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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. If you are looking to buff up the list from rising powers guardian, hunter and soulstone miner all make great options for ramos. Large spiders from my exp are not bad for 5 points however in jumping up to close double the cost they lose what makes the smaller spiders so great for ramos. They are no longer so cheep to make them easy to say hey lets just blow them up. Rare means you cant just spam them like little spiders. Unfortuently they are only have a little better stats, dont add any thing new that makes them stand out and no voltron tricks. Guardian next to ramos basicly just makes him a rock. He was never fast and this guy wont help it. What it does do it make it so many crews are compleatly ineffective when trying to take him out. He makes a great tool for some missions. This is a model you need to look at the mission and decide if you want him. Hunters add some great mobility and some lure ability to his crew. That being said dont let them get to far ahead of the crew or they will die. Soulstone miners are a great addition for ramos. They can become invincible when needed and have great mobility. As long as you plan ahead they can be very nice for some mission objectives. Others they suck for but you will know that before you take them so plan acordingly. They can also dish out some nice damage if your willing to burn a soulstone. Like I said with the guardian this is another model you need to look at the mission and decide if its the tool for the job.
  2. Keep in mind he can hire them as well as the spa. He also can summon spa to make one.
  3. I was planing on doing I want a hoffopotamus for christmas. But I have been pritty bad this year
  4. Simple version is you need to use constrict first. That gives you a ram on your fang strikes.
  5. Wait huh? Yup was worth a try or Yup he is coming or Yup just to confuse me The question may have been less then 100 % clear but given the thread the intent was clear.
  6. Pitty shield guardians are rare 2. I could see a 4 man team of them being great to take down guild
  7. Wow you can hit the dreamer? Must know some thing I don't I cant ever manager to touch the kid unless the crew is dead. BTW thanks karn for that guide local player read it and is now officially a menace to malifaux.
  8. That's an interesting thought thank you.
  9. I think you are saying your wife has great taste in cheesy movies
  10. I dont mean to be a jerk but sounds like the other guy did not know how to play dreamer. Normal dump effect would have chomp on your head who can activate before you have a chance to hit him. Then he is put away still before you can swing back. First rule of dreamer is not to leave chomp on the table to get hit. Second Most dreamer players leave at least 1 model back to guard the dreamer. Any one who drops his crew on your head and does nothing but die had very bad luck or new to dreamer. Also means you pulled 3 8 or higher masks. Thats some very solid luck.
  11. I could see that having limited effects given once fog is up they cant target them any more. Not saying its useless but limited. Was the result I had when trying this. That being said it works a lot better for mcmorning.
  12. Hooded rider is great vs shooty in fact immune so ya I dont doubt his power it was mostly just how effective would the dead rider be with alice reactivating him and pulling him to one wound every turn.
  13. I cant beleave not one person listed sho'nuff as the top master. Come on people he is the Shogun of Harlem.
  14. Again no malifaux at genghis con sigh. Plenty of lame GW crud tho.
  15. If its the terrain stuff they have had that stuff one the site for months. It lists Feb. Other then that it would be cool to see what else comes out.
  16. Cant do that its a league game I am stuck with one master for the duration.
  17. Eh I just don't think those models have any real effects making them great for her except the gunsmith. Most models have some sort of effect with there master I just don't see it with them.
  18. Cant understand why. Never had much issue with her. Then again I just load up on aoe she don't like them much. So just curious karn what would you field at 30 points vs perdita crew.
  19. Who don't they blow through like tissue paper?
  20. The goal of this is to hit and run to force the Ortega crew to advance forward to me rather then me coming to them. I will probably take 2 dogs with the last 4 points. Burn dog activations then waif then alice can give reactivate and walk once as that will still put her well out of range of the other side. Levi can then kill a dog and make another waif. That means the other side would have to do 6 to 7 activations first turn before the dead rider would make its charge. Even if the plan wont work out due to the other guys actions its not like I am screwed just because I took 2 riders and Alice as they are all solid models for levi outside of the tactic.
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