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Everything posted by tadaka

  1. Yes I am in agreement with the rat. Kirai is another of the very top masters to fight hamlin. Every time rat swarm dies any where close to her she gets a full set of shisin. I just used models to pick off his stolen and then went for hamlin. He could not sac the stolen be cause it just got me closer to my goal. His only option for sac models was rats. Basic things to think about with hamlinwhen playing hoff. Get try and get your crew just outside of his range. This puts you out of range of the rats and means he has to walkforward to hit you. The down side to hamlin is his crew must stay together or it falls apart. The rats get out of range they die and dont come back. Rat catchers get 2 far from rats they lose armor. Hamlin gets 2 far from stolen he cant come back. Use ryle to pick off stolen he unlike all most every model in the game ignores there wp test. He also has amazing range to do so. This model is great for forcing hamlin to move to you.
  2. What? Counter dependant? Hoff needs no counters. If he gets them its nice but he hardly needs them. Hoff is actualy one of the best options to kill off Hamlin. Peacekeaper and hunters are great for pulling hamlin away from his stolen and killing him. Ratcatchers same thing pull them in they lose armor and go down like a chump. Hamlin is a very powerfull master you are right but if you played this match up you need to try it a few more times. Hamlin is good but imho just joins a the couple of other top tier masters who could probably use a nurf. All kind of pointless tho Hamlin and or his crew will probably change a bit some where. Personaly I am just thrilled I have an ooutcast option to go with levi to face the crews that levi sucks vs.
  3. Your right in that range is an issue so much as range is an issue for every action you take. Again not saying its a solid tactic just some thing fun to try. My point in the post was that where as with somer there is no control for this tactic to make them grab objectives this option has more but still limited control. For the most part this is a crap plan I get that. But can it work for some missions sure just not a lot. Can it be fun hell ya it can. Having models to sac is not exactly an issue for this crew. Hamlin makes a stolen Hamlin sacs stolen makes a model do as he wishes. Hamlin sacs the rats and makes second model do what he likes. He can do this every turn no special suits required. Being that this idea cant run any thing but Hamlin and piglets using his summons to sac every turn changes nothing for the crew.
  4. Well that's only sort of true. Again not saying this is a valid tactic by any means but Hamlin can force them to take 1 actions if you could end them in position take the action by obedience. Pig charges only have to be taken during there activations. Very limited but it can be done.
  5. Woot Ropar gave me an offical rule pig swarmin here I come
  6. Sand obviously you have strong fealings about how broken ham is. Just based on what you said I think you may want to know a model with a blight counter suffers +1 wound for one or more counters. Does not say +1 for each blight counter. Rat can not one shot a hoffman with 4 armor. It would hit do 1 or 2 damage and then be left with 1 wound. The one wound would become two wounds. That being said your 100% right that a pack of rats can crush anything.
  7. Well did some research and your right. I got to say I cant for the life of me figure out how some one was suposed to get that in the rules. Every one I have ever played vs has never questioned immune to inf preventing terifying and the like. This makes alip bombs much scarryer as you cant even take immune to inf as a counter as it would work the same way. I cant wait for this new rules manual I realy hope it does a solid job of makeing the rules clear. Edit. Just to avoid any one being lost on this. Its important to note that just because it is a simple duel does not make it bypass immune to inf. For example if you cast a spell on a target it is 2 simple duels not an opposed duel. It is the targeting that makes it an attack and as an attack it has a defender. Terrifying is not an attack per the rules and thats why it is not effected.
  8. Cant say i agree with that. Per the book Defender, Defending model Model respinging to an action in a duel. Says nothing about a opposed duel to be a defender. Perhaps you can expand on how you came to this I could very well be wrong but I dont see how you come to that.
