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Everything posted by magicpockets

  1. Trouble is, ^^ doesn't explain where the Tyrants came from. But if they were real people (humans, Neverborn etc) who became powerful through soulstones and events like the breach opening then maybe they evolved into something like Levi is experimenting with now and got beaten by the Neverborn (iirc?) and their power diminished until these new vessels like Sonnia, Hamelin, Dreamer, Rasputina and Seamus (maybe Seamus - but that is then one per faction....) came along to give them a route back to their power? Wyrd are probably laughing at how off base this is, but seems to have a sort of logic to it (as logical as Malifaux is anyway!) Not sure it means anything in game terms, but would offer a cool Genesis story to the fluff.
  2. I agree on caution over bury/unbury limits per turn - that would hit Bette quite hard. In fact, Bette's way of doing it (i.e. you can't use either of bury/unbury twice in one activation) is possibly the right answer? So you can unbury, do stuff, bury - but not unbury again. Again , just an idea obviously
  3. I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but another thread reminded me of something I thought whilst reading Twisted Fates and wanted to bounce the idea. Are Tyrants the previous "Masters" in Malifaux? An I don't mean in a "power" state, but in a physical "game term" sense. This came from the Levi transcending his body story (with Zoraida) and me wonder if Nytmare, December etc were once physical masters who transcended their bodies like Levi in Twisting Fates, but almost like the "next stage" of development? It just seems like the Leveticus story really was telling us something and seemed to be a thread between the power that turned people into Avatars and Levi becoming more than his Avatar. Too be fair I may be talking rubbish and way off, but wanted to bounce the idea in case anyone can explain why I'm wrong etc.
  4. Took AGES to find because it's under a Drain Souls question, but here you go mate - http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?26417-Drain-Souls-questions As you get onto page two you'll see the conversation about this very thing with Sketch and this ruling vs the old damage/wounds ruling. Hope it helps bud.
  5. That started my day with a smile I told you, the kittens were an accident I really, really like this idea. Pick your Master in secret and then reveal it, much like schemes. I'm not sure if the Liverpool tourny is trying this in a few weeks (Ian? You mentioned it on the podcast) but would be cool to try it out to see how it goes. Easy tiger....
  6. Don't pretend you'd even noticed, you're all too busy spending the millions you made over Gencon to think about things like improving the game. (On a serious note, thanks for letting us know this is on your radar mate)
  7. Buhallin, obviously we've had many a conversation outside of this thread and hopefully you know I don't have any issue with you, nor do I take exception to your comments - I know I come off as abrasive to say the least. However I don't think there's anything I say which is unwarranted or not backed up, like Spiku says that's more than most of the rebuttals I get. It's just a shame that people (not you btw) think that responding to my "attitude" is the same as responding to the points I make - and it isn't. If people don't like that I call things as I see them (like in the other thread where I took credit for something and some folks got upset by that) then the best thing is to ignore what I say. I'm not in the habit of being mean to people or anything just for sport or in the name of so called trolling, I just don't feel a need to mince my words because people are more sensitive than me. And of course I'm not saying that's okay, but I dont think it's out of order either. And stepping back a bit, this thread has (inevitably) derailed hugely into something not constructive at all. I'll keep responding etc as people criticise me, but the sensible side of me thinks this thread would be best wrapped up with a padlock icon. ---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ---------- Have to admit, Kid Rock is a guilty pleasure of mine - even seen him in concert
  8. Kid Rock, sell out? How dare you sir....
  9. "They say I'm Cocky and I say 'what?' - it ain't bragging Mother F***er if you back it up" - Kid Rock, never a truer word spoken
  10. I'm not sure I can think of any negative implications to changing bury in this way to be honest. Maybe things like tracking poison and regeneration would be come more complex, but there's nothing abusive I can think of off the top of my head
  11. Two things, almost everyone hates me until they meet me - I'm not sure I know one person who's met me that doesn't "get" me or dislike me, which is why I'm not too worried about people disliking "MagicPockets" as I'm not him. Also, my point re posts (I take it you mean about posts in which people criticise me rather than my personal post count) was that people can ignore me, flame me or whatever - they have that choice. Broken rules affect us all and we can't ignore them so instead of complaining about personalities we should be looking at how we fix issues and stop them happening in the future. Reducing my (I think pretty valid) arguments and ideas to "shut up because no-one likes you" isn't a shining example of the welcoming community you're looking for. And if your "PMs and personal conversations with local playgroups" are really about me, some people have too much spare time...
