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Posts posted by odinsgrandson

  1. Wish I knew. I'm hoping to find out myself. The GenConMiniPainting page hasn't been updated since March, and I haven't seen anything here either.

    I wrote an email to the person in charge, and she told me that the only new entry since March was that Reaper adding an award for Heavy Gear minis.

    Wyrd has supported a Best of Wyrd category for quite a while- longer than Malifaux has been around (they used to have a 50mm zombie chihuahua mini as the trophy). Last year, I felt like the number of Wyrd minis in the case was quite a bit higher than before, and they totally dominated the squad/group category with Malifaux crews.

    I'd be a little sad to see it go away. Of course, the reason we don't have an official response right now might be because someone from Wyrd is going back and forth with Amy Steggman right now, and they don't want to half-announce anything.

  2. The real trick to that green is the red shade wash. When you want to neutral out a color, consider shading it in its compliment. Since the colors mix into grays and browns, the shade was will neutral the brighter colors out and at the same time give them a little more depth to the contrast.

    The highlighting on the green fur went up to a bluish off white, and the belly color went to a warmer, yellowy bone color. Really, only the base color is actually green, everything around it is pushing it towards other colors.

  3. So, a little while ago Wyrd had a limited run of a box of five teddies for Puppet Wars. They each have different rule cards co-responding to their coloring.

    So they had to be colored appropriately. Here are the five I've done for a client:






  4. The metals started out with Tinny Tin (Vallejo) and from there worked my way up to Pig Iron (P3) shaded with a black ink (Higgins) then highlighted up to Mithril Silver (Vallejo).

    The key is actually the tinny tin that I started out with. That color lends quite a bit of depth and variety to silver metals.

  5. Ok, I've started painting up Kobolds from my Super Dungeon set. Here are the first three of them to be finished.

    One note here- I'm intentionally painting all of the kobolds differently for a couple reasons. First, my wife wants to paint a bunch as well, and we don't want to worry about them matching. Also, both of us were feeling a little sick of painting units, so painting them each as individuals should help them look terrific. We're going to try and make them match in style, but no two kobolds are going to be colored the same:






  6. Neato! Looks very similar to what I have planned for mine. Almost exactly like I planned mine. lol

    Though mine will contain mixes between brown and pink more than purples, etc... Here is one of the Sorrows I have finished. A tad bit more pink and at the bottom brown. :)

    My wife used a pink and brown scheme on her Pandora crew. She used a dark green to compliment it.

  7. The brasses are very sharp; I wish I could get mine to look that nice. Kudos on the Hoffman repose, too; it looks very natural, and his dangling feet do a surprising amount to add a bit of drama to what is otherwise a rather static pose.

    Yeah, I agree. I can't take total credit for the conversion though. There's a thread on these boards showing how to convert Hoffman this way, and while I didn't follow it 100%, it did give me the idea.

  8. Very nice.

    Trying to convince myself I can do OSL on Marcus justice

    Well, you probably can do it just fine. The way to greatness is to do something you aren't totally sure you can pull off.

    Usually, you'll find that you can (and it takes way longer the first time you do it).

    And if you screw it up completely, the worst case scenario is a wash in pinesol, making you have to paint a beautiful mini a second time.

  9. Here's C. Hoffman and a crew I painted up for him just a little while ago. The magenta is thematic for the whole guild force- all of them have a little bit on them.

    C. Hoffman was converted to make him look a little more like a frail little man being carried by the apparatus attached to him (client's request). Mostly, that just meant lengthening the legs and arms a little, and giving it a little bit stronger pose.

    Well, here they are:






  10. Wow....

    I hate you so much right now =D

    I literally have my desk covered in unpainted PW miniatures and I'm staring at some of the best painted puppets I've ever seen.

    Marcus is particularly awesome.

    But I will say that perhaps the bases don't to the paintjob justice, but with minis like that I don't think anyone's gonna care =]

    Keep 'em coming!

    Well, I was hoping to inspire you to paint your puppets rather than just rage at me, but it is always good that people have an emotional reaction...

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