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Posts posted by odinsgrandson

  1. Here is my interpretation of Kingdom Death's Warrior of the Sun.  When I looked over the fluff around this character, I realized that she's sort of a Shadow Dancer, and I created the starscape on her robes to represent this.  
    Kingdom Death definitely has some wonderful sculptors working on their resin line- the details were stellar and the mini was a joy to paint.  It is a shame that they're pretty much never in stock, but here's hoping the plastic versions look just as good in person as they do in the pictures.
    Overall, I was very happy with how she turned out.
  2. Here is the fine undead captain from Super Dungeon Explore.  I rather enjoyed painting him- especially the trimming.
    He turned out just a bit darker than most of my SDE, but I feel that this is working well with the undead feel.  I'll have to give someone pink hair to make up for it.
  3. Well, Roxxor is probably the toughest boss around.  Although a healing Von Drak can be quite a handful.
    My wife created a stone form for him as well- I don't have any pictures of that right now, but here's the big man:
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  4. Thanks.


    Right now, I started considering if I've seen a Malifaux mini that would want that kind of effect.  All of the Malifaux characters I've painted for myself have looked kind of neutral and moon lit (a far cry from the Sodapop minis that I've done).

  5. This is a mini that I painted up for a charity event a little while ago.  She makes me want to paint more Khadorans in this color scheme (maybe I'll do one of the Butchers for the P3 grandmasters sometime).
    Here are some images.
  6. I recently painted up King Starfire.  He's a leveled up version of the boss dragon from the core set- and he's a pretty sizeable mini.
    I rather enjoyed painting him up, and I felt that the starscape worked very well on him.  I used a simpler version of the starscape patterns on the original Starfire's wings, so I felt it appropriate to give this Starfire a more elaborate version.
    The dead knight on his base was a nice touch.
    He's simply huge for Super Dungeon, but we played with him the other day, and he's tall enough that the other characters can stand at his base without any issues.
    Here are some pictures.
  7. The last time my family all went into a game store together, my two year old loved looking through the Bones minis.  She even selected one for her mommy and one for me.  It was cute (even though we didn't get any of them at the time).
    But it turns out that her mommy was paying attention after all.  For my birthday, the two of them went back and picked out a mini for me.
    And it turns out that she was humming "itsy bitsy spider" all the way to the counter.
    Of course, I had to paint it up immediately.  I let her select the color scheme (purple is very important here, and pink was also requested as a secondary color).
    She's really been thrilled that her itsy bitsy spider is in the miniatures case next to the Balrog that her mother painted.
  8. Well, I've been spending quite a bit of my hobby time with Super Dungeon Explore minis, and I've got a few more to show off.
    My wife painted up her coven witch and skull bats first, so I felt that I needed to come up with something different for them.  I decided that I preferred to freehand the stars and moon on her hat, and here is the result:
  9. Here is a Vampire Counts army that I've recently painted (as a commission).  I was rather happy with how they turned out, especially the degrading metals on the cavalry.
    This client has sent me more batches of these, so I'll get more pictures of those later.
    Honestly, doing all of these Vampires makes me want to put together a Mordheim warband of them.
    Here are a lot of pictures for you:
  10. Well, I paint a lot.

    But if I'm considering something for competition, then I hold onto it. I didn't have another crew to enter for Gencon this year, so I entered some Super Dungeon heroes and these.

    This crew didn't win anything, which is fine (several of my other entries were awarded).

  11. This is a repaint of a fairy statue that I got from a local gift shop. For those of you following these, I actually got it from a different shop than the other fairies I've painted.

    I went for a strong mood with this mini- every color on her has a sea green added to it (this was a mix of Gnarls Green and Meridius Blue). I was rather pleased with how the mini pulled together in the end.

    I've posted her up to CoolMini for anyone who cares to vote.





  12. A while ago, I got a massive oracle dragon for an Iron Kingdoms RPG. IK dragons are all colossal godlike creatures, and need something crazy huge if you want to represent one on the table. The base was made out of an old clock from Walmart.

    This one is Charsaug- one of two dragons that fight the giants of Bemoth. He bathes in lava and melts weapons that attack him (really, the D20 rules for him were pretty cool). We'll have to do some converting into the new RPG rules set.

    He's just been finished, and here is the results. And if you care to vote, I've posted him to CMON.


  13. Well, I posted up my squad Lorenzo as I painted them up. But when I finished off Squad Gideon, they didn't get photographed right away.

    So, here they are. I had a bit of a block going into this set, as I wanted to have something subtle show the difference between the two squads, without making them look like they were from a different chapter. In the end I chose to make all of the jewels a different color (Lorenzo's squad has blue jewels, rather than the green ones here).






    Also, I updated my Librarian Calistarius. I had originally painted him with metallic metals, and without dark lining. Last thing I did on the set was paint him in Non metallic metals to match the rest of the Space Hulk set.


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