  12. For what it's worth I'd +1 the "effects should resolve" idea.
  13. As mentioned, Killjoy + Collodi + Marionettes + Wicked Doll = win
  14. *insert "lets ignore the reality and all be nice to each other because we don't want to have our own opinion or risk upsetting anyone" meme here*
  15. Bury isn't broken.... you just need to learn to play
  16. This used to be the case but Sketch confirmed that certain death by either Wds or Dg isn't allowed now. There has to be a chance you could survive - even if that means flipping a black joker (best to work this out based on having a full deck, not the actual deck which could have had the Black Joker already played)
  17. I do think people over look this, but it's dangerous in respect of new players etc - they don't step back and think about the context of the comments because they don't know how that context works. SO we do need to balance our "vocalness" And thank you all for your comments etc, and keeping this thread on track
  18. Just to point out I didn't say ALL play-testers were average. And don't ask me to apologise for calling the kettle black (I hope that's not juts a British phrase - jic it has nothing to do with racism), I stand by my point and am just calling it as I see it. It's like letting me test-drive a new F1 track car and then the manufacturer complaining when a pro driver finds faults with it - you need the best people involved in testing, and they're the ones who can break stuff. Also, as for arrogance making for a horrible game - count the number of posts on here complaining about my arrogance and the number complaining about "broken" rules. I think the latter is more of an issue... And just for the record, I'm not p*ssed I'm not a play-tester (to be fair I was supposed to be involved in avatar playtesting last time but was too busy), my point is there's a LOT of very talented people on here who should be the first people to be asked by Wyrd to help. And if they don't ask, then it's not that person's fault if they break stuff and cause problems. ---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ---------- We can stop posting it so often now if people are getting it ---------- Post added at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 PM ---------- On a more serious note, I agree 100% with this.
  19. No thanks needed, I'm just keeping you onside in case it isn't Calmdown's baby, it makes the whole maintenance issue so much easier to deal with.... *wink* ---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ---------- And for the record, Maelstrom is a GREAT venue - just a shame they've made this decision and what it shows about the way they see us all...
  20. To be fair, I don't think anyone posts ideas (I'm trying to avoid the whole "broken" thing) in an obnoxious or rude ways. I think the people (person?) that's aimed at posts very plainly and just call it as they see it. I think the only time tempers have got frayed or things have got "rude or obnoxious" is when disagreements occur and strong personalities clash. (And for the record I've never been spoken to or warned about conduct by Wyrd, so hopefully that means I'm not "that" bad...)
  21. Firstly, none of this is aimed at Jo. I don't see how staying open to sell us drinks and having stock to sell us can be classed as something they do for us for free - if the beer was free fair enough, but come on. And as for the gaming side of Maelstrom ("free table hire...scenery"), isn't that part of their business plan to build loyalty and get us to buy from them? I know I buy exclusively from Maelstrom because I appreciate the venue they give us - even though I only go there once or twice a year. It's that's "supporting your LGS" idea I suppose. And like I said earlier, I have no problem buying food from them as long as I can choose what and how much I buy - or even if I buy at all. Telling me I have to pay for a low quality, fixed option meal as a condition of attending an event there just doesn't sit right with me - I feel like i'm being exploited or something. It's really killed any goodwill I have for Maelstrom. I know the problem because I do this for a living, they need to take a look at the difference between social norms and market norms, and how this "must buy food" thing could affect people's view of them - http://danariely.com/the-books/excerpted-from-chapter-4-–-the-cost-of-social-norms/ For this event, I've already said I'll come so I'll be there. But I'll now buy minis from somewhere else just out of principle. So, congratulations Malestrom - you just made £15 from me for some crap food, but that £300 I spent last month (and the not inconsiderable sum I spend every year) is likely the last penny you'll get from me unless I can't source a model elsewhere.
  22. I'll come just because that's the funniest thing I've read in a long time
  23. Did you mean to start a new thread? You really don't get how this forum works do you mate lol. Been playing Gremlins too long me thinks *wink*
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