lost their babies, she didn’t want to be in their shoes she mused. She had heard the screams and cries. Hell her own beatings caused her to slide in and out of consciousness should she ever disappoint him. He led her back to her room, gave her some food, and locked her in there. Glad there were no beatings today she went to her window sill and gazed out onto the deadened forest. Funny that, she thought, they are just like me. Beautiful and otherworldly on the outside, dead on the inside. And there she sat, gazing out onto the forest watching the mist and fog swirl around the trees, like snakes wrapping themselves around their prey. This went on for the next decade. The old man stole countless amounts of children, yet whenever anyone went to investigate him, they never returned. She looked out her window staring blankly into the hazy woods ahead of her, watching the mist swirl around the trees like snakes wrapping themselves around their prey. The leaves had fallen many years ago, and never grew back. That was back when life and joy was in the world. The young woman sat at the window, a tear slid from her wide golden eyes onto her rosy cheek and fell onto her lap, with many more to follow. Breathing in as she looked outside, her gaze turned into a glare, and this time her fear was replaced with hate. Her hands shook, but with anger, as she heard the footsteps coming up the stairs. Not even moving her head, the rage boiled inside her as she thought of all the children that had been massacred for her father’s greed and pleasure. The hatred in herself came out. Her golden eyes turned red. The sound of the rusted handle vibrated in her delicate ears, her anger causing her whole body to tremble. He stepped nearer to her thinking with glee that he had finally broken her. Until his body seized up, unable to move, his eyes widened with terror as he saw the body of his little girl, but the eyes of a horrific beast. She threw her head back and screamed the same high-pitched shriek of a banshee, then snapping it forward, she began to levitate never taking that blazing bloody stare off him. Her left bone white hand lifted and pointed her forefinger at his heart which immediately began pumping harder as if he was being drugged with adrenalin. Still unable to escape he tried to scream, but his throat tightened stopping the sound dead. Turning her head so it laid on her left shoulder as if examining the old man she frowned. His skin started to split, first on his arms, He screamed. Then long slices began to crater his arms, then his face, chest, legs. When blood started pouring freely, Aveline lifted her head and smiled, listening to his screams as if it was music to her ears. As he passed out, her eyes came back to their golden colour, but even though she knew what she had done, she still smiled. It felt strange and different, but good. Stepping down, she walked in her white ballet shoes and white dress, through the blood, staining the shoes and rim of her dress and deep red. As she got to the door, she turned her head around, the swish of her raven locks tickling her cheeks, she pointed again at the old man, who miraculously woke up. As he screamed in pain yet again she clicked her fingers and every bone in his body broke into a hundred pieces. He slumped to the floor, still alive feeling the pain. Wriggling her fingers, a thick black thread stitched his mouth together. Smiling she walked out the door, locking him in the prison she was forced to stay in since she was born, leaving him to feel the pain in his muffled silence for ever. Stepping out of the front door, her eyes taking some time to adjust to the cold, she vowed from then on no child shall be hurt if she could help it. The mist wound its way around her welcoming her into its embrace, and as she walked on into the forest, she vanished.
  10. lol!!! make sure you feed him the yellow ones choco...
  11. lol ratty your insane! *cuddles*
  12. fine i will stay away in future
  13. lol ha that time in the cage sorted you out!
  14. no i refuse to bow down you little rat * picks you up and puts you in a cage*
  15. cant really reply to stupidity
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