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Posts posted by odinsgrandson

  1. Well, after playing quite a bit with the epic version of Magnus, I decided to paint up the non-epic version. The color scheme for the force features a number of closely related blues, and a generous amount of battle damage and hazard stripes.

    So here he is, the future warlord, Magnus the Traitor:


  2. I hope I can give him the painting justice he deserves. Max the Dreamer has hit my painting table (not hard) and is primed. I aim to have him painted up over the next week or so.

    I will put up pictures in this thread when complete!


    We unanimously hold our breath in anticipation. Also, we turn a little blue.

  3. Looking good! I dig that they have a sense of movement to them. Something a lot of Jacks I see seem to lack any form of action.

    Yeah. Most 'jacks are at least a little bit poseable, but it is really easy to give them a very static pose.

    The first one's pose isn't even a conversion (I swapped out the head, but that didn't change the pose). The second one had his legs cut up and re-positioned a little.

  4. It is just wrong to play either version of Magnus without a pair of Renegades. I mean, these little guys are practically the whole reason you're playing Magnus to begin with.

    So here they are, painted to more or less match my other Magnus Agenda stuff. The base on one matches the first group of 'jacks that I painted (and Magnus1) and the second one's base matches epic Magnus and the battlegroup that I painted for the P3 Grandmasters.

    Anyway, I posted these guys up on Coolmini, if anyone cares to vote on either of them.





  5. I am skeptical of both of those rumors, mostly because they've been going around for years, and so far we haven't seen a thing on it. I mean, they were supposed to come out before Blood Angels and Dark Eldar, so who knows when they're actually slated.

    Now, both branches of the inquisition will get some update sometime (unless they go the way of the Genestealers, Squats and Kroot) but I'm not sure that any of those rumors were accurate.

    And who knows? Maybe eventually they'll do the Deathwatch/Ordo Xenos book that's been rumored for the past decade.

    (and sorry to derail the thread)

    Nah, that's ok.

  6. Superb conversion. And hey, he's a Dark Angel, they spend lots of time brooding and being secretive. That really does leave little time for wargear maintenance.

    Um... yeah, what he said.

    Actually, I mostly go for whatever I think looks best on the mini. I think this works for him on a compositional level better than without the long term wear.

  7. Holy crap! That's a perfect ability for Mami Lacroix (you know, the Abuela Ortega copy that is going to appear someday.)

    "why ain't you married when you got a pefectly good brother at home?" target Kin moves into base to base contact with ophelia and gains reactivate.

    Holy crap, you're right.

  8. Ok, Luke and Leia is just wrong. So much creepier than zombies.

    These are ridiculously cool. Great job. If they happen to send you a picture of the full cake with these on top please post it. I'd love to see that.

    Definitely. I mean, I'd love to see it too.

    Now, they aren't getting married for a few months yet (they planned ahead really well, as one should do for a wedding). But if they send me photos of these guys on the cake, I'll make sure to let you know.

  9. Man, I have some of the best clients ever.

    One of the projects that I did a while ago was to convert a pair of cake toppers into apocalyptic figures (one was a zombie, and the other was a survivor in a gas mask).

    This time, my client wanted a bride and groom fighting off the zombie horde (the clothing in this diorama matches theirs).

    So, here they are:





    Each time I do one of these, I have to think "Man, I wish I had this idea back when I was planning my own wedding. My wife would have loved it."

    Anyway, onto you for comments.

  10. By the way, I talked to one of the Soda Pop guys while I was at the CMON booth, and he let me know that the Super Dungeon rules were still a little ways out. The system they had was a rough start, but they're still early enough in development that anything could change.

    Of course, they had tons of people playing it and the guys demoing were the guys in charge, so I'm sure they'll be keeping the things that people really seemed to like. And Super Dungeon Explore minis rock.

    By the way, they're planning on releasing a rules set to go with their Anime inspired range first- I think the name for it was Relic Knight. Word is that that game is actually farther along in development and should be released soon.

  11. Thanks for the info.

    Right now there's a local store that's doing a sale on their old Rackham stock. I'm planning on rummaging through it tomorrow.

    Also... NEWS! I found out the name of the company that makes these dragons.

    I went back to the little store, but they only had a tag that said "Made in China" on the dragons. However, when they sell them, they put them into boxes that say "GSC" on them.

    I haven't yet found out what the GSC stands for, but I found that they make quite a few Dragon Statues.

    Here are a few of them.

    Also, I figured I could post up a few pics of dragons to give you an idea of what he looked like before I painted him:




  12. I have one, cost $450 from Ludiks.


    I'm honestly trying to remember how much the Arklash dragon was when he was brand new.

    It is tough to say whether Confrontation minis are going up or down in price sometimes, but that one definitely looks like an escalation.

    Here's hoping that someone starts producing the old minis for collectors and painters.

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