  9. Eh I dont think its going to be a solid list by any means. There are probably some missions/crews it could work vs but overall im just thinking it could be cool. I think this would play out very very different for hamlin then it would for somer. The fact they are not insignificant for him means some missions they can do for example turf war. The pig crew would be all over the other side of the table on turn 1. not only would the other side have to deal with 10 or so rampaging pigs they would have to get them moved out of there side of the table. one of the other side makes it over to your side have hamlin charge them back over to the pig storm. Personaly I think its bigest limit is the pigs go over one at a time and get picked off. Vs most any crew you are probably going to lose 3 pigs at least the first turn. Only real saving grace is a decent number of wounds and 6 df.
  10. He cant take war pigs unfortunately. Never thought it was a solid idea just an intresting one Vs some crews it would be a strait out loss. For example vs another Hamlin rat crew they would just kill re spawning rats and be useless. Vs some crews it might do better. However
  11. Well given the point is to take just Hamlin and pigs there would be no danger to your crew you just would not be able to control them. Basicly they run rabid over the other guy or they stand there and do nothing. Even if they ruled he could be targeted you could get it off just by parking hamlin behind a rock.
  12. Wish I was 70% of the way done with my painting. Currently I think im up to 77 models only 32 painted Sad thing is i have 16 more on order. And then Hoffman, insidious madness and rat catchers will be out so thats like 15 more. I will never be caught up on painting.
  13. I do plan on running this I am just wondering what ever one else thinks on the targeting. I will probably proxy it up and give it a go this weekend. Personaly I think it should work just because it is awsome and well its the only way he can use the the piglets. If he takes any other models they would just smash your own units. I will see If I cant do a bat rep with it this weekend and post it up.
  14. Want to make sure I got this right. Piglet stamped targets the closest non pig model in los. Being as hamlin cant be targeted do pigs not take any actions or will they just ignore him and charge some thing else. Asuming they charge some thing else could be a lot of fun to just have a bunch of pigs running all over and hamlin running around getting objectives.
  15. You are right that even sacrificed stolen make rats but the also cost 1.5 times as much as a rat. It depends on how rat heavy you want to go. If the other guy has a decent way to pick off your rat catchers you can lose a lot of rats very fast. I think it depends on if you want your crew to focus on hamlin doing the dirty work or the rats. If you want to be able to sacrifice a lot of models and let hamlin do his worst then go stolen heavy. Keep in mind rat swarms are very nasty and you get a lot more out of buying the rats directly. Stolen die very easy they are great if you get to sac them but if the other guy is killing them off fast your basicly buying expensive rats that make the other side make a wp check. This can be good vs some crews and garbage vs some one like hoffman who can run whole crews of immune to inf.
  16. Eh perhaps its just because every one around here plays ortega's im to used to how powerfull shooting they can be. Every time I have played him he does like 2 damage and goes down like a chump.
  17. Ryle ? Perhaps you have some sort of trick to share for him. He has done next to nothing for me any time I play him. min damage 1 is 2 low for such a high ss cost model.
  18. I think you need to scratch build an ashes and dust cotton candy monster
  19. Eh I find the watcher less then exciting just do the 0 min damage. In my exp it does nothing far 2 often. Its ok but nothing I feal is a must have.
  20. i have kiddos or i would sat. I sent you an E-mail if you think you could play a game tonight tho.
  21. Woot malifaux at the pack and ship place rock on I will so be there.
  22. Wyrd may not have changed him with the purpose of making him have less options but in the end it was the end result. To me that makes a nurf. nurf=made less effective. Perhaps you have a different opinion of nurf but this is mine. I was not trying to bash the decision just understand it sorry you felt the word nurf was unfair on this situation.
  23. I got to ask was this realy needed. Any one find the steamborg even close to op to need a nurf. If any thing i think the model needed some more love. Note: I did not say this bashing the decision I was asking out of honest questioning why it was made.
  24. It would be not be so bad if i would stop picking masters who can take any thing. My current masters Levi= all undead and constructs souless. Kirai= all spirits Marcus= all beasts Zorada = everything with low wp Hamlin will add in all ht 1 and insignificant.
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