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Everything posted by odinsgrandson

  1. Ok, I've been able to paint up some of the newer Malifaux minis recently (these are all commissioned pieces). Anyway, here are some of the Ten Thunders minis. I have to say, the Wyrd plastics are really nice, but also very different from their metal miniatures line. I've got a bunch to show off: Oh, yeah, and one more:
  2. Well, here's the Hellbrute done up in Night Lord colors. Dead fleshtones and lightning freehand are pretty fun to do.
  3. I decided that my party of Super Dungeon heroes really needed a barbarian with a sort of William Wallace theme to her. William Wallace theme to her. So, I got to painting. I also finished some chests:
  4. These transitions were mostly done using two brush blending- I believe there is a youtube video of either Ali or Mike McVey showing off the technique. I had a hard time with people explaining it until I watched Matt DiPietro use it at the Ace of Aces (Gencon). I really like this technique, and will definitely keep using it. The lips were lined first- I took a dark color (I think this was Reaper's Burgandy Wine) and painted on where the lipstick should be. After that, I highlighted up the lower lip and finished it off with a dot of white to represent a reflection. The lining on the lips allows you to alter her expression a little- you can make it curve up or down on the edges to create a smile, smirk, frown etc. The eyeshadow was done by mixing a dark-ish purple with the flesh tone. This was darkest right above the eye, then blended out into the flesh color from there.
  5. Ooh, thanks. That's actually been one of my life long dreams. One thing I'd like to mention is that Janci really stepped up the photography with this one. This background is a new one, and in the past we haven't gotten dark backgrounds to work (we had to fiddle with the settings and lighting before the mini wasn't being washed out). I'll be using this background again the next time I paint some minis that would look better without the sky blue backdrop.
  6. This is another Fairy Society figure that I've painted up for a client, and I'm rather fond of the results. She's kind of a sweet little diorama. I've posted her up on Cool Mini for those of you who care to vote.
  7. Here's a mini that I painted up a little bit ago for Gencon. The Dark Age category went a little under-represented this year, but I still felt like I put a good foot forward (he made first cut at least). I bet I'll make a PC for him sometime. I think he'd fit in in Malifaux pretty well. Anyway, here he is:
  8. Here is Rex the Ogre- I painted him for the Gencon Painting competition this year, and he took third place in the large figure category. And I've only just gotten around to posting him. While the sculptor was not credited (to my knowledge) I suspect he's a Jason Hendrix sculpt. The anatomy just looks like Hendrix' style. I've also posted him up on Coolmini for anyone who cares to vote.
  9. Ok, I painted this a while ago, but here she is in all her bloodied glory.
  10. Thanks. Cloudfang- Yeah, if you're working for someone in particular, you can feel out that person's feelings on blood splatter, grime, mud and such. In this case, I don't really know who this will go to, so it isn't easy to decide. Really, the deciding factor here was that this mini was so very difficult to compose- he has tons of fiddly small bits all over him, and almost all of them want to be in a medium neutral color that would create a messy composition. After I was finished and had him working, I didn't want to push my luck by adding more elements. By the way, that's a cool looking Storm Strider- I really like the Cygnus freehand there.
  11. Here's a miniature that I painted up for Clash for a Cure- a charity tournament that's going on later this month. He has to sit next to miniatures donated by a lot of top painters, including some of my very favorites. By the way, if you live in Texas or close to it, Clash this year is doing Malifaux as well as Warmachine. As a side note, this guy has tons of details on him. I don't think I've painted a mini quite like this since Kromac the Ravenous. And for some reason, I haven't yet checked if they're by the same sculptor.
  12. I think that the shovel is a traditional zombie fighting for a reason. They're everywhere- no need to raid the local militia- and they're quiet. On the quiet side of things, the bow would actually be a decent anti-zombie weapon. Sure, it will be rough trying to take out a horde without automatic fire and a ton of bullets, but you might just manage to avoid the horde by not making loud noises like that. Anyway, here is one of the latest cake toppers I've made:
  13. Sometimes, I feel like posting something to these forums that is almost completely out of place here. Hence, this post. Here is an army of Galadrahim Knights that I was commissioned to paint just a little while ago. Well, pics or it didn't happen, right?
  14. Here is a force I painted up on commission recently. I really like the idea of using Menite colors on these Cryx minis, and I felt like the force as a whole looks as though Asphyxious and Denegra raised an army of exemplars. Here are the pictures:
  15. Well, here is a cake topper that I was commissioned to make. Most of the time, I create cake toppers where the survivors are winning, but here is something that switches that up a bit:
  16. Yeah, I felt like the Steamborge turned out best of the lot.
  17. Well, I keep up a blog where I frequently post write ups on different techniques. They are all linked on the side bar. On these guys in particular, one of the more interesting techniques I used was shading in complimentary colors. The green is all shaded with red, and the highlighting is almost all done with a cold frostbite (off-white) which helps make the minis look like they're in similar lighting. And I tend to think that most Malifaux minis should look like they're moon-lit.
  18. This is a crew that won the first place for the Unit category in the Gencon Indy Painting Competition. Someone on Eric J's blog wanted larger photos. Here is the same photo only larger. But you have to click on them to see the full size pic. I'll get some individual pics soon. I started this crew a while back, and I had already finished Ramos and posted him up. So, for the competition entry, I had to get the new Ramos and paint him up. The new sculpt is pretty terrific. Also, they're posted up on Coolmini for anyone who cares to vote.
  19. I could see that. Titan gets used a lot- I suppose I wouldn't have been surprised to see a Skorne titan, or maybe something from Reaper or Dark Sword.
  20. While he's not a Wyrd mini, here's a titan that I did just a little while ago. I'd love to see someone steal these colors for a Colette or Colodi crew. For credit- my client created the base (all I added was some gravel). It was also his idea to do up this titan as a harlequin. The color scheme matches his harlies, who are each black and white plus one of the bright colors featured on this mini. I've posted him up on Cool Mini for anyone who cares to vote. Well, here are the pictures:
  21. The new Warpwolf kit is probably the biggest departure from the previous looks of the metal warbeast kits. Overall, I feel like the Circle look has been sliding more towards this ragged, patched together leather with stitching look and away from the naked wolves we started out with. I was impressed by the amount of detail they got in the plastic fur. Unlike many plastic minis with fur and hair, there is no loss of detail near the mold lines. I'm not sure what they're doing differently in their casting, but I'm fond of it. Well, here's Ghettorix, followed by a more plain Warpwolf:
  22. Well, I started up the business 4.5 years ago, but didn't get the idea for cake toppers until around 3-3.5 years back. I missed my own wedding, actually. I got the idea to start these when I had a client request a set. They turned out great, I posted them on a forum, and someone else asked for a set. It just kind of spiraled from there. Here are a few more recent sets of survivors: And a few of the zombies that went with one set:
  23. Ok, I do a lot of these cake toppers. And that gives me more hope for the world. I mean, just think of how many people there are who will stand by one another through the zombie apocalypse (one of my client's actually added that to their vows). Anyway, here are a few of them... I have loads more to post, so I might put up a few more pretty soon.
  24. Thanks. I think at this point, I've painted every last puppet at least once, and quite a few of them a second time. They're really nice sculpts to paint overall- especially when you can find a good spot for source lighting on them.
  25. Here are some minis from Puppet Wars that I painted up for commission. Not a whole lot else to say, so here they are:
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