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Everything posted by popg0estheworld

  1. Basically, just an 18/0 liner brush and a lighted magnifying glass.
  2. I noticed that too- It is a result of making the base detail too small on the base, and then positioning her just off the rim. As opposed to rebuilding it, I just decided to suck it up and go with it. Good eye- that is one of my own criticisms as well.
  3. Thanks, guys. I understand the criticism with the doppleganger face- I wanted to make her 'pop,' but I probably could have gone a different direction for better results.
  4. Greetings all! I just finished my first model for my Colette crew- Colette herself. I am really happy with how Colette herself came out, especially the lace and fishnet. As for the placard, it came out a little sloppier than I hoped, but it isn't that noticeable in person. For anyone who is curious, it reads- Colette Du Bois' Star Theater Presents Cassandra in Les Farces de la Lune Fantastic Illusion! The easel is made from brass rod, chain, sheet styrene, and some bits from a Warhammer Empire cannon. The base is sheet styrene. Thanks for looking!
  5. Greetings, all! After a several month absence, I am suddenly obsessed with Malifaux again (brought on in part by some boredom with painting my Hordes Skorne army...). Anyway, I finally got around to finishing my Neverborn, and I thought I would share- Man, the Neverborn are a lot of fun to paint. Every model offers a unique and entertaining painting challenge. I posted my Pandora some time ago, and she is inspired by Delerium from the Sandman comics. Everybody else is pretty standard. Despite the fact that Teddy is such a simple sculpt, he is always a big hit (and I swear to god he drawn more people to the game than any other single miniature). Anyway, lemme know what you think. Thanks for taking a gander.
  6. Dude- Brilliant. Now we need to figure out the rest of The Endless... Marcus as Destruction? Rasputina as Death? No worries- always looking for constructive criticism. I'm not sure why I chose brown for the belt- a little more contrast could have helped there, for sure. The fishnets are more of an element of the interpretation of Delerium than any commentary on Pandora herself. My departure from the traditional was an intentional one.
  7. I'm glad somebody got it- I was starting to think I was the only one who remembered Sandman... And thanks to all!
  8. @ Daniele- There is a little green haze cast on her, though you can barely see it in the pictures. I didn't want it to take over and turn into a gimmicky source lighting piece, so I kept it subtle (maybe too much so). Ah, you noticed the allusion. Yeah, I purposefully made this mini as kind of a pre-avatar with the conversion bits. Good eye.
  9. Oh yeah- the skulls are from the Privateer Press Epic Asphyxious model, in case you are curious.
  10. Greetings, all- I finished my Pandora today, and I just wanted to share with y'all. I went kind of a weird route with her, and I am more or less happy with the results. I based her roughly on Delerium from the Sandman comics- an attempt to kind of tie in the whole dreamscape-weaver element of Pandora. If I ever do another Pandora, I will definitely make her black- her facial features have a much more African high-cheekbone thing going on, and I think it would work well. The mask on her back is freehand (the pictures don't really do it justice- I'll try to get better ones later), and the fishnets are done with an 18/0 liner brush. The box looks kind of globby in the pictures, but it looks okay in person- not sure what happened there. Baby Kade and Candy to follow shortly (and then Teddy, Sorrows, Doppelganger, Primordial Magic, and Poltergeist). Thanks for looking!
  11. 1.) Why that thought had not occurred to me, I do not know. In retrospect, it is obvious. Thank you. 2.) I like your math. You might have sold me. 3.) Still feels like a waste of an action.
  12. I read this after I posted, and it is a good point. Those first couple of turns without mindless zombies can be a big, painful deal.
  13. Thanks for the response, guys. Taking your criticism and advice into consideration, here are my remaining problems- Fresh Meat is great and all, but it it still a pain to get it to go off. You will have to cheat most of the time, and even then, it is not hard to meet the resist (and make your efforts futile- especially since opponents are aware of the massive effect it has). Hit CA stat is just too low- since pretty much everything has a Def stat at least one higher than Mortimer's Ca, casting something like Fresh Meat is an uphill battle. My first impression of Exhume was "Oh, wow, awesome! Free corpse tokens!" until I realized that Mortimer will get off two or three during the game, tops, and for his price I could just take three canine remains and kill them (either myself, or play recklessly with them and grab their little bodies with my Vultures), plus have a soul stone to boot. Also, as was mentioned, Nico should be played more as an undead booster, so the corpse tokens are a nice aside but secondary to my main ass-kickery. As for his ranged attack, see my criticism of Fresh Meat In short, I can see his utility against construct armies and corpse-purging crews, but I think Mortimer is going to spend most of his time looking pretty in my display case.
  14. Okay, I am preparing to get ripped to shreds here, but I am going to come out and say it- Mortimer does not seem to be worth his points. I ran my Nicodem list for the second time last night, and he has consistently under-preformed. Maybe I am just using him wrong, but here are my issues- His corpse-creating spell is unreliable at best, and usually requires a cheat His stats are pretty miserable, and he has a hard time casting any of his spells effectively He has to waste a lot of resources and actions to actually summon anything Yeah, his Companion ability can be cool, but it only hits stride with Canine Remains (which, for the cost, I could just field Sebastian), and I can't see any other real benefits to fielding him. He is a great looking model, and I had a blast painting him so I am not sorry I own him, but I just can't anticipate fielding him over the numerous other worthy undead options available to Nico. (Also, as a side note, I ran Killjoy with Nico last night and he was AMAZING). Anyway, talk me into using Mortimer, or confirm my feelings.
  15. Not that I have seen- I kind of developed my technique on my own. I will have to post a youtube video or something one of these days, because simply describing it never seems to do the trick.
  16. Thanks for posting this- I was going to go a much stupider direction with mine, and your concept is working out swimmingly (though I admit I did add magnets). I'll post when I finish mine too, with proper citations.
  17. In a word- no... but my secret lies in the use of Golden brand acrylic retarder. I mix it with just about everything but my base coats in order to extend my drying time and change my paint consistency. With a little bit of retarder added (usually mixed 1:5 retarder : paint ratio), you will find that you can blend your acrylics effortlessly. It takes a little bit of technique and practice (which is really difficult to explain), but it makes all the difference.
  18. Here is how I do eyes- I paint my base flesh tone, and then shade it. Next, I take some black, thinned down a little and mixed with a little retarder, and color the whole eye with it (using an 18/0 liner brush). Once dry, I take my flesh highlight color (using white will make your minis look bug-eyed... but if you want that look, like on Sybelle, go for it) and I use my 18/0 to paint in the light part of the eye (again, mixed with a little retarder to keep it from drying too quickly) leaving the black outline very thin on the borders. Next, using my 18/0, I paint in the cornea color. Then, using a Reaper 30/0, I carefully paint in the pupil. All of this is done under a lighted magnifying glass. I hope that is not too convoluted to help.
  19. Another addition to my crew- Bete Noire- For those of who who do not own Bete Noire yet- she is not the best sculpt in the Wyrd arsenal. Her facial features are a little odd, and she is generally two dimensional. I added the detail connecting her to the base so she would look like she was billowing out of the grave, and I bent her arms a little bit to giver her a little more dimension.
  20. Thanks! I think that if the smaller-syringe nurse did not have a cloth covering her face, she would be the better of the two models. Removing the face detail detracts from that sculpt somewhat, imho. Also, thanks to everyone for the compliments! I will have more to follow shortly- I am finishing Bete Noire as we speak.
  21. Alright- I have my basic crew box finished- The bases are a mix of Microart Studios and sculpted- the lamp post is from the Victorian Accessories kit.
  22. These look awesome. i am doing a Pandy commission soon, and I am totally stealing your color schemes/ basing ideas for it. Kudos.
  23. I tried to chain my lures together to get across the board quickly, but I just couldn't manage to get the order right. I just always ended up with a clump of Belles. I would activate Sybelle, move, lure a girl up, do the same with the rest of them and then double move with the last, and I still couldn't manage to cover the whole table in time. One problem was the deployment (corners), but still- rough.
  24. Update- I ran this crew configuration against Pandora tonight (my friend with the Viks was playing Warmachine), and it ran phenomenally. The punk zombie was just the added threat I needed, and I was able to achieve all of my strategies with relative ease (except "Destroy The Evidence," which seems next to impossible to achieve within six turns without running at least a pair of canine remains).
  25. I was thinking the same thing- for all the potential the copycat has, his stats are so low that you have to cheat to get him to do anything (including mistaken identity, which requires at least a 10 of Masks, unless I am mistaken). How about this- taking all advice into consideration- Seamus Sybelle Rotten Belles X3 Punk Zombie 2 spare soul stones for either the cache or something small (copycat or canine remains) This is based on the fact of a.) what I own and b.) the best of all worlds. I will try it out. Now the question is- do I keep the two spare soul stones or spend it on copycat (who we have established is sub par in this instance) or a canine remains (which would be insignificant and more of a harassing-future-corpse-token than anything else)?